
Sunday, December 27, 2015

SUNDAY STORY: Sorority Gangbang Sisters

From by HeyAll

Part 1 of 4: The Pledge

Emily stood nervously

She was the youngest person in the room full of people. A fresh faced 18-year old who was new to the college system. Her hair was tied in a ponytail. Her thick framed glasses made her look like a nerd. But she tried to be unafraid. She tried to be strong and brave.

"Why should we allow you to pledge?" Morgan asked.

The room was filled with female college students who all stood in a circle. It was an intimidating feeling and a bead of sweat nearly formed on Emily's face.

"I should be admitted to this sorority because I believe that I am a highly qualified student. I have straight A's. I have done a lot of extracurricular activities. And I'm very easy to get along with."

Morgan raised an eyebrow. "Is that right?"


"You know, I probably could have learned all that by reading your application and other documents you've submitted. But I torn them up and threw them in the trash."

Emily gulped. "Why?"

"Because they're useless to me. Everyone knows you're here because your father is a wealthy businessman. Isn't that true?"

"It's true. But I believe I can make it on my own merits."

Morgan laughed. "Don't be naive, Emily. There's nothing wrong with nepotism and using family connections. Look around, Emily. You're in a prestigious university. Congratulations, you're an entitled brat."

Things were off to a rough start. Emily expected a friendly and courteous initiation. All her life, she was used to dealing with nice people.

But now, things were different. Her powerful family wasn't there to protect her. She was in a different world. A world of the sorority. A world that Morgan controlled.

"I don't think I understand," Emily said.

"It's simple. Unlike other sororities, our admission standards are very informal. Meaning, if we like you, you'll be accepted. So far, we like you. Most of us come from affluent backgrounds. We're a classy group."

Emily held back a smile. "Thank you."

"You're not a sister yet," Morgan added. "You must still pass the Ritual. And keep in mind, we can expel members easily. And for any reason."

"Okay," Emily sheepishly nodded.

"Now, be honest with us, why do you want to join the sorority?"

There was a sharp, yet disarming tone in Morgan's voice. It was clear that she wanted a non-bullshit answer. She expected the truth, or else there would be immediate consequences.

"I'd like to network. Being in a sorority looks great on a resume. I'd like to make connections for my future."

"And?" Morgan asked, eyebrow raised.

Emily tensed for a moment. "I've always wanted to hang out with the popular girls."

There was a brief moment of silence in the room.

Morgan smiled and took a few steps forward. "So, pretty little Emily wants to hang out with the popular girls. That can be arranged. But be careful what you wish for. You just might get it."

"I'll be ready for my duties as a new member," Emily replied, mustering her courage.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find out when the Ritual begins."

"What happens during the Ritual?"

"You'll be informed when the time comes. But believe me, not every girl passes the Ritual. Only the most dedicated and loyal women are able to pass."

Emily gulped.

There was a tense feeling in the room as Morgan looked deep into Emily's eyes. Then came a smile from Morgan.


For the rest of the week, Emily focused hard on her classes. She was always a good student and a book smart person. Attending an ivy league university was daunting, but she tried her very best.

All the while, in the back of her mind, was the sorority. She had always wanted to befriend a popular crowd. Now here was her chance. The only problem was, she was familiar with the reputation that the sorority had. Dark rumors. Some rumors made her scared. Some rumors made her curious.

But she determined that she was willing to pay the price.

As her class ended, Emily headed back to the dorm with her books in hand, and the thick glasses worn proudly on her face. Outside the dorm area, she saw Morgan leaning against the entrance, looking as sexy as ever.

"Feel like going for a walk?" Morgan asked.

Emily smiled and nodded. "Sure."

After quickly putting her books back in the dorm, the two young ladies went for a slow leisurely walk around campus.

"Being in this sorority is a big deal," Morgan said, in a much more polite tone than their earlier meeting.

"I understand that."

"I'm serious. This sorority is something we take very seriously. We're sisters. We do everything together. We share our secrets. We even do charity work too."

Emily nodded. "I understand."

"And we also have fun together too. You know, the sorority kind of fun," Morgan said in a highly suggestive way.

The conversation took a serious turn, which Morgan was perfectly fine with. On the other hand, Emily clasped her hands together out of pure nervousness.

"I've heard the rumors," Emily replied.

"Tell me."

"Do I really have to say it?"

"I need to know if you're ready for this."

Emily took a deep breath. "I've heard about the naked rituals. You know, things like that."

"Things like what?"

Emily gulped. "Sex with fraternity members. Group encounters. That sort of stuff."

"And how does that make you feel?"

"I don't know."

"You don't?"

Emily thought for a moment. "It makes me feel nervous, honestly. Yet at the same time, it's a very arousing thought. Like it's a big fantasy, which I get to experience. We're in college to learn, right? I want to explore my boundaries."

"Thank you for the candor," Morgan replied. "We'll find out soon enough if you have what it takes."

"Are you referring to the Ritual?"


"What happens there?" Emily asked. "Please, just tell me already. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Emily sighed, "Okay."

"By the way, you haven't told anyone our secret, have you?"

"No way."

"Good," Morgan smiled. "I don't want anyone knowing that we're actually step-sisters. I might be accused of being biased or lenient towards you. My reputation of being the biggest bitch on campus could be questioned."

"Will you be lenient with me then?"

Morgan laughed. "Don't be silly. Of course not. Since we're sisters, I'm going to be even more rigorous with you. You'll be well-trained by the time I'm done with you."

"You're kidding. Morgan, tell me you're joking."

"Em, you're a young woman now. Well, not just yet. It's my job now to make you a woman. A healthy, sexually active young woman. Believe me, you'll thank me once this is all over."

Emily shook her head. "I want the same treatment as everyone else."

"Too bad."

"You know, this might be unconstitutional," Emily pointed out.

Morgan shook her head. "Do you trust me?"

"I always trust you."

"This is for your own good. You're not as strong as the other girls. No offense, but you're a geek. A low self-confidence geek. However, that can change. I can give you the inner-strength you need. You just have to listen to me."

"How? By sucking a cock?" Emily asked incredulously.

"No. By sucking multiple cocks while people watch. Emily, let me ask you, have you ever been plowed in the ass?"

The thought made Emily shiver. "No."

"You have much to learn. But this conversation is irrelevant if you don't pass the Ritual first. Then we'll talk."

"Can you finally tell me what the Ritual is already? I need to know."

Morgan brought her lips to Emily's ear, then whispered. Emily's eyes widened in shock.

"Gosh..." Emily gasped.

"I told you, the sorority is no joke. We take it very seriously, and in order to conduct a proper admission, we have to know if you're dedicated. And we have to know if you can perform. Most of all, we have to know if you're loyal."

"Isn't there a simpler way?"

"Not with our sorority."

"Gosh, this better be worth it."

Morgan put her arm around Emily. "Wait and see. You'll be the biggest slut on campus when I'm done with you."


Part 2 of 4: The Ritual

In many ways, it felt like the most important night of Emily's life. It felt like the night in which Emily would finally become a popular girl, and a 'real' woman, whatever that meant.

It was midnight in the sorority house. Emily was prepared in a long black robe, along with 3 other pledges, also college freshman.

They were lead down the hall. All of the new pledges were barefoot. The hall was dark and it was only lit by candles. A fear went down Emily's spine, but she knew she was in good hands.

At the end of the hall, all of the sorority girls were waiting. The sorority members wore the same black robes, and they were all barefoot.

Morgan stood at the center, wearing a thin white robe. Also barefoot.

The new pledges stood in front of Morgan. There were enough candle lights and lamps to brighten the room. It felt like a spiritual initiation (and in many ways, it was).

"Do you all understand what's about to happen?" Morgan asked.

All of the pledges nodded.

"Good," Morgan replied. "You first. Step forward."

Morgan had pointed to Emily, then Emily stepped forward.

The pledge gulped silently. The fear had returned to Emily. She stood in front of Morgan while all of the sorority sisters and other pledges watched.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions," Morgan said. "You're going to answer everything truthfully. Do you understand?"


"State your full name for the sisters."

"Emily Katrine Bailly."

"How old are you?" Morgan asked.


"Where are you from originally?"

"San Mateo, California."

"Why did you wish to attend this university?"

"The prestige. It's a great school."

"Did your family connections help you with admissions?"


"Are you a spoiled brat?"

"I'm not," Emily replied.

Morgan sharpened her tone. "Answer truthfully. Are you a spoiled brat?"

"Yes," Emily replied, knowing it was useless to fight.

"Why do you want to join this sorority?"

"To be a part of a sisterhood."

"Are you a virgin?"


"Are you a slut?" Morgan asked.


"Truthfully, remember."

"Yes, I'm a slut."

"Have you ever sucked cock?"

"Yes," Emily bashfully admitted in front of everyone.

"Do you enjoy it?"




"Do you enjoy the taste?"

"I do," Emily replied, this time blushing.

"Have you ever sucked a stranger's cock?"

"No, I haven't."

"Would you?"

"I wouldn't."

"Then you cannot join our sorority."

Emily gasped. "I would. I would."

"Are you sure?" Morgan asked skeptically.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Would it bother you if you did?"

"I would be okay with it, if I had to."

"Do you know what a gloryhole is?" Morgan asked.

"I do."

"Explain the concept to me."

"It's when men anonymously insert their erections through a hole in the wall, and a stranger performs oral sex on the other side."

"Does that concept sound appealing to you?"

"It's interesting."

"Have you ever fantasized about it?"


"Would you perform at a gloryhole if we asked you too?"

Emily felt her pussy twitch.

"Yes, I would."


"Because that is what the sorority wants me to do."

Morgan smiled, "Nice answer. You're doing excellent so far."

"Thank you."

"Have you ever done anal?"

"Sort of."

Morgan raised an eyebrow. "Meaning."

"It means I've tried it recently, with an ex-boyfriend."

"How did that go?"

"It wasn't very pleasant," Emily replied. "Neither of us knew what we were doing. It hurt a lot."

"You need more experience."

"I know."

"Have you ever been in a threesome?"


"Would you?"

"I would be open to it."

"A gangbang?"

"I would be open to that too."


"Because I'm a slut. And I want to join this sorority."

Morgan smiled, "You're a very smart girl. Fast learner. You're also a huge book smart nerd, aren't you?"


"Tell us about that. Tell us about your academic achievements."

"Well, I have straight A's on my high school record. My SAT scores are almost perfect. I've been raised to work hard. And I enjoy pushing myself academically to be at the top of the class."

"Yet, you needed daddy's help to get into this school."

Emily blushed, "This is a difficult school to get into."

"Don't be ashamed, Emily. We're all daddy's girls here. And we're all spoiled brats. Now, do you still want to be a part of our sorority?"

Emily nodded, "Yes."

"Well then, now for the final phase of the process. Drop your robe."

It was the moment Emily had dreaded. The moment she never hoped would arrive. She had prayed the last part was all a joke. As she quickly learned, it wasn't a joke. No one was laughing. No one told her to stop. No one told her it was a sorority prank.

It was real. All part of the initiation ritual.

Emily undid her long black robe. Then she let it fall to the floor.

She stood naked while the sorority girls and other pledges watched. Emily felt all eyes in the room on her naked body. She was slender with very little muscle tone. She had the body of a typical book smart student. Average in every way. Yet so very appealing.

Her breasts were small and upturned. She had light pink nipples with soft smooth areolas. They slightly stiffened from the arousal. Her arms and legs were skinny, but there was a slight amount of fat on her butt and upper thighs. Her pubic hairs were in desperate need of trimming.

As Emily stood naked, her posture became poor and she hunched forward. Her face became light red. Emily resisted the urge to cover her most private areas, or the urge to run away.

"Does this make you uncomfortable?" Morgan asked.

"I can handle it."

"Then we shall proceed to the next phase."

Emily gulped. "I'm ready."

"Massage those perky little tits of yours. Play with your nipples too."

Emily complied and touched her breasts. She had always enjoyed playing with her pert breasts and pink nipples. They were nice and sensitive. But doing it in front of so many other young women? It was by far the most extreme sexual thing she had ever done in her life.

"Now suck them," Morgan said.

Emily gulped. It was the next step of the initiation. The young college student lifted her left breast and took her pink nipple into her mouth. She sucked her own nipple while the hall full of women watched. Then she repeated the process by sucking on her right nipple. She took her time sucking each nipple, ensuring that the act was done properly.

"Do you know what the next step is?" Morgan asked.

"To masturbate?"

"Get to it."

Emily released the hold on her breasts. She put her hands down and took a deep breath.

Then she did it. She used her right hand to touch her pussy. The room was in total silence as Emily masturbated. She didn't need any dirty thoughts or fantasies. She was already super aroused by the exhibitionist thrill of masturbating naked in front of everyone.

Emily had never imagined herself as being an exhibitionist. Far from it. She was a prudish book smart girl who prided herself on being modest.

But in that moment, Emily was a naked pledge who needed to masturbate in order to gain acceptance. There was something so thrilling about being watched as she touched herself. She felt her wetness as she rubbed her pussy. She looked Morgan straight in the eyes while she did it.

Minutes later, Emily felt her toes curling and her body tensing. The orgasm came and Emily held in a gasp. It was fast and intense. Emily refused to make any noise or show her excitement. She was too embarrassed for that.

A trickle of wetness flowed down her legs.

"Very nice," Morgan nodded.

"Thank you," Emily said softly, post orgasm.

"You may take a step back. It's time for the next pledge."

Emily nodded gratefully and took a step back, alongside the other pledges. She was still naked because no one had told her to get dressed.

The next pledge stepped forward and was asked the same set of questions. Then Emily watched as the other pledge was made to suck her own nipples and masturbate until she came. Like Emily, the other pledge was also a book smart girl. In fact, Emily shared some of the same classes with the other girl.

After all the pledges were done completing the Ritual, they all stood naked, side by side. They took their oath of secrecy and were taught the secret handshake.

The initiation was officially sealed with Morgan giving each of them a kiss on the lips. Emily was last, and she noted how strange it was to kiss her own step-sister on the mouth.


When it was over, Emily sat alone on a campus bench. It was well-passed midnight and no one was around. Morgan came and sat next to her.

"You did so good," Morgan noted.


"Did you enjoy that orgasm?"

"Is there such thing as not enjoying an orgasm?"

Morgan smiled, "Touche."

"So where does this leave us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Step-sisters shouldn't see each other masturbate the way that I did, or be involved in gloryholes or threesomes together. And step-sisters certainly shouldn't kiss each other on the lips as a form of initiation."

"Based on what rule?" Morgan asked incredulously.

"How about the rule of common decency in society?"

"Em, you're usually right about everything. You're one of the smartest girls I know. But on this, you're wrong. At least when it comes to us."

"How so?"

"Think about it," Morgan replied. "Everybody knows that I'm built for sex. I have the looks, skills, and stamina for it. The same is true for you also."

"Really?" Emily asked in disbelief.

"Yes, just think about all your past experiences. Every guy that you've ever touched has turned into a stalker. You have a natural sensation about you. Just admit it, Emily, we're not normal girls."

"Then what are we?"

"Two words," Morgan replied. "Gangbang sisters."

Emily's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

Part 3 of 4: The Gloryhole

It had been a full week since the initiation and Emily had enough time to process everything. She was mentally prepared, imagining how all the different scenarios would play out, and what she would do.

She was also physically prepared, cleanly shaving her crotch and making herself look nice & neat. She wore her trademark thick framed glasses. Those were non-negotiable. And she also wore her sorority sweater along with sweatpants and sneakers.

Emily & Morgan where in the top floor of the fraternity house, where frat members were roaming around looking for new sexual encounters.

They went inside of a 'girls only' room, which was meant specifically for the sorority sisters.

When they entered, Emily was shocked to see her fellow sorority sister (one of the other new members) on her knees, sucking cock through a hole in the wall. Emily watched in complete awe at the blatant sex act.

"You act like you've never seen a blowjob in your life," Morgan noted in a teasing way.

Emily's eyes were still transfixed. "Not when someone else is doing it."

Both of their eyes remained on the girl sucking cock so openly through the hole in the wall. For Emily, it was an unbelievable thing to see. For Morgan, it was just another Saturday night.

"You see, that's taking the initiative. I have no doubt that this girl will become a high ranking officer for our sorority. She has the spirit for it."

"And the skills," Emily noted. "My goodness, look at her go."

The sorority girl sucked and sucked. She sucked until the random frat boy on the other side of the wall came inside her mouth. Then the girl wiped her lips clean with the back of her hand, and the suddenly flaccid cock withdrew.

"You're up next," Morgan said to Emily.

"Are you sure? I'm much more of a voyeur. I think I'd prefer watching."

Morgan leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "We're gangbang sisters, remember? This is in our blood. This is what we're meant to do. Now get to it."

With a deep breath, Emily went to one of the holes in the wall. Emily got on her knees. Next to her was another sorority girl, an experienced member, who was already hard at work sucking a cock. Emily could have peaked inside the hole to see what was happening in the other room, but she was too afraid.

Morgan came and got on her knees, right next to her step-sister.

"Here, like this," Morgan said, sticking her fingers through the wall. "This is how you get someone's attention. A guy isn't going to stick his cock inside unless someone is here."

"I feel butterflies in my stomach."

"That's a good sign. It means you're not a total whore."

Emily raised an eyebrow. "What's the difference?"

Before the question could be answered, a cock made its way through the gloryhole. A long hard cock. Waiting to be sucked.

"All yours," Morgan smiled. "And there's certainly a lot."

Emily resisted the urge to huff and rebel against her ultra cool and super popular older step-sister.

Instead, she reached forward with both hands and held the cock in her hand. It was officially her first time doing anything sexual with guy, while others watched. Along with Morgan, there were other sorority girls who watched as the gloryhole action was happening.

Finally, Emily leaned forward and sucked on the head of the cock. She heard the frat boy on the other side of the wall gasp, and Emily realized that Morgan was right. Emily had a special touch which was made purely for sex. It was something special. Maybe they were 'gangbang sisters' after all, Emily thought.

"Pick up the pace," Morgan said. "I'm sure there's a long line of dudes in the other room. They can't all be satisfied if you take this spot and simply suck on a guy's cock tip."

Emily took the advice and took the cock further into her mouth.

"That's it," Morgan said. "Gosh, I didn't know you could take one that deep. Good for you."

Emily ignored the compliment and focused on the task at hand, which was to make the guy cum as fast as humanly possible. She sucked furiously and bobbed her head quickly. She had always enjoyed giving oral sex. But this wasn't about her pleasure, she figured. It was about the frat boy she was sucking. She was nothing more than a warm mouth, she thought.

After a few brief minutes, the guy was moaning & groaning behind the wall.

"Swallow it," Morgan said. "Don't miss a drop either."

Emily complied and swallowed the cum as she pumped the stranger's cock. Several spurts of hot cum shot into her mouth as she stroked. Everything was swallowed and sent straight down to her stomach.

When it was done, the guy was left reeling, and his flaccid wet cock slowly withdrew from the glory hole.

"Excellent work," Morgan smiled.

Emily wiped her mouth. "How many more guys are there?"

"I don't know. Usually there's about 20-30 guys over the course of a night who want a blowjob from a sorority sister."

"My gosh."

"Luckily, we have a good group of sisters who share the task. But for now, I guess it's just us."

A cock entered through the wall, right in front of Emily, and she turned to look at it. There was also another cock which came through the other gloryhole.

"Duty calls," Morgan said. "Looks like we'll have to take care of this."


"Yes, together. We're sorority sisters, remember? We do everything together."

Emily wanted to add, 'But we're also step-sisters,' however, the chance never came. Morgan assumed the position on the nearby gloryhole, right next to Emily, and prepared to suck.

It was awkward for Emily as she watched Morgan, her idol, begin to expertly suck the hard cock in her mouth. Morgan was a true pro. A real expert. Emily wondered how much experience her step-sister actually had. Judging by the looks of things, a lot.

Emily did her part, held the cock with both hands, and took the erection inside of her mouth. She sucked it. For the first time in her life, she sucked two cocks in a row. Something she never thought would ever happen. She knew her jaw would have to pay for it later, since it was already getting sore.

As Emily focused on her cocksucking, she occasionally glanced over to Morgan, watching her older step-sister suck like it was her main passion in life.

When Emily closed her eyes to focus on the blowjob, she felt a tap on the side of her shoulder. She looked to Morgan continuing to suck cock, while holding her hand out.

Morgan wanted to hold hands while they both performed at the gloryhole together. It was a weird sisterly gesture. Both of them had a mouth full of cock.

Emily accepted and held Morgan's hand. It was a weird sisterly thing to do, but super arousing at the same time.

She knew Morgan's guy came when Morgan squeezed her hand tighter. Emily watched through the corner of her eye as Morgan's cheeks became hollow from the powerful sucking. The guy on the other side of the wall groaned from the expert sucking.

Morgan slurped everything that was left and took her mouth away, then the guy left.

It was Emily's turn. She made her guy cum in much the same way, through powerful sucking. Morgan watched like a proud teacher as Emily sucked the guy clean. The step-sisters continued holding hands.

When the guy pulled his flaccid cock away, the step-sisters looked at each other with an amazed expression on their faces.

Part 4 of 4: The Gangbang

The other sorority girls took over the gloryhole duties, and Emily & Morgan made their way around the fraternity house.

As they headed down the stairs, Emily's eyes widened once again. She saw a few of her fellow sorority sisters bent over, bottoms down, getting fucked from behind while the fraternity cheered on.

"" Emily gasped.

"Welcome to your first party," Morgan smiled. "Get used to it. You'll be attending these much more often."

Emily felt the color being drained from her face as she watched the brazen display of public sex.

"Do I really have to participate in this?"

"Of course not. It's your choice. But, if you want to remain in the sorority, then you better get used to it."

Emily gulped. "What do I have to do?"

"Follow me."

They walked through the cheering crowd as the other sorority sisters were being fucked hard. It was lewdness like Emily had never seen before. She was in complete awe of how young college women could do such things.

They stood near an empty spot on the table while fraternity members were eager to see if they had a chance with the sorority girls.

"It's your turn," Morgan said.


"Are you afraid?"

"Of course I'm freaking afraid."

Emily became even more timid and wrapped her hands around her own body, as the fraternity members were leering at her.

"Then we'll do it together," Morgan smiled. "Gangbang sisters, remember?"

"Are you sure?"

Morgan nodded. "I don't want to pressure you. Reach between your legs and show me. If you're wet, then we'll do it together. If you're dry, then we'll leave. Sound fair?"

Emily reached inside her pants, underneath her panties, in the room full of people and felt her own pussy. She then raised her hand in the air to reveal a wet trace of fluid on her fingers.

"The question is answered," Morgan said. "And we shall proceed."

With that, Morgan pulled her sorority sweater off, standing in her bra. Morgan removed her shoes and pants. She stood in only her bra & panties. But that wasn't for very long.

With a few flicks of her fingers, Morgan had removed everything and stood naked in the fraternity hall. Morgan stood unabashed by her own nudity. She had nothing to be embarrassed about with her perfect body.

It was the first time that Emily had ever seen Morgan totally nude, and she was jealous beyond belief.

"Enough with the staring," Morgan said, hands on her hips. "It's your turn. Go on, don't be shy. I already know you've got a great bod."

The fraternity members in the hall shifted their eyes from Morgan's nude body, to Emily, to see what she would look like naked.

Emily took a deep breath and got undressed. She wasn't quite as fast or enthusiastic as Morgan, but she managed to remove her clothes at a reasonable pace. While she undressed, her eyes shifted from Morgan's naked body to the other sorority girls who were now being gangbanged in the hall.

It was an absolutely surreal sight. It was like an erotic dream come true. It was beyond Emily's wildest imagination.

The room became filled with sounds of frat members cheering and sorority girls moaning loudly from the pleasure of being fucked.

Soon, Emily was fully undressed and it would be her turn. Several eyes turned towards Emily, admiring her naked figure.

As Emily stood naked, her mind became a blur. Her head felt like it was spinning. She couldn't hear the words that Morgan spoke, as Morgan was talking to some frat members.

"Are you okay?" Morgan asked Emily.

Emily snapped out of the trance. "I'm fine."

"They're getting ready. Climb on top."

Emily watched as some frat boys got naked in front of her. Two guys had laid down on the table, with their hard cocks pointed up towards the ceiling, stiff as can be.

"Climb on top?" Emily asked.

"Of that cock. What else?"

Emily swallowed hard, then obeyed. She got on the table, on her knees, and kneeled above the guy's cock. It was a guy she had never met before. It was the first time in her life that she was about to get penetrated by a total stranger, and it was the weirdest thrill.

She reached below to hold the cock upright, and she lowered her body so that the cock would go straight into her cunt.

Morgan did the same thing with the other guy.

There they were. Step-sisters. Both naked and being penetrated at the same time by different guys.

It was an unbelievable taboo of public sex and semi-incest. The cock felt so good inside Emily, she admitted to herself. It had been a while since she had sex. The heat of the moment was unlike anything she had ever felt before. The smell and feeling of sex was everywhere.

"Now bend forward," Morgan said.

"Why?" Emily asked, still enjoying the feeling of the cock in her pussy.

"Because a cock is about to go in your ass. We're going to be double penetrated. Remember?"

Before Emily could comment, she felt a pair of lubed fingers push inside her asshole. She yelped out loud and her eyes widened. The lube was cold and sent a shiver up spine. Her anus and rectum were being stretched by the lubed fingers, all while her pussy was stuffed by the hard cock.

Then the fingers were pulled away.

It was finally about to happen. Oh god. It was about to happen. Emily found herself freaking out at the thought of being double penetrated at the fraternity party. But at least she had the comfort of knowing that she wasn't alone. She looked over to see Morgan being penetrated in both holes. She rode the cock in her pussy. And Morgan's ass had a big cock pushed inside.

Judging by the look on Morgan's face, she was in heaven.

Emily would soon know that same feeling as she felt the tip of a hard cock press against her anus from behind. She had no idea who the guy was behind her. All she knew was that he was ready to fuck her in the ass.

A quick push, and Emily was being sodomized while her pussy was still full. She was being penetrated in both holes, and never had she felt so full in her life. The nerve endings in her pussy and rectum were being stimulated at the same time. Even more when the guys began fucking her.

Oh god.

Emily's jaw dropped and she grunted when both guys really began to go hard. The guy on the bottom thrusted up & down. The guy behind Emily thrusted back and forth. Double penetration was never something Emily had ever fantasized about, yet it was happening, and it was fucking unbelievable.

"Oh gosh!" Emily said, wide eyed.

She looked over to her step-sister, and saw Morgan in a state of pure bliss as she was being ravished in both holes. It was clearly something that Morgan was comfortable with and had done many times before.

Morgan looked over and the step-sisters locked eyes while they were both being double penetrated at the same time. Morgan held her hand out, and Emily accepted. They both held hands while they were both being double penetrated.

Another frat boy joined, naked from the waist down, and stood directly in front of Morgan, who gladly sucked his cock, filling all of her holes.

Emily watched amazed as her step-sister transformed into a total slut at the party. It was pure debauchery as Morgan was fucked in both holes and she skillfully sucked a cock, all while holding Emily's hand.

Then, it was Emily's turn to do the same. A bottomless frat boy stood in front of the double-penetrated Emily. She couldn't bring herself to look up at the guy to see what he looked like. The only thing that mattered was the guy's cock.

She leaned forward and sucked. Emily's lower body was being stimulated & stretched beyond belief, and suddenly she had a mouth full of cock.

As the minutes passed, Emily's magic touch showed its true power, as did Morgan's. Their bodies were built for sex and the men couldn't last long. The frat boys grunted and moaned, fucking as hard as possible.

Emily cried from the pain & pleasure. The pleasure felt like a burning fire in her sexual parts. The orgasm was building. The pressure inside of her grew. An impending orgasm was coming with a strength she had never felt before.

While a cock was still in her mouth, Emily cried loudly, but her voice was muffled as the cock was nearly down her throat. She briefly spit the cock out.

"Oh fuck!!" Emily cried. "I'm going to cuuummmm!!"

The guy didn't care and he shoved his hard cock back inside her mouth, down her throat.

Her body clenched tightly and her heart pounded uncontrollably. Beads of sweat were all over her forehead and chest. Her cunt had a tight clenching feeling and she burst. She squirted everywhere and made a giant mess all over the table, and on the guys who were fucking her. The gushing continued as her asshole and pussy were being ravished.

"Shit, I'm going to cum too," a guy said, while his cock was still in Emily's mouth.

He stroked himself furiously and filled Emily's mouth with cum, which she quickly swallowed. Emily's lips formed a tight O-shape to ensure that all of the cum would go straight down her throat, where it belonged.

Down below, Emily felt her pussy and rectum being filled with spurts of cum. The men groaned and Emily had never felt so much cum in her body. But, as Morgan had said, she was built for it. Emily's body was built for sex. It was made for pleasure and to receive cum.

She looked over and saw Morgan dealing with the same situation, except Morgan was in her natural element. Morgan licked and slurped every drop of cum. There was a slight smile on her face as she was still being double penetrated while finishing sucking the cock. Then Morgan's holes were being flooded by the two grunting guys fucking her.

After everyone had orgasmed, the men pulled out, leaving a wide gaping feeling in Emily's pussy and asshole. She knew that Morgan must have felt the exact same thing.

When it was all over, the sorority sisters were left in a pile of cum. Their own cum, and the cum from the frat boys who had just gangbanged them.

They laid on the table in pools of orgasm. Their bodies covered in sweat.

"Goodness that was amazing," Emily gasped, breathing heavy.

Morgan nodded. "Welcome to the sorority, sister."

The party wasn't over yet. Not by a long shot. Other sorority girls were being gangbanged in the hall. And other frat boys loved the sight of Emily & Morgan with their well-fucked pussies overloaded with cum. The frat boys broke out in a unified chant at the same time:

"Creampie! Creampie! Creampie!"

Emily became nervous, wondering what it all meant, and Morgan just had a mischievous look on her face.

"What's happening?" Emily asked.

Morgan smiled, "The crowd has spoken."

The older step-sister got off the table, then down to her knees, right in front of Emily's spread pussy, which was a sopping wet mess. Morgan spread the pussy open while Emily watched in disbelief. Then Morgan pressed her lips against the soaking wet pussy and started to suck the cum fluids. Emily's eyes rolled back from the oral sensation.

It was Emily's first lesbian experience. And it was happening with Morgan of all people, at a crowded fraternity party with her new sorority sisters, after she had just been gangbanged by three men.

Life was strange.

And it felt amazing.

The End

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