
Sunday, March 16, 2014

SUNDAY STORY : My Cousin Kathy

From Literotica by Jayexx 

She is the girl next door. Literally. We still live in two homes on the end of a cul-de-sac, built and occupied by our families since the eighties, once the only two houses in this neighborhood on the outskirts of town. That was a few years before Kathleen and I made our grand entrances into this world. Kathleen is that girl next door – and my cousin.

Our fathers are brothers and business partners. Kelly Brother's construction is well known in our corner of the state. Grandpop Kelly started the business with his brother, Sean, sometime after returning from Europe in World War II. Sean died the year I was born, so I don't remember him. Kathy was born two years later.

Grandpop's given name was William, a name he passed on to his oldest son, my father, who everyone calls Bill. My mother's name is Sandy. I am William Dillon Kelly III. When I was young everyone called me Billy, but as I got into high school I worked very hard to get my friends to call me Will. That worked with friends and teachers, but not with family. I know that if I hear, "Billy," on the other end of the phone I'm talking to a family member. Kathy's father was named after Grandpop's brother Sean, but everyone calls him Red. Kathy was named after Grandmom Kelly and her mother, Deirdre, who I call Aunt Deedee.

Kathleen Deirdre Kelly isn't just my cousin; she is my oldest and best friend. We ran in slightly different circles in high school (seniors and sophomores don't have many activities in common), but still hung out together after school. We were the only two kids on our street.

I got my degree in Architecture and entered the family business right after graduation. I spent most of my time designing or modifying plans for the homes that Dad, Uncle Red, and the crews would build. That doesn't mean I wasn't called on when we were short handed or coming up on a deadline. I'd been hanging around the building sites since I was old enough to be trusted not to hurt myself. I can frame, lay sheet rock, shingle, paint, and even lay block in a pinch.

Kathy took a different path, studying to be a nurse. She's been working in the ER since she graduated. The work is tough, the hours tougher, but Kathy is tougher than both. Even with that toughness, and an Irish temper you would best avoid, the staff loves her and the patients adore her.

I'm sure you're wondering why two grown kids are living with their parents. There's really not much of a story. I had been out on my own since I graduated. I'd been dating a girl named Carol for about four years. We got engaged and even went so far as to purchase a house together. About six months before the wedding, and after six months of living together, we realized that things just weren't going to work out between the two of us. I moved home and I'm looking at one of the properties Dad and Uncle Red are working on now.

Kathy's tale is just as boring. She had been rooming with one of the other nurses and, for the past year, her roommate's boyfriend. It was an odd enough arrangement until her roommates decided to get married. Kathy was the maid of honor, and moved back home while the newlyweds were on their honeymoon.

Grandmom Kelly passed away two years ago leaving Grandpop alone for the first time in over sixty years. Grandpop continued to come into the office once or twice a week. He'd sit at his desk, talk to clients and suppliers, and discuss current projects with his sons and grandson. He died, asleep at his desk, two weeks ago while Dad and Uncle Red were on a job site and I was meeting a new client on the other side of the county. At the funeral several people mentioned that at least he passed away at a place he dearly loved to be.

"Billy, are you ready?" mom called up the stairs. "We have to be at Mr. Haverty's at ten."

I was already descending the stairs, wearing my best khakis, dress shirt and shoes. Mom gave me a look that was somewhere between approval and "at least you're not wearing jeans and work boots."

Mr. Haverty had been our family lawyer for as long as I could remember. His office handled all the legal work for the business and whatever personal needs we had. Kathy and her folks were waiting for us in the driveway and the six of us piled into mom's big Dinali. Dad drove while mom rode shotgun. Uncle Red and Aunt Deedee were behind them in the second row while Kathy and I, as we had been from station wagons to mini-vans to SUVs, were relegated to the back.

Kathy gave me a look that was almost identical to mom's. I guess you could say that I wasn't well known for my fashion sense. Kathy, on the other hand, looked great. She wore an emerald green dress with a cream colored lining that showed on the folded collar and short sleeves. I briefly noted that it fit her very well as I allowed her to precede me.

Kathy was equally comfortable in her work scrubs or dressed to the nines. Ever since she started nursing school she would wear one of the dozens of pairs of scrubs she owned as we hung out at one house or the other. She even used one of her scrub tops as a cover-up over her bikini when we would hang out by her parent's pool.

Kathy is only 5'2", but she inherited Aunt Deedee's figure. Stacked is one word you could use to describe them both. Her scrubs concealed that fact, but couldn't truly hide it. The dress she wore this day did neither. I had often heard her complain to our moms that her hips and butt were too big, something none of her various boyfriends had ever done. I certainly didn't see the issue.

"I am very sorry for your loss," Mr. Haverty said as we took seats in front of his large antique desk. It was a loss for him, too, I thought. Even though Mr. Haverty was dad's age, he and Grandpop had been friends. I know that they had gone to lunch together at least once a week.

Mr. Haverty began listing the provisions of Grandpop's will. There were substantial donations to the VFW and the Wounded Warrior Project. The business, to no one's surprise, was left equally to Dad and Uncle Red. The document arranged for all his debts, few as they were, to be paid from his assets. Everything was listed neatly on the sheets we held. Bank accounts and a substantial stock portfolio were to be liquidated. Kathy and I were each given $15,000. The rest was split between our parents.

"Finally," Mr. Haverty read, "I leave my home and all it's contents to my grandchildren, William Dillon Kelly III and Kathleen Deirdre Kelly, share and share alike." I was stunned. I looked over at Kathy and noted the surprise on her face as well.

Our grandparent's house sat outside of town on nearly five acres of property. It was a good size home that Grandpop had built just a few years after starting his business. The exterior was stone and wood with a porch that extended the entire length of the long front. There were four bedrooms, three bathrooms, formal living room and dining room, an unbelievably comfortable den, and a country kitchen that could be in a magazine.

As old as it was it still had all the modern conveniences while maintaining it's original style. Grandpop called it his "project." Grandmom, with a twinkle in her eye, had called it "his mistress." The house had been lovingly maintained over the years while the plumbing and electrical system had been unobtrusively modernized. The house was even wired for cable and data.

Grandpop's house was the main topic of conversation as our families ate lunch in our kitchen after finishing at Mr. Haverty's. As we talked, it seemed that our two best options were selling it and splitting the proceeds, or one of us buying out the other.

Kathy and I decided that we'd like to take a look before we made any decision. An hour later we had changed and traveled across town to the old house. I parked in front of the barn that held the old green tractor and followed Kathy up the front steps on to the porch. We hesitated for a moment before unlocking the front door. The house sure held a lot of memories. For nearly an hour we wandered through the familiar rooms, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

"I can't bear the thought of someone else living here," Kathy said as we sat on the couch in the den.

"Neither can I. It's been in the family for years."

"Still," Kathy said standing and looking around, "it's awfully big for just one person. I can't imagine how lonely it must have been for Grandpop these last few years. I should have visited more often."

"I know what you mean. Unless..."


I sat thinking for a moment before saying, "We could share the house. Like you said, it's bigger than one person needs, but we don't want to sell it to some stranger."

"I don't know if I could tolerate your constant parade of women," Kathy said with a smile in her voice.

"Hah. I've been on exactly two dates since Carol and I split up. You'll be the one with every Dr. Tom, Dick and Harry coming over."

"I wish. The last time I was out with anyone was at my roommates wedding. I got set up with the best man, her boyfriend's brother. He tried to cop a feel while we were dancing. If I knew how long this dry spell was going to last I might have let him."

I laughed. "Do you think we could make it work?"

"Why not," Kathy replied, "I know you're not a slob, you're employed, and you're a pretty good handyman. Besides, we've practically lived together our whole lives, just in different houses."

"Let's do it," I said standing up, "which bedroom do you want?

We walked back to the bedrooms and, without saying a word to each other, ignored our grandparent's master bedroom. The fourth bedroom had been converted into a workroom, complete with a drafting table, leaving our fathers old rooms. Without discussion we both chose our own dad's old room. There was a bathroom between the bedrooms, Jack and Jill (or in their case Jack and Jack) style.

"You can have this bathroom. I'll use the one down the hall," I told Kathy as I walked through the connecting room.

"Sure," she replied distractedly. She was already mentally redecorating her new room.

We shared our decision with our parents that evening. They seemed genuinely happy that the house was going to stay in the family.

The next day I was out at the property cutting the grass with the old tractor when Kathy drove up. She had just finished a shift at the hospital. She waved, went in the house, and emerged about ten minutes later with a couple of cold beers.

"You know what this place needs?" she asked as I joined her and took the offered drink. "A pool."

"They're not cheap."

"I know," she replied, "but it sure would be nice. Swimming relaxes me after a long shift in the ER."

"I bet we could get a good price out of the sub we use at work," I told her as I considered her idea. "We could use the money we got from the estate. That should more than cover the cost. I'll give them a call tomorrow," I promised. Three days later a backhoe was chewing up our back yard.

Over the next few weeks both families worked together to get the house ready for it's new occupants. Mom and Aunt Deedee went through Grandpop's things, keeping family heirlooms and donating some items to charity. The pool was finished and filled and I was given instructions on cleaning and maintenance. Uncle Red helped me install an outdoor kitchen while dad built a shed for the pumps and chemicals.

Our folks presented us with a nice outdoor furniture set as a gift when our families got together for a barbecue/house warming. Dad manned the grill, Uncle Red handled bar duties. Throughout the evening our dads shared stories of growing up in this house. It was a great night. The conversation turned to a relaxed silence, and Dad started dozing on one of the new lounge chairs.

"C'mon Dee, let's get these two home," Mom said.

"You take care of each other," Aunt Deedee told Kathy and I giving us a big hug, and then they were gone. I turned off most of the outdoor lights and joined Kathy by the pool.

"So, what do you think roomie?" I asked.

"It's nice," Kathy replied sleepily. "I always loved staying here. I wonder how long it's going to take until I feel like I'm home and not just visiting."

"I know what you mean. It really hasn't sunk in yet."

"Um hmm."

"You better get to bed," I said helping Kathy to her feet. "I'm too tired to carry you."

"Weakling," she said with a yawn. I locked up as Kathy padded to her room.

We saw surprisingly little of each other over the next few weeks. Kathy had rotated to the night shift and would get home after I had left for work in the morning. An hour or two after I got home at night Kathy would have to leave for her shift.

I was swimming laps one Saturday morning when Kathy walked out to the poolside table with a cup of coffee. 

"Hey cuz, I'm finished with my night rotation," she said.

Surprised by the unexpected voice, I wasn't paying attention to where I was in the pool.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled as I swam head first into the side of the pool.

I didn't think I had done any real damage, but for some reason Kathy was suddenly beside me in the water - shoes, scrubs and all. That's when I noticed that the water dripping between my fingers had a slightly pink tint to it.

"Am I bleeding?" I asked, stupidly.

"Of course you're bleeding, dufus. You tried to swim through a concrete wall."

"Gee Kath; are you this nice to all you're patients?"

"Only the ones I care about who scare the crap out of me. I don't think it's too bad, but let's get you out of the pool so I can take a look."

Before I knew what was happening Kathy stripped off her aqua blue scrub top, folded it and placed it on top of my head. I may have been dazed, but not so dazed not to notice that her satiny green bra turned very transparent when wet.

With Kathy's help I made it up the steps and over to the nearest lounge chair.

"Hold this right there," Kathy instructed me. "I'm going to go get something to clean you up so I can take a good look."

She hurried to the patio door, hesitated for just a moment, then kicked off her shoes, dropped her soggy scrub pants in a heap, then went in search of some supplies. As she returned I noticed that her matching panties were transparent from her unexpected swim too. A narrow strip of red hair was clearly visible.

She slowly lifted the makeshift bandage from my head then gently dabbed at the wound and told me, "The bleeding's stopped and you're not going to need stitches. It's really just a scrape, but you are going to have a nasty knot by morning."

As she continued her examination I continued mine. Her skin was pale and lightly dusted with freckles. If I looked straight ahead I was treated to a view of her big round breasts capped, from what I could see through the slowly drying material, with puffy dark pink areola and nipples. When she tilted my head down to get a better view of the wound I could see the already noticed landing strip and something green and gold to one side I couldn't quite make out. Was that a tattoo?

"What's that?" I asked, not thinking that my question would tell her exactly where I'd been looking.

"Hey. Are you perving on your nurse?"

"My hot nurse," I corrected her.

"Wow, you must have hit your head harder than I thought. You're delusional," she said as she finished applying a gauze bandage.

"Seriously, what are you hiding in those panties?"

For the first time since she had jumped in the pool Kathy realized just how exposed she was. She was blushing as she stood back. "I'm sorry Will. When I saw the blood on your head I just reacted. I didn't think I would be showing you, well, everything in the process."

"Everything, as you called it, looks fine to me," I assured her. "Now what is that tattoo?"

"It's, it's too embarrassing."

"Look, I can see your tits - gorgeous, by the way - and I can see how close you shave, but you're embarrassed by a tattoo?"

She was blushing furiously now, the skin on her chest and face competing to match her fiery red hair. She hooked her thumb by her right hip and slowly inched the green cloth down revealing the permanent art work. In the process she also exposed the top of her coppery pubic hair. The figure was down so low that it wouldn't be revealed in even her tiniest bikini.

"It's a Leprechaun!" I declared, startling her to a stop. "And is that a rainbow? Is there a pot of...oh," I said, realizing where the rainbow led.

With a final push she revealed all. And I mean all.

"No one else has seen this except the girl at the tattoo shop who did it. I'd ask if you like it, but I think I already know the answer," she said with a giggle, glancing at my seriously tented trunks. "Are you getting hard looking at your cousin?"

"My hot cousin," I corrected her once again. If it were possible she would have blushed even more.

"You're head might not be the only thing damaged. There appears to be some serious swelling. I'd better take a look – just to be thorough."

She pulled down my trunks allowing my cock to spring free. Now I'm not the biggest guy in the locker room, and I'm not 'as big around as a beer can', but I do have what Carol used to call a 'solid seven'. Kathy took it in her tiny hand and began to give it a very methodical examination.

"Nice. Very nice," she cooed. "I can't believe I'm playing with my cousin's cock."

As she continued her inspection I began to kiss the side of her neck eliciting a sound somewhere between a purr and a growl.

"This is so wrong," she said, "but it feels so good and it's been such a long time."

"How long?" I asked between kisses.

"I told you, mmm, that you're only the, ahh, second person to see my tattoo. Well, I got, oh god, the tattoo on my twenty second birthday almost, uhh, a year ago. It was, don't stop, about a month before that."

My kisses had been trailing lower, across the swell of her round breasts. I reached for the front clasp and deftly separated the two halves. Her tits were absolutely incredible. I was amazed that breasts that big could exhibit such a defiance of gravity. Her silver dollar sized areola, puckered and swollen with desire, rose nearly another inch capped by a long, darker pink nipple. It reminded me of a three tier cake. I nibbled at the cherry on top.

"Oh, shit! I love that," she exclaimed as her hands continued to stroke and fondle.

"Kathy," I groaned, "It's been a while for me, too. You're about to make me cum."

"Yes, Will. I want you to. Cum on my tits."

Her efforts produced the desired results. I erupted, the first shot a little high landing on her chin. The second and third found their target while the fourth and fifth trailed down her tight stomach and ended at her cute, deep belly button.

I ran the back of my middle finger from the Leprechaun and traced along the rainbow. I slid my finger through the spun copper and along her wet slit.

"Are you after me lucky charms?"

"Is it magically delicious?

"I think it's time you found out."

We switched positions on the lounge chair, Kathy leaning back with her legs splayed wide. I knelt and lowered my head, my tongue following the same route my finger had recently taken. I inhaled the sweet pungent aroma and placed gentle kisses on her swollen lips. I licked and kissed and nibbled every inch of her moist sex, occasionally flicking her engorged clit.

"Will, this is no time to stop and smell the roses. I want to cum. I really need to cum." 

I went to work in earnest, flicking my tongue on her nub and plunging a finger into her moist depths, curling it, searching.

"Ahheeee, yes, there, oh shit. Yessss. Oh god, oh god. I'm cumming. My, ohhh shit, hunky fucking cousin is making me cum. Ahheeeee!" she screamed as I continued my ministrations. "Oh, ano..., another, I don't know, Oh fuck, it's damn, again? I've never, I can't, I am. Uhhhhhh oh oh oh eeeeyesssss."

Kathy lay there winded, her flawless skin glowing with sweat.

"You're...pretty damn...good at that...cuz," she panted, "I've never had...more than one at a time."

"Consider it payment for the medical treatment," I said as I crawled up to lay beside her.

"Down payment. My work doesn't come cheap, besides I did include other valuable services."

We held each other for several minutes, my fingers lazily caressing her breast then down to the curve of her hip and back again.

"I would like nothing more than to start round two," Kathy told me with a kiss, "but I've been up for almost eighteen hours. I'm going to go take a shower and lie down for a few hours. Wake me up at three?"

I watched her walk naked into the house and then sat there pondering what had just transpired. I hadn't planned it, never even dreamed it, but I knew deep down that I had been in love with Kathy for years. I hoped the Kathy felt the same way, and that I wasn't just a convenient end to a long dry spell.

I gathered the wet clothes scattered around the pool and deposited them in the washer. I completed the couple of chores I had planned for the day, took a shower, fixed a sandwich and watched the game of the week while I ate. I kept glancing at the time, willing three o'clock to get here sooner.

When the time finally arrived I entered her room through our connecting bathroom. From the doorway I could see one lovely breast uncovered where the sheet had fallen away. Naked, I joined her on the bed, my lips seeking out her exposed nipple. It hardened and I sensed her stirring.

"What a lovely way to wake up," Kathy said, "But, Will..."

"Kathy,, you go first."

"Ok. I hope I can get through what I want to tell you." She was silent for several seconds before she plunged in, "While I didn't plan for this morning to happen, I've been hoping that something would for a very long time, even before we moved in here. I've loved you all my life, but this past year I realized I was in love with you. I know it's wrong, or at least people say it's wrong, and maybe it is, but it doesn't feel wrong. It feels like I've come home. If you don't feel the same way I'll understand. I'll find somewhere else to live. But no matter what, I won't feel bad about today."

I took her face in my hands and lowered my lips to hers. I kissed her with all the passion I could muster, all the heat that had built up while she slept, and all the love that I'd been too stupid to see.

"I am so glad to hear you say that. You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I can't say how long I've been in love with you, but I realized today that I am. It's not lust. Well, it's not only lust. I don't know if I ever would have acted if the circumstances hadn't been what they were, but I am so glad for what happened, that is if you don't count the knot on my head."

As I finished talking, Kathy reached for my hard cock and told me, "I want you inside of me, Will."

I rolled over her as she spread her legs invitingly. I rubbed my length along her slit, sharing and spreading her moisture. Slowly, I began to penetrate her tight sex. I could feel every nerve ending where we joined. I pulled back, and then thrust again, deeper with each succeeding stroke. Kathy wrapped her legs around me; pulling me in as far as I could go. We matched each other's rhythm, like lovers who had been doing this for years.

"Oh god, Will, this feels so good. Don't hold back, I'm almost there."

I continued to piston inside my beautiful cousin's pussy, willing my own climax to wait. I could feel her muscles tighten, squeezing.

"Now, Will. Cum with me, fill me, lover. Yes, yes, oh sweet...Oh, oh, ohhhhhh."

My thrusts matched her rising passion until I could wait no longer. I buried myself deep within her and unloaded as she climaxed. "Oh...Kathy...yes," I grunted as her pussy milked my last remaining drops. 

We lay together for several minutes, kissing and whispering endearments to one another. It was one of those moments you don't want to end. Eventually, Kathy stood up and I watched her shapely bottom as she walked into the bathroom. She returned in a few minutes with a wash cloth and cleaned my spent member.

"Let's get something to eat," She said. "I'm starving."

"I'll throw a couple of steaks on the grill. Why don't you fix us a salad?"

Kathy followed me to my room. "Unh uh," she told me as I reached for a pair of shorts. "You're staying just like that."

I grabbed the steaks from the refrigerator and went outside to fire up the grill. It was funny how much more exposed I felt performing this mundane task then I did when we had been fooling around earlier this morning.

"Don't burn anything," Kathy admonished me as she set the outdoor table, "and I don't mean just the steaks."

She went back to the kitchen and returned with the salad and a bottle of wine. I watched her as she walked across the pool deck and dove into the water. My body's reaction forced me to take a step back from the grill. I flipped the steaks as Kathy swam a few leisurely laps. She was climbing up the steps as I placed our supper on a platter. My petit cousin looked so sexy standing there naked with water dripping from her body that I was ready to forgo eating.

"No sir," Kathy said, reading my mind. "First we eat."

She toweled off and went into the kitchen for the mixed vegetables that had been warming on the stove. She spooned them out as I forked a steak onto each plate. We started in on our salads. A blob of dressing fell on Kathy's breast and she reached for her napkin to wipe it off.

"Allow me," I told her as I leaned over and cleaned her nipple with my tongue.

"I didn't drop that much," She said, but made no effort to stop me.

"Just being thorough."

"I think we should have a new rule," Kathy said as we returned to our meal, "no clothing allowed in the pool. In fact, there should be a no clothing rule for the entire house."

"Won't that make things a little awkward when our folks come over?" I asked her between bites.

"Ok, I haven't worked out all the details, but when we're alone..."

"I agree. Of course that means I'm going to be walking around with a perpetual hard-on looking at your sexy body."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," she told me with a grin.

We finished our meal and cleared the table. It took longer than normal with the grabbing and fondling that went on. I hugged her from behind and tweaked her nipples as she placed the left over salad in a container, my cock trapped between us. She slapped my ass as I placed the last plates in the dishwasher.

"I'll race you," she said running out of the kitchen.

"Cheater!" I yelled, chasing her.

With her unfair advantage, she was already diving in the water before I made it half way across the deck. I caught up to her on the far side of the pool, wrapping her in my arms and kissing her deeply.

That evening we discovered that making love in the pool is a bit challenging, although it is a nice place to start. There were no issues when we made love in her bed later that evening.

"I feel like I'm home now," was the last thing Kathy told me as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Over the next few weeks we hardly ever stayed dressed while we were alone together. We touched each other while watching TV, fucked in the shower, and slept together every night. A new king sized mattress set was delivered and set up in our grandparents' old room, although we did keep our own rooms for the sake of appearances.

Two weeks later Kathy was getting an all over tan in one of the lounge chairs while I floated on a raft in the pool, my cock sticking up like a periscope.

"Oh my!" we heard. 

Aunt Deedee was standing there with her mouth agape and her eyes opened wide in shock. I had nowhere to run and could only roll off the raft into the water. Kathy, without making any attempt to cover herself, was perfectly calm as she stood up and walked over to my aunt.

"Hi, mom. What are you doing here?" Kathy asked as I tried to hide in the water, wondering what was going to happen next.

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