
Sunday, March 16, 2014

SUNDAY STORY : Bonus : Sharing Daddy

From Literotica by MissFeatherclit

(Author's note: Anyone engaged in any sexual activity is over 18.)

Daddy and I had been fucking each other for more than a year. He is mine, exclusively. I share his bed every night. I am totally in love with him, and Daddy is in love with me.

I heard his car pull into the driveway, and I greeted him at the front door. Throwing my arms around his neck, I pulled him close to me and covered his mouth with mine. It wasn't a daughterly "welcome home" kiss, it was deep and passionate, including lots of tongue.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, baby girl."

Daddy has called me "baby girl" as long as I can remember, starting when I was a little girl. Now that I'm a grown woman, at nineteen, he still calls me that. I love it.

"Sit down on the couch, Daddy, and I'll mix you a drink."

Daddy is a Scotch drinker, so I poured him a double shot of Glenlivet, with just a splash of soda. I don't like hard liquor, so I had a glass of wine. I snuggled up next to him and asked him about his day.

He is a contractor, specializing in custom homes. Expensive custom homes. The house he built for us is all redwood, natural stone, and lots of glass. It sits on ten acres, surrounded by woods, and we have a beautiful swimming pool in the backyard. Daddy and I swim naked.

Daddy is 42, but he looks ten years younger. He's 6'2" with broad shoulders and narrow hips. He is well muscled, due to his years of construction work. He has blond hair, bleached by the sun, and cobalt blue eyes. I think he looks like a young Robert Redford, with sculpted features and a deep cleft in his chin. He is my idol. My father, my lover, my best friend.

Like I said, we've been lovers for about a year, starting just after my eighteenth birthday. I developed a terrible crush on him just when I entered puberty and my body started to change. I didn't make any overt moves toward him for several years, but I could tell he was looking at me in a different way.

Once my breasts formed their first little buds, they grew rapidly. I was a B cup in the ninth grade, and by the time I was a senior in high school, I had grown into the C cup that I am now.

Daddy was very open and very frank with me when it came to discussing anything of a sexual nature. I learned the mechanics in the Sex Ed class I took at school, and a whole lot more from the other girls, many of whom were sexually active at a very early age.

If I had any questions about sex, Daddy would answer them for me, without any admonishments or judgment. My periods were very irregular, so with Daddy's consent, my doctor prescribed birth control pills to help regulate them. He was quite aware that a lot of teenagers were sexually active, so with the pill, he felt I would be safe. I had a few boyfriends in high school, nothing serious. I did a bunch of making out and a little light touching, through our clothes, but that was the extent of my sexual activity. Until Daddy.

Daddy finished his drink, and I mixed him another one. I sat down beside him, cuddled up, and nuzzled his neck, raining little butterfly kisses all over his face. Fisting his hand in my hair, he pulled my face into his, and crushed his lips down on mine.

Kissing Daddy totally intoxicates me, inflames me with desire. When he kisses me, there is a hotline between my lips and my clit. It starts to tingle, and I squirm next to him. While his tongue was in my mouth, I put my hand on the bulge in his jeans, feeling his erection grow beneath my fingers. His mouth is more insistent as I undo the button on his Levi's and pull the zipper down.

I can hear him groan as my hand reaches under his shorts, wrapping it around his hardened shaft. Gripping him firmly, I slide the loose skin on his penis up and down. I tug on his pants and pull them down, exposing his magnificent cock, totally hard, the bulbous head shining and swollen.

Bending down toward him, I take his cock in my hand and lower my head, taking him in my mouth. Coating him with my saliva, I run my tongue around and around his swollen crown while bobbing my head up and down on him. My tongue flicks over that sensitive place when his head meets the shaft. This drives him crazy, and his hips start to buck, his cock rising up to meet my mouth every time it goes down.

I cupped his balls in my hand, fondling them first, then pulling his scrotum down, in rhythm with my descending mouth. A growl emits from deep in his throat. He throws his head back and fisting both hands in my hair, he pulls my head up and down as his thrusts up into my mouth.

I know he's getting close to his release. He holds me tighter, his balls start to draw up tight, and I can feel the head of his cock swell even more. Gently, I rake my fingernails over his hardened sack, and that pushes him over the edge. Shouting my name, he erupts, shooting wad after wad of cum down the back of my throat.

Swallowing it all, I look at up him and smile. I really love to make him cum like this, because I know how much he'll pay it back when we go to bed that night.

Leaving him sated, I got up and made our supper. Over the years, I've become a really good cook. That night, I made poached salmon, asparagus with hollandaise sauce, and baby red potatoes. I opened a bottle of chardonnay to go with the fish. We had just finished dinner, and I went to the freezer to get a carton of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey, Daddy's favorite, when the phone rang. I answered it, and with a scowl, handed it to Daddy.

"It's HER," I said.

"Her" referred to my mother; I could never call her Mommy or Mom. I hated her. Daddy talked with her for awhile. I couldn't make much from his side of the conversation, except for an "Uh huh." "I see." "Yes." "I'll be there."

"What was that about, Daddy?"

"Well, it seems Christy is coming to live with us."

"Why, for fuck's sake?" I wailed.

Christy is my sister; at eighteen, she's a year younger than I am. When Daddy divorced HER, I was eleven and Christy was ten. The judge decided we were old enough to choose which parent we wanted to live with. I was always Daddy's girl, so I chose him, and Christy chose to live with our mother.

Our mother became a "born again Christian" after she left Daddy, and Christy was sent to a fundamentalist church-run school, back in West Virginia, where they moved to after their divorce.

Daddy and I hadn't seen Christy since she was fourteen, when she came to visit us here in Northern California for a week. She was a skinny, tit-less adolescent with braces on her teeth, zits, and stringy hair. Her mother made her wear totally shapeless long dresses that covered her up from the neck to the ankles.

It turns out that Christy finally rebelled against the sect they belonged to, and once she was considered an adult, no one could force her to stay there any longer. Once she made it known that she wanted to leave, our mother dis-owned her and she was shunned by the church.

"Shit, Daddy, what is this going to do to US?" I practically yelled at him.

"I guess you'll have to move back to your own room, and we'll have to be really discreet when we have sex with each other."

"Shit-fuck-piss-cunt!" I screamed. "This ruins everything for us. Why did you let that little bitch come here?"

"Number one, she is my daughter, and I love her. Besides that, she has no place else to go. And, she's not a little bitch; she's your sister."

"She was always a bitch, even when she was a little girl. We never did get along with each other. And now, I fucking HATE her."

"You don't even know her anymore."

"I don't want to know her. And now I have to share a room with her."

"We're just going to have to suck it up, and make the best of it."

"But Daddy, I love you, and I don't want to sleep alone again. I want to sleep with you."

"I know, baby girl, I want to be with you, too. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. We have a week together before she gets here."

"I'm gonna use that week to fuck your brains out, Daddy." And I did, too.

The next week we picked Christy up at the airport. Our mother was going to have her take the bus, but Daddy sent her the plane fare. I barely recognized her after four years. She had definitely filled out; you could tell even though she wore that awful shapeless dress.

Her braces were gone and her complexion had cleared up. Her blond hair was fixed into a single braid that hung almost down to her ass. Daddy went up to her with his arms wide open, pulling her into his body for a hug. I couldn't stand the idea of her body pressed against his. She didn't return the hug, but just stood there stiffly. That wasn't something that was done by members of her church, especially between men and women.

"Hello, Dad. Hello, Callie," she said, by way of greeting us.

"Thank you for letting me come here to stay with you."

"You're always welcome here, sweetheart. I've really missed you."

I hated that he called her that. I hated that he made her welcome here. She looked like a freak in those clothes; I'd be ashamed to have any of my friends meet her. At least she called him "Dad." He is MY Daddy.

When we got home, Christy wandered around the house, taking it all in. It was a palace compared to where she had been living. It is a palace, and I am the princess. Daddy's princess.

"Will you please take Christy up and show her to your room, baby girl?"

I was really pissed off, not only because I was being booted out of Daddy's room, but that I had to share mine. Our house has three bedrooms, but Daddy uses one for his office. She picked up one of her suitcases; I grabbed the other one, and went up to MY bedroom.

When he found out Christy was coming, Daddy took the queen sized bed out of my room and replaced it with two singles. I gave her the one by the inside wall, and took the bed by the window for myself. We dumped her luggage on her bed and I showed her where she could hang her clothes in the closet. Daddy had bought another dresser.

She opened her bags and started to put her clothes away.

"Is that all you have? All the dresses are the same."

"I hate these clothes, but they're all I was allowed to wear."

"Don't you have any jeans or anything?"

"Only men were allowed to wear pants; women always had to wear dresses. I'd love to wear jeans, but I don't have any."

Her eyes misted up, and a tear ran down her cheek. Suddenly, I felt very sorry for her, and it started to touch my heart. I hated that she would be keeping me from Daddy, but it wasn't really her fault. I got a pair of my jeans and a tee-shirt out of my dresser. She looked to be about my size, although it was hard to tell with that baggy dress on.

"Here, try these on," I said, handing her my clothes.

She started toward the bathroom to change.

"You don't have to go into the bathroom; you can change right here."

"I, um, I'm not used to taking my clothes off in front of anybody."

"For Christ's sake, Christy, we're both girls. We used to run around naked together when we were little. Take your fucking dress off so I can see what else I have that might fit you."

She totally cringed hearing my language, but that's the way I talk, and she'll need to get used to it. She took a deep breath and, turning her back to me, started to unbutton her dress. It had a lot of buttons on it; I guess they didn't believe in zippers.

Shyly, she slipped the dress off and stood there in her underwear. She wore a thick white cotton bra that completely covered her tits, made of material so thick you'd never know she had nipples. Her underpants--you certainly couldn't call them panties--were also white cotton and rode high enough to cover her belly button.

Christy had definitely filled out. Her body was lush; curvy in all the right places, with a nice rack and round, heart-shaped ass. As a matter of fact, we could be twins. Not to be boasting or anything thing, but I have a hot bod--and I know it. And I show it. Daddy gets a hard-on just looking at me.

I was going to take a shower, so I started taking my clothes off too. Christy did a double-take when she looked at my underwear. I was wearing a black lace bra that lifted my tits, barely covering my nipples, which you could see right through the sheer fabric. I wore French cut bikini panties. Daddy buys all my sexy underthings and negligees; he loves to see me in them. And he really likes taking them off me.

Standing there in her ugly underwear, she looked at mine again, so I went into my dresser and pulled out a sexy white lace bra and matching panties. I didn't think she was ready for a thong yet, so these were low-cut bikinis, similar to what I was wearing.

"Here," I said, handing them to her, "you can wear these." She looked shocked for a minute, then smiled. I stripped down naked, ready for my shower. Christy was studying my body as I sauntered toward the bathroom. When I finished my shower, she was standing in front of the full length mirror on the wall, checking herself out from every angle.

She sat down on her bed while I was dressing, and when I turned around, tears were running down her cheeks. I stood stock still for a moment, then went over and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight and rocking her as she sobbed. As much as a hard-ass that I tend to be, underneath it all I have a really soft heart. As much as I wanted to hate her, I couldn't do it. Although we didn't get along with each other when we were younger, I loved her. And I still do.

"What's wrong, Christy? Tell me about it."

Her body-wracking sobs subsided, and she sat up straight, wringing her hands in her lap. She looked at me plaintively, her eyes red from crying.

"I don't know where to begin. My life is just so messed up. I don't know who I am or what I'm doing, or where I belong."

I wanted to hug here and tell her that she belonged here, but it would thoroughly fuck up my relationship with Daddy. I didn't know what we were going to do. I encouraged her to talk it out, so maybe she'd feel better getting it out of her system.

"I didn't fee like I belonged in Mom's church community. They're all so radically fundamentalist. The only book we were allowed to read, besides our school books, was the Bible. I love to read and I'd sneak novels into my room at night, but if I got caught with one, I'd get whipped. We weren't allowed to watch TV, except for religious shows on Sunday, and we could only listen to Christian music. Occasionally I'd go to somebody else's house and watch TV or listen to popular music."

"That must be awful," I said.

"I could see on TV or in magazines how regular people lived, and I want to do that too. I see people kissing, and I want to know what that's like. I don't even know how to kiss. Whenever I see it or think about it, I get funny feelings in my body that I can't explain."

"What kind of feelings in your body?"

"Like kind of a tugging feeling low in my stomach and a tingling, um, down, ah, there."

"Down where?"

"Um, down between my legs."

"You mean in your pussy?"

"My what?"

"Right down here," I said, grabbing my crotch.

"You call it a pussy?"

"Pussy, cunt, twat, cooze, and a couple dozen other words. What do you call it?"

"Well, I know all the proper--at least the medical-- names for all the body parts. I looked at a copy of Grey's Anatomy in my doctor's office. So that would be my, er, vagina," she said, blushing scarlet.

"Don't you take care of it when you get turned on like that?"

"Turned on? I don't know what you mean. Take care of what?"

"Turned on means you are sexually aroused. And you take care of it by masturbating."

"I heard some of the girls at my school talking about that, but I have no idea how to do it."

"I can show you how to do it. Take your bra and panties off and lie down on your bed."

Christy stuttered and blushed again, but I guess her curiosity overcame her modesty, she unhooked her bra and slid her panties down her legs. I stripped out of mine and turned to face her. Her eyes were wide as she looked over my body, and she started when she looked between my legs. "You, um, you don't, uh, you don't have any hair down there?"

"I shave it. Dad-- I mean, guys like it like that."

"Y-you let boys see it?"

"Yeah, I do." Actually, Daddy is the only "boy" that's ever seen it, and I hope he'll always be the only one. "Does that bother you?"

"This is all a lot for me to process at once, but I guess it doesn't bother me. Actually, thinking about it gives me that tingly feeling."

"Well, I'll show you the kind of BIG tingle that you'll never forget."

I was really getting turned by the idea of it, too. I'd never been that close to a naked girl either. Her body was really lush, and I wanted to touch her. All over. I took a step closer to her and put my arms around her waist.

"If you're going to give yourself an orgasm, the more aroused you are to start, the more intense it will be. I'll start by teaching you how to kiss. Put your arms around my neck and pull me close to you."

Hesitatingly, she did what I asked, and with my arms around her waist, I pulled her close to me. Our breasts pressed together and I could feel an electricity run through my body; my nipples immediately hardened. I tilted my head and pressed my lips against hers. Her mouth was rigid, lips closed tightly together. I kissed her lightly and pulled away.

"Okay, open your mouth a little bit." I put a finger, longwise, between her lips and ran it up and down. "Okay, loosen up, and keep your mouth open. Then follow my lead and do what I do back to me."

I kissed her again, and tentatively, she returned it. We kissed some more, and she was beginning to get the hang of it. I was getting turned on and, judging from her breathing, Christie was too. Her eyes opened in wide surprise when I slipped my tongue in her mouth. I explored the inside of her mouth, and when I started rubbing my tongue against hers, she picked it up and reciprocated.

I drew her tongue into my mouth and sucked hard on it. Her breath was coming in gasps; our bodies slithering and sliding against each other. I could feel the wetness in my pussy. I pulled her over to the bed and we lay together, still locked in a tight embrace.

By this time, I had forgotten that I was just going to teach her how to masturbate. I had never been with, or touched another girl before. Her body, her skin, felt wonderful under my hands. I moved a hand up to her breast, gently feeling all the contours, then squeezing and kneading.

Christie looked at me; her eyes had lost any sense of apprehension or wariness, she looked lost in lust.

I skimmed my hands over her nipples, feeling them harden and pooch out from her puffy areolas. She started to moan when I rolled them between my thumbs and forefingers. She cried out when I pulled on them, but it was a pleasure cry, not one from pain.

I really wanted to suck her tits, but I didn't want to freak her out completely, so I let my hand travel down between her legs. It had been a long time since I'd felt any pubic hair, since I shave mine. Hers was soft and silky, and I combed my fingers through it. I caressed her mound, and as my hand went lower and lower, she started to writhe. Cupping her pussy, I squeezed and released, squeezed and released, massaging her fat outer lips, that were now swollen with her arousal.

I dipped my middle finger into her slit and ran that up and down a few times. She was soaking wet, and the odor coming from her was turning me on harder and harder. I wanted to put my head down there to lick and taste her; instead I put my fingers in my mouth and sucked on them to see if she tasted any different than I do. It was similar, but hers is a little tangier.

My fingers went back into her slit, and when I reached her vagina, I dipped one in there. She gasped at the invasion, then settled back and whimpered as I ran my finger around and around inside her, touching all her hot slippery walls.

Reaching higher, I circled her clit, slowly, lightly at first, then gaining speed and adding pressure. Christy tipped her pelvis, thrusting herself into my hand. My fingers flew faster and faster over her swollen nub.

"Oh my, what is happening? What is haaappenning to meee....eeee...OH OH AHHHH!"

She was screaming as her first ever orgasm ripped through her body. Her stomach was quivering, her legs were shaking, and she was completely lost in the sensation. She lay back, panting.

"Oh. My. God. I didn't know anything could feel that good," she gasped.

"So now you know how to do it yourself?"

"Yeah..... Cassie?"


"Um, would you like me to do that to you?"


Christy rolled toward me and brought her lips to mine. She sure figured out kissing in a hurry. Her hand reached for my breast, and she worked over my nipples, just I had done hers. I couldn't believe how hot I was. Expertly, she twisted and pulled my nipples, finding that point where pain meets pleasure. My breath was coming in ragged gasps. My pussy was soaked.

Her hand reached between my legs, finding my center, and she fingered and rubbed me like she had been doing it all her life. She grasped my clit, rolling it between her fingers, immediately pushing over the edge. I think I screamed as loud as she did, and lay back, waiting for the quivering to stop.

"Thank you, Callie; that was wonderful. So, do you have a boyfriend?"

"I, uh, um, no, not at the moment." Except for Daddy, and I sure couldn't tell her that.

I lay in my bed quietly. Even though Christy had made me cum with her fingers, I was still aroused, and no way was I satisfied. I waited until she was asleep, then I put on my robe and padded down the hallway to Daddy's room. He was sitting up in bed, reading a book. He looked up and smiled at me when I came in, and pulled the covers back so I could slide in beside him. I dropped my robe and, naked, hopped into OUR bed. Daddy always slept in the nude. I threw my arms around him and we shared a long, delicious kiss.

"Oh God, Daddy, I thought she'd never go to sleep. I miss you so much."

"What were those sounds I heard coming from your room? It sounded like somebody cumming."

"I was teaching Christy how to masturbate."

"She didn't know how?"

"She doesn't know anything about sex, Daddy."

"Hmm," he mused and rolled over on top of me. "Seems like I owe you a little head in payback for this afternoon." Daddy nuzzled my neck, and I squealed in delight. His kisses started behind my ear, down my throat, across my chest, until he reached my breasts. He kissed all over them, licking me as he went. Daddy drives me crazy with his mouth. One at a time, he sucked a nipple into his mouth, tonguing the shit out of it while it was in there, pulling with his lips, and finally biting them with his teeth. He made me cum, giving me the first of the many orgasms he gives me before he is through.

When Daddy was finished with my tits, he kissed his way down my stomach, until he got to that hot, dripping place between my legs. He pulled my knees up and spread them way apart. He kissed and licked all around my smooth mound, kissed and licked all around my puffy outer lips, nipping at them with his teeth.

Daddy licked the creases between my pussy lips and my thighs, down my inner thighs, teasing the living shit out of me, when he knew where I wanted him to go. The more he skirted my cunt, the higher my arousal went. I was whimpering, thrashing around the bed.

"PLEEAASE, Daddy, please, please, please do my clit."

"All in due time, baby girl," he chuckled.

Daddy knew the longer he teased and kept me from cumming, the harder it would be when I did. Finally, he ran his tongue up my slit, licking up all the juice I was spilling, but still avoiding my clit, which was standing out and throbbing, begging for attention.

I fisted my hands in his hair, pulling his head where I wanted it to go, arching my back and thrusting my pussy hard into his face. This time, Daddy went at me full-bore. His tongue lashed out, sinking into my vagina as far as it would go. He swirled it around and around pushing on the walls on all sides. Then in and out and in and out, tongue-fucking me for all he was worth.

"Now, Daddy, please now. Oh God, please now."

"I love to hear you beg for it, baby girl," he said with a grin, his mouth wet and shiny from all my juice. "Okay, now."

When it comes to eating pussy, Daddy is a magician. His tongue played my clit like Heifetz played the violin. He would swirl all around the shiny little pearl, dipping his tongue underneath the hood. Then he would flick it back and forth until my whimpers turned to moans. Finally, he would suck my whole clit into his mouth and suck until he pushed me over the edge.

This orgasm started from my fingertips and the ends of my toes, picking up speed as it shot through me, shoving every bit of energy in my body into my clit. When Daddy knew that I was just about to cum, he pushed a pillow into my face just as I exploded, to muffle the sounds.

Sometimes, I'm kind of a screamer, and he didn't want Christy to hear me.

"Okay, roll over, baby, Daddy's going to fuck you. Hard and deep."

I rolled over on my stomach, then got on my hands and knees, sticking my ass up in the air. Daddy is somewhat dominant over me, but that's with my acquiescence; I like it that way. I love having a big strong man telling me what to do. I also like a bit of rough sex. Nothing hard core, and if ever he does something I don't want, all I have to say is "No."

I loved getting fucked in this position. Daddy gets so deep inside me, the head of his cock hits my cervix. I do my kegel exercises daily, so my pussy is always really tight and I can use my inner muscles to squeeze and milk his penis.

Daddy knelt behind me, positioned the head between my lips, and thrust deeply, then just stayed there without moving, bottomed out. Slowly, he started to rotate his hips so his cock swirled around and around, deep inside me, pushing and stretching. The feeling is wonderfully intense.

He pulled back slowly and thrust in again. And again. The next time he plunged into me, he slapped me hard on one cheek of my ass. I yelped and on the next downstroke, he did it again, and more, alternating cheeks, until my ass was burning. I love to find that threshold where pain meets pleasure. It turns me on totally and increases my orgasm tenfold. Daddy never does anything without my total consent.

When I had had enough of the spanking, I gave Daddy a signal, and he stopped. He dug his fingers into my hips, pulling and pushing me hard into him and he thrust into me. His balls swung up, slapping me in the clit, as his hips slammed into my ass, making a sound the reverberated off the walls in the room. As I got nearer and nearer to my peak, my pussy began to pulsate on his cock. Daddy has total control over his ejaculation, and can cum when he wants to. He times it to coincide with my orgasm.

"Okay, baby girl, cum for Daddy."

I exploded right on cue, and felt his hot seed splashing into my womb. I shoved my face down into the mattress to suppress the noise I was making.

It was always our habit to cuddle and stroke each other, basking in the afterglow of our love-making. Then Daddy would put his arms around me and, spoon-style, we'd go to sleep together. Because Christy was here, he wanted me to go back to my own room.

"But, Daddy, I want to sleep here with you."

"I know, baby, and I want you here too, but for now go back to your room in case she wakes up in the middle of the night and you're not there. After she's been here awhile, maybe we can go back to sleeping together."

As much as, down deep, I loved my little sister, I was always going to resent this part of our relationship.

In the morning, I was bustling around the kitchen, brewing coffee and starting breakfast. I always make Daddy's breakfast in the morning. He came into the kitchen just as the coffee was ready, dressed in his work clothes, a faded pair of jeans and a blue chambray shirt. He's such a hunk, I love to just stand and look at him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a good morning kiss. A long, lingering kiss. He broke away quickly, as Christy came into the kitchen. He went over to give her a hug, and this time she responded and hugged him back.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Daddy said, then he stood back and looked her up and down. "Well look at you, you look great."

Christy was dressed in a pair of my shorts and my tee shirt. My shorts are short and my tees are tight. She had undone her braid and combed her long blond hair out. It hangs down almost to her ass. Her tits are the same size as mine, but she's a couple inches taller, has a rounder ass, and really long shapely legs.

Daddy was really checking her out, and from the look in his eyes, he wasn't looking at her as a daughter, but as a woman. I didn't like it, and was instantly jealous.

Daddy gave me his credit card and asked me to take Christy shopping for clothes. Shit, as long as I had the card in my hand, I'd get some clothes for me too. We went out to get in my car, a bright red Mazda Miata roadster, that Daddy bought me as a present when I graduated from high school.

"Gee, this is really a nice car," she said.

"Do you drive?"

"Oh yeah; I've been driving since I was fourteen."

I paused, and thought about it deeply, then tossed her the keys. Nobody drives my car but me, but I have to confess, I had an ulterior motive. If I let Christy drive my car, and we sent her on a bunch of errands, Daddy and I could have some alone time together.

I was really nervous when she let the clutch out and took off down the road, but holy shit! can she drive. We live on a winding road that wends its way down to the main highway, and she flew around those curves like Danica Patrick.

We hit the mall like a tornado, outfitting Christy from top to bottom-- skirts, jeans, shorts, tops, shoes, nightgowns, and lots of sexy underwear. She was beaming when we got home with our mountain of shopping bags.

She put on one of her new outfits, a short denim skirt and a low cut crop-top that showed off her toned midriff. Daddy beamed when he saw us together. He put an arm around each of us and gave us a squeeze.

"Look at my two beautiful girls," he said, giving us each a kiss on the cheek. I was still very uncomfortable the way he looked at her.

That night, when we were in bed, I could see Christy's hand moving between her legs, under the covers. She was like a kid with a new toy. All of a sudden, she paused and turned to look at me.



"I'm trying to imagine what having sex is like; what it looks like, what it feels like. I want to know what a penis looks like; I've only seen drawings in the medical book. Can you tell me about it?"

"I can do better than that; I'll show you. Come over and sit by my desk."

I booted up my computer and brought up a porn site. It was X-Art, that is really tastefully done, with beautiful girls and good-looking men, not some of the sleazy stuff that's on the web. I chose a video featuring Angelica, a beautiful svelte young girl with long hair and a totally erotic demeanor.

The video opened with both of them fully clothed and featured lots of kissing. He slowly took her clothes off, caressing and sucking her breasts. She undid his pants, lowered them, and his hard cock sprang out. Christy gasped when she first saw it, and was mesmerized, when the actress stroked it.

"Oh my God," Christy said, staring wide-eyed at the screen as the actress started licking it, then put in her mouth and gave him a blow job. Her mouth hung open as she watched the pussy eating, then fucking in every imaginable position. Her hand was hard at work between her legs, her musky-sweet odor permeating the room.

When that video finished, I put on another one with Angelica and Caprice, in a heavy girl-on-girl flick. Christy was totally entranced. When it was finished, she looked plaintively at me.

"C-could you do that with me, Callie?"

I had never done it with another girl, except the little bit I did with Christy when I was teaching her how to masturbate, but I found the idea really a turn-on. So we did the whole girl-on-girl thing that we watched on the video. Sucking on Christy's nipples got me so fucking hot, that when she sucked mine, I came right on the spot.

We kissed each other all over, licking, nibbling with our lips, until we finally fell into the classic sixty-nine position, and ate each other's pussies like we were starving to death. We squirmed and writhed, filled each other's mouths with our hot cum, until we were totally wasted. Then we fell asleep in each other's arms. For the first time, I didn't go into Daddy's room that night.

The next night, I did go into his room, and he was lying there waiting for me. I dropped my robe and crawled naked into bed beside him. I snuggled up next to him and nuzzled his neck.

"Hi, Daddy, I love you."

"I love you too, baby girl." Then he paused for a minute. "What was all that noise I heard coming from your room last night?"

"Um, what noise, Daddy?"

"Don't be coy with me-- the moaning, the slurping noises, the sound of two girls in the throes of orgasm kinds of noise."

"Well, I was, uh, kind of teaching Christy some things about sex. I already told you I taught her how to masturbate."

"So tell me about it."

"She didn't know much about anything. She didn't even know what a penis looked like, Daddy, so I logged on to a porn site and we watched a couple of videos."

"What kind of videos?"

"One was straight sex and the other was girl-on-girl."

"And what did you do after you watched the videos?"

"Well, um, Christy was really turned on, Daddy, and she wanted to try the girl stuff we watched."

"Christy wanted to. How about you? Did you want to?"

"Well, kind of. I never did it with a girl before, and I wanted to know what it was like. Are you mad at me, Daddy?" I looked at him with my puppy eyes and sniffled a little bit.

"Daddy isn't mad at you, baby girl. You're just exploring other avenues of your sexuality. I would be mad at you if you were fucking another guy."

"Oh no, Daddy, I would never do that. I'm yours, completely."

"You are MINE. I own you."

"Yes, Daddy."

"So, are you and Christy going to do it again?"

"I don't know, Daddy. She's really curious and really horny, and she doesn't have a guy to be with. Would you be upset if we did it again?"

"Not if I can watch you."

"You want to watch us, Daddy?"

"Yes. I want to watch you play with each other, eat each other's pussy, and then I want to fuck both of you."

"You want to fuck Christy?" I was wailing now, on the verge of hysteria. "But, Daddy, you always said you were MINE. All mine. Mine only."

"I am yours, baby girl, always. You are the love of my life. But there are times when you might have to share me. Like with your sister."

"But, Daddy, she might totally freak out about fucking her father."

"Then I'll leave it up to you to convince her that it's alright. Now come over here and give your Daddy some love."

Daddy fucked me up and down and every way but sideways. He made me cum at least four times before we were through. When I lay still in his bed, later that night, I was still filled with apprehension about Christy. Once I thought about it, putting as a show on for Daddy with her, sounded really hot, and the idea was beginning to turn me on.

I had never thought about an actual threesome before, except for those I saw on the porn sites. Especially not one with me in it. That thought started growing as well. I had no idea what to say to Christy about any of it. Fuck her father?

As it turns out, I inadvertently let the cat out of the bag. When Daddy and I finished our romp the next night, I reluctantly left his room to go back to mine. I was always so used to running around the house naked, I forgot my robe in his room. Just as I came out the bedroom door, Christy was coming out of the bathroom. I can't really describe the look on her face; it was somewhere between surprise and shock. She looked me up and down and, without uttering a word, went back into the room we shared and crawled into bed. We both lay there awake, for what seemed like hours. Finally, Christy broke the ice.

"Are you having sex with Dad, Callie?"

"Yes. I love him and he loves me. I'm sorry if that shocks you."

"I don't know if I'm shocked or not. I know it happens. Several girls in my church sleep with their fathers, and they are a lot younger than we are."

"So what would you think about doing it with Daddy?"

"Well, I really want to experience it. And I guess it's better to do it with someone I love rather than a stranger or some guy I was just dating. Why, does he want to do it with me?"

"Yes. He wants to do it with both of us."


"Yes. And he wants to watch us have sex with each other." "Men like to watch that, huh?"

"Yeah, or they wouldn't make all those videos for men to watch. So what do you think? Are you horrified?"

"I'm not horrified at the idea of it; I'm kind of horrified at myself for thinking I want to do it."

"So the idea turns you on?"

"Um, yes. My pussy is tingling."

"So I'll tell Daddy."

"When will we do it?"

"How about Friday night?"

"O-okay, I guess."

"I have one suggestion, though."

"What's that, Callie?"

"That we pop your cherry first. We can do it with a dildo; then it won't hurt when he fucks you the first time."

"My, uh, cherry?"

"Your hymen? Maidenhead?"

"Okay, I know what a hymen is."

"So, play with your pussy and get it all wet, and I'll pop it for you."

"It's going to hurt, right?"

"Yeah, it'll hurt some, but the pain doesn't last. Kind of like a bee sting."

Christy's fingers went to work on her cunt, and I got out my glass dildo. She really got off on frigging herself; I could already hear her start to whimper.

"Are you ready?"

"Um, I guess so. I'm a little scared, though."

"Pull your knees up and spread them way apart."

I turned the light on and got down between her legs. I felt like a gynecologist. With my fingers, I spread her lips wide apart. I had never looked that far inside a vagina before, and I was fascinated. I could see her that her hymen was intact-- a pink membrane with a hole in the middle about the size of my finger, just inside her entrance. I put the tip of the dildo just between her lips, and when I started to slide it in, I could see her stretch to accommodate it.

"Are you ready?" I asked her.

"I-I g-guess so." Her chin was quivering.

"Take a deep breath." She did, and I shoved it straight into her.

"OW! AHH SHIT that hurts."

That was the first time I had heard Christy use any kind of profanity at all. Normally, she wouldn't say "shit" if she had a mouthful of it. I gave her a minute or two to get used to the invader inside her, then slowly pulled it out and slid it back in again. She winced a little bit, but didn't cry out.

"How are you doing?"

"Okay, it doesn't hurt much anymore, but that thing really stretches me. Is that how Dad's cock is going to feel?"

"Well, his cock is a bit bigger than this, but it's warm and fleshy, not cold and hard like this thing. Here, you hold on to it, and move it in and out for awhile."

She started slowly, then gradually went faster, then faster, until I could hear the wet slurping sounds a cunt makes when it's getting fucked. Her whimpers turned to moans, then, "OOOH...OH...MMM," as she made herself cum. She had just given herself her first vaginal orgasm.

After I told Daddy what happened, he made sure that he was equally affectionate with both of us. He was always affectionate with me, but he made sure that he hugged Christy tightly, and kissed her whenever he kissed me. She was really flustered at first, but became accustomed to it quickly.

Friday night arrived, and we were in our room dressing for the occasion. I picked out two of my sexiest negligees, a white baby doll with matching lace thong and a black teddy. I gave Christy the white one, because it was symbolic of her virginity. Her hands were shaking as she put it on.

We took turns brushing each other's hair. We're both natural blondes, but her hair is a shade lighter than mine and several inches longer. Daddy brushes my hair a lot; he has since I was a little girl. I love it when someone else does it for me.

"Oh God, Callie, I am so nervous. What if he doesn't like the way I look?"

"He'll love the way you look; you're beautiful."

"I'm afraid I'll mess it up when we go to have sex because I don't know what to do."

"Nobody is perfect the first time; you get better with practice. Besides, I'll be there and I'll show you what to do, and Daddy will tell you what he likes."

"Will I suck his cock before he fucks me?" Her language certainly had begun to match mine.

"Probably, and he'll probably eat your pussy. All men want to know what their girls taste like."

"Why do they call it eating pussy? You don't eat anything."

"Good question. Why do they call sucking cock a blow job? You don't blow anything." We both giggled.

I broke out a bottle of wine and poured two glasses.

"Here, Christy, this will help calm you down."

She had never drunk wine before, and wrinkled her nose at the first sip. After that, she drank it straight down and I poured her another one.

I held her hand as we walked down the hall to Daddy's room. I felt strange--here I was, delivering another girl into to the arms of my one true love. Daddy is MINE and I prayed that it always would be like that. I know men have their fantasies, and secretly, I found the thought of a threesome to be titillating. I had never even thought of actually doing it with another girl, until Christy, but I really liked it. As long as it isn't permanent.

Daddy had the lights dimmed and some soft music playing. He'll never turn the lights off, because he likes to see what he's getting into. He loves looking at my body, and now I guess he'll be looking at Christy's too.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, with his feet on the floor. His well-muscled chest was bare, and he wore a pair of silk pajama bottoms. He loves to have his cock rubbed through the silk.

He stood up and took each one of us by the hand, smiled, and looked at us both. I was looking right into his eyes, but Christy had her head bowed and was looking down at the floor. Daddy cupped her under the chin and lifted her face toward him, pulling her into him for a kiss. It was the first real kiss they'd ever had. Christy was shy with him at first, but Daddy's lips can be mighty persuasive, and she was soon kissing him with great passion. Then it was my turn. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and as we kissed, my tongue found his and they tangled and danced together.

When I broke away, Daddy cupped both our asses with his hands and pulled us close together.

"I want to watch my beautiful girls kiss."

Christy and I looked each other straight in the eyes, as our lips sought each other's. We didn't hold back a bit. Her lips are so soft, so supple. We were tentative at first, and then our passions started to rise. I pressed my tongue between her lips, finding hers, then drew it into my mouth and sucked hard.

Our breasts were pressed together, nipples hardening against each other. Our hips fused together and I could feel the tingling working its way up from my toes, into my pussy.

"Undress each other, girls," Daddy urged us. We looked at him, and Christy's eyes lit up when she saw the enormous bulge in the front of his pajama pants.

I slipped the straps of her nightie over her shoulders and pulled it down, revealing her firm round tits. She did the same to mine, and we stood topless, looking at each other. It was perfectly natural for me to display myself to Daddy, but Christy was blushing; the rosy glow spread across her chest and over her breasts.

We caressed and fondled each other, kneading and massaging, mirroring our actions. Our boobs were virtually the same size and shape, the only difference being that she had the puffy nipples. I liked to watch hers swell under my fingers, the hard nubs emerged from her areolas, the same color as their surroundings.

Daddy reached up and took one of each of our tits in his hands. The minute he touched me, I gasped for breath, and when he pinched my nipple, I felt a jolt of electricity run right down to my clit. It was exciting watching him touch Christy, because I never get that perspective when he's touching me. She seemed to have lost all her nervousness; her eyes were closed and there was a gentle smile on her face.

I slid my hand under the wisp of material in the front of her thong, finding her pussy to be soaking wet. She was mirroring every one of my actions, slipping her finger deep into my vagina. We stripped off each other's panties, both standing totally naked in front of Daddy.

We actively finger-fucked each other, then took our fingers and put them in Daddy's mouth. He licked all our juices off of them, keeping them in his mouth and sucking on them. It was so erotic.

He motioned for us to join him on the bed. Christy and I lay with each other, kissing, stroking, fondling each other's tits. Rolling her over on her back, I lay on top of her and took one of her nipples in mouth. Suckling, nipping, pulling it with my teeth. All of a sudden, Daddy was beside me, and he sucked on the other tit. He looked over at me and winked, and his hand stroked my ass.

I moved lower on her body, kissing across her belly, until I was between her legs. Pulling her knees up, I spread her legs wide apart, exposing her smooth pussy. She had shaved it. It was dripping with her wetness, the juice running down into the crack in her ass.

With my fingers, I spread her lips apart, exposing all of her inflamed pink parts. Her clit was hard, peeking out from under its hood. Spreading her inner lips, I could see deep into her vagina. It was pulsing with her excitement. This was the first time I had really examined another girls cunt close up. I had looked at my own in a mirror, but you can't see as much.

Christy's labia, swollen with her excitement, were long and smooth, looking like the petals on a delicate pink rose. I kissed her inner thigh and, just as I was moving in to her pussy, Daddy moved down the other thigh. Our tongues met at the juncture, we kissed, and because it wasn't possible to get both our heads in there, I yielded to him and watched as his tongue plunged in to her.

When it comes to eating pussy, Daddy is a master. I could watch his tongue running up and down her pink lips, licking both sides and, as he does to me, licking all around and over my hood, letting me build and build before he goes after the clit itself.

His tongue traced circles all around her little pink pearl. She was whimpering, and began to thrust her hips up to meet his mouth. He went around and around, then flicked his tongue back and forth over the little bud. Her whimpers turned to moans. She fisted her hands in his hair.

When Daddy sensed that she was just about to cum, he sucked her whole clit into his mouth, tucking his hands under her ass and lifting her up, sucking her until she exploded. He turned and kissed me, his tongue carrying Christy's sweet nectar. Then he kissed her and, after stroking her face, rolled over on his back.

"Teach your sister how to take care of a man, baby girl."

"Yes, Daddy."

I was putting together a syllabus in my head, "Introduction to the Penis 101." I looked back, remembering the first time I saw Daddy's hard cock. I was fascinated, highly aroused, and a little intimidated at the same time. Christy's eyes were huge, although her demeanor a little reticent.

Daddy's silk bottoms were tight over his cock, and we could see the whole outline of his erection through them. He's got a fairly large dick, just a little under eight inches. (I measured it one day) and it's thick. The head was perfectly outlined through his pants, the hard shaft just begging to be released from its confines. His big balls were visible underneath it.

I took Christy's hand and laid it on his cock through the shiny fabric. She hesitated for just a moment, before wrapping her hand around it. She felt all around, noting the size and shape.

"Lift your butt up, Daddy," I said.

When he raised his hips, I put my hands under the waistband of the pajamas, and ever so slowly pulled them down. Christy gasped as the swollen head appeared over the top. I pulled them down the rest of the way and his cock sprang up to attention. She hesitated, unsure of just what to do.

"Go ahead, touch it; put your hand around it."

"Oh, it's so warm. And it's hard and soft, too."

"Here, let me show you."

I gripped his erection firmly about mid-point, showing Christy how the skin moved up and down over it. Daddy is circumcised, but there's enough loose skin on his shaft, to slide it up over the head. She reached down and felt his balls, carefully rolling them in her fingers. He loves it when I pull down on his scrotum when I jack him off or give him head.

It was time to use our mouths on him. We each took one side and ran our tongues up and down his shaft, and when we met at the top we'd swirl our mouths around the crown, kissing each other when we got to the top. I showed Christy Daddy's frenulum, that little upside down V where the shaft meets the head and all the sensitive nerve ending rum through there. When she flicked her tongue over it, he moaned, and a healthy dollop of pre-cum leaked out of the little slit on top.

"Put you mouth over it, Christy, and suck it up," I said.

"Wow, it's really slippery. And it tastes a little salty."

Then I showed her how to take Daddy's cock in her mouth and give him a good blow job. How keep her lips firmly around it, and swirl her tongue around it while it is in her mouth. She caught on really quickly, and was soon bobbing her head up down, jacking his shaft, and fondling his balls at the same time.

I'd seen cocksucking in porn flicks, but nothing could compare to watching it live and up-close. Her saliva was running down his cock, slurping sounds accompanied the BJ, along with the gooshy sound coming from me as I plunged my fingers into my own pussy. I was so over the top, it took me an instant to make myself cum.

When I had come down a bit from my orgasm, I saw that Christy's ass was poking up in the air. Her legs were slightly spread and her pussy was totally exposed; her fat lips and her labia and clit peeking through. This was another first for me; I'd never seen a cunt from that angle before.

She jumped a little when I put two fingers inside her hot wet tunnel. I synched my finger-fucking with the movement of her head, strumming her clit with my thumb. Daddy had fisted his hands in her hair, and was pulling her head into him, as he began thrusting his hips, driving his cock into her mouth.

I could tell from the sounds Daddy was making, that he was about to explode. His growl turned into a primal scream as he ejaculated, shooting his cum deep into Christy's mouth. Her eyes got huge as he filled her face. She sat straight up, swirling his jizz around in her mouth, then swallowed, some of the excess leaking out of the corners of her mouth and running down her chin.

"W-was that okay, Dad?" she asked, smiling wanly.

"That was wonderful, sweetheart; I can't believe that was your first time."

"I had a good tutor," she said, looking at me. I kissed her, tasting Daddy's cum in her mouth.

We focused on getting Daddy hard again. He has an amazing recovery time for a man his age; not quite like a teenager, but it doesn't take him too long. Christy and I knelt on either side of him. We started stroking his body, beginning at his shoulders. We were leaning forward, our breasts dangling invitingly. He loves to look at my tits like this, and now he had double the pleasure.

Daddy took one of our breasts in each hand, cupping them, lifting them, making them sway back and forth. Our nipples got hard, and we both got highly aroused again.

Our hands moved lower over his body, stroking his belly, moving closer to his groin. In tandem, we ran our fingertips through his pubic hair, down over his thighs, teasing, taunting, getting closer and closer to our prize. I whispered instructions in Christy's ear, and she lifted his soft cock and placed in the palm of her hand. She wrapped her hand around it and pulled on it, holding tight to the skin.

"Oh, it feels so different. Warm and spongy."

With each stroke, Daddy's cock slowly grew in her hand. There is something so fucking erotic about watching a prick get hard, knowing that you are the one that's causing it to happen. Pretty soon his full tumenence had returned; it was hot, hard, and throbbing. Christy grinned, taking pride in her accomplishment.

"Are you ready to feel that big hard cock inside you?"

"I'm still a little bit nervous, but I-I think I'm ready."

He rolled her over on her back. He had thought of letting her be on top the first time, but like he is with me, Daddy is always in charge. I like it when he is dominant. I love the idea of a big strong man taking care of me.

Christy was already wet and ready and didn't really need any foreplay, but Daddy has a rule whenever we have sex--"my girl cums first," so he went down on her again. It didn't take her more than two minutes to reach her peak and go over the edge, squirming and writhing beneath him.

When he came up off of her, I could see her vagina pulsing, and with every squeeze, she leaked more milky-white cream from deep inside her.

Daddy rose up over her, his massive erection throbbing with his excitement. He motioned to me, and I took it in my hand and aimed it straight at Christy's opening. He lowered himself just a bit, and I moved his cock up and down her slit, between her swollen lips and over her clit. She was gasping and panting, staring at him wide-eyed-- a true bitch in heat.

I placed the tip of his cock between her lips and watched as it slowly descended into her vagina. The tapered head spread her lips further apart. Further. Further, until the entire crown disappeared between her folds. Slowly, slowly, an inch at a time, he sank himself into her pussy.

"Oh, God... it's so big.... it's stretching meee.... oh.... oh God, you're filling me up, Dad. Uh... uh... mmmm..."

Daddy finally bottomed out, holding himself motionless while she got used to feeling him deep inside her. He rose up on his elbows and gently stroked her face, their eyes glued to each other. He kissed her lips gently, then lifted his haunches and let his cock slowly withdraw. Then back in again, slowly. Out. In. I could see his shaft glisten with her wetness. I watched as her pink lips folded under and sank into her as his cock descended, then came back out on his upstroke.

He picked up his rhythm a bit, and grasped her cheeks, pulling her into him as he plunged. Christy arched her back and set her hips in motion herself, rising to meet his every advance. Daddy picked up her legs and wrapped them around his waist, opening her cunt up farther, giving her more leverage to pull herself into him.

Faster and faster they fucked, until her whole body shook like an avalanche as an orgasm ripped through her from top to bottom. Daddy drove on, right through it, and she came again, filling the room with her wails of ecstasy.

I could tell by the sounds he was making, that Daddy was about to boil over as well. He drove hard into her pussy, then froze, balls deep, as his entire body shook and he emptied himself into her.

"Oh God, I can feel your hot cum splashing deep inside me," she cried, then looked at me. "I guess I'm a woman now."

Daddy and I lay on either side of Christy, gently stroking her, bringing her down, until she was relaxed and breathing normally. With a dreamy, faraway look in her eyes, she turned and kissed me, then kissed Daddy. He drifted off to sleep for a few minutes, later awakening to my mouth working on his dick.

I sucked him to another erection, then straddled him and sank his cock into my pussy. I did all the work, but I didn't mind. I rode him and rode him, my tits bouncing up and down, my clit grinding against his pubic bone, until I had my fill, that ended in a shuddering climax.

All three of us were spent, sated, exhausted. Christy and I both cuddled up with Daddy and drifted off to sleep, only to wake up and make love again.

For the remainder of the summer, my sister and I shared his bed, his body, and each other's. The earlier pangs of jealousy that I felt were dissipated by the love and the desire we felt for each other.

The three of us spent the summer together in an environment of unadulterated lust. In the fall, Christy went off to college in a different state. She would come home for holidays, and vacations, and we would share our bed with her again. Sharing Daddy.

I am still Daddy's baby girl; I am his true love, and he is mine.

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