
Friday, August 11, 2017

Chinese Restaurant Offers Discounts For Women With Large Breasts

We knew attractive woman get a lot with their looks but discounts on food! And the bigger their boobies the bigger the discount. One must realize this restaurant is in China and chinese women are usually on the smaller side so this actually maybe a trick to get men to show up.

"What do you do when you can't afford to eat out in Hangzhou? Throw some Ds on that b*tch! No joke; a restaurant/breastaurant is offering fairly sizable discounts depending on the size of ladies bras! We've heard of "free the nipple" but not "the nipple gets free stuff."

According to the Qianjiang Evening Post, locals in Hangzhou were outraged after the restaurant in question, the Trendy Shrimp, put up posters advertising this rather strange discount. Clearly they're not in the 21st century when it comes to advertising choices.

In probably the only time a restaurant asks the customers to "super size," the posters show a line of scantily-clad cartoon ladies with the words, “the whole city is looking for BREASTS." The discounts for various bra sizes range from 5% for an A-cup bra to a whopping 65% for a G cup.

One local took to Weibo to complain that the posters were “vulgar advertising and discriminatory towards women." Truly awful. Well yes indeed…and objectifying. But where’s the male version?

The Trendy Shrimp General Manager a Mr. Lan Shenggang leapt to the defense of the advertising campaign, saying "once the promotion started, customer numbers rose by about 20%." He also mentioned that “some of the girls we met were very proud – they had nothing to hide”. Let us guess…they were the ones paying 65% less for a meal? Hey, we're all for being proud of what yer momma gave you…but do you really want to be getting discounted for it?

Fortunately, the restaurant has thought of something to make it all better: the customers are allegedly able to claim their discounts from the waitresses rather than the waiters so they can avoid any embarrassment. Phew, for a second we were worried that the policy was sexist and crass...

However, this is not the first time that a restaurant in China has offered discounts based on looks. Two years ago, a restaurant in Henan rewarded diners it thought were "good-looking." And another in Chongqing offered discounted food to overweight men and thin women…for some reason.

What’s next…discounts off haircuts because you have abnormally large earlobes? But we digress. Basically don't be surprised if you see petit-chested Hangzhou women lining up at the tire inflation station in the near future..."

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