
Sunday, December 27, 2015

SUNDAY STORY: Sorority Gangbang Sisters

From by HeyAll

Part 1 of 4: The Pledge

Emily stood nervously

She was the youngest person in the room full of people. A fresh faced 18-year old who was new to the college system. Her hair was tied in a ponytail. Her thick framed glasses made her look like a nerd. But she tried to be unafraid. She tried to be strong and brave.

"Why should we allow you to pledge?" Morgan asked.

The room was filled with female college students who all stood in a circle. It was an intimidating feeling and a bead of sweat nearly formed on Emily's face.

"I should be admitted to this sorority because I believe that I am a highly qualified student. I have straight A's. I have done a lot of extracurricular activities. And I'm very easy to get along with."

Morgan raised an eyebrow. "Is that right?"


"You know, I probably could have learned all that by reading your application and other documents you've submitted. But I torn them up and threw them in the trash."

Emily gulped. "Why?"

"Because they're useless to me. Everyone knows you're here because your father is a wealthy businessman. Isn't that true?"

"It's true. But I believe I can make it on my own merits."

Morgan laughed. "Don't be naive, Emily. There's nothing wrong with nepotism and using family connections. Look around, Emily. You're in a prestigious university. Congratulations, you're an entitled brat."

Things were off to a rough start. Emily expected a friendly and courteous initiation. All her life, she was used to dealing with nice people.

But now, things were different. Her powerful family wasn't there to protect her. She was in a different world. A world of the sorority. A world that Morgan controlled.

"I don't think I understand," Emily said.

"It's simple. Unlike other sororities, our admission standards are very informal. Meaning, if we like you, you'll be accepted. So far, we like you. Most of us come from affluent backgrounds. We're a classy group."

Emily held back a smile. "Thank you."

"You're not a sister yet," Morgan added. "You must still pass the Ritual. And keep in mind, we can expel members easily. And for any reason."

"Okay," Emily sheepishly nodded.

"Now, be honest with us, why do you want to join the sorority?"

There was a sharp, yet disarming tone in Morgan's voice. It was clear that she wanted a non-bullshit answer. She expected the truth, or else there would be immediate consequences.

"I'd like to network. Being in a sorority looks great on a resume. I'd like to make connections for my future."

"And?" Morgan asked, eyebrow raised.

Emily tensed for a moment. "I've always wanted to hang out with the popular girls."

There was a brief moment of silence in the room.

Morgan smiled and took a few steps forward. "So, pretty little Emily wants to hang out with the popular girls. That can be arranged. But be careful what you wish for. You just might get it."

"I'll be ready for my duties as a new member," Emily replied, mustering her courage.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find out when the Ritual begins."

"What happens during the Ritual?"

"You'll be informed when the time comes. But believe me, not every girl passes the Ritual. Only the most dedicated and loyal women are able to pass."

Emily gulped.

There was a tense feeling in the room as Morgan looked deep into Emily's eyes. Then came a smile from Morgan.


For the rest of the week, Emily focused hard on her classes. She was always a good student and a book smart person. Attending an ivy league university was daunting, but she tried her very best.

All the while, in the back of her mind, was the sorority. She had always wanted to befriend a popular crowd. Now here was her chance. The only problem was, she was familiar with the reputation that the sorority had. Dark rumors. Some rumors made her scared. Some rumors made her curious.

But she determined that she was willing to pay the price.

As her class ended, Emily headed back to the dorm with her books in hand, and the thick glasses worn proudly on her face. Outside the dorm area, she saw Morgan leaning against the entrance, looking as sexy as ever.

"Feel like going for a walk?" Morgan asked.

Emily smiled and nodded. "Sure."

After quickly putting her books back in the dorm, the two young ladies went for a slow leisurely walk around campus.

"Being in this sorority is a big deal," Morgan said, in a much more polite tone than their earlier meeting.

"I understand that."

"I'm serious. This sorority is something we take very seriously. We're sisters. We do everything together. We share our secrets. We even do charity work too."

Emily nodded. "I understand."

"And we also have fun together too. You know, the sorority kind of fun," Morgan said in a highly suggestive way.

The conversation took a serious turn, which Morgan was perfectly fine with. On the other hand, Emily clasped her hands together out of pure nervousness.

"I've heard the rumors," Emily replied.

"Tell me."

"Do I really have to say it?"

"I need to know if you're ready for this."

Emily took a deep breath. "I've heard about the naked rituals. You know, things like that."

"Things like what?"

Emily gulped. "Sex with fraternity members. Group encounters. That sort of stuff."

"And how does that make you feel?"

"I don't know."

"You don't?"

Emily thought for a moment. "It makes me feel nervous, honestly. Yet at the same time, it's a very arousing thought. Like it's a big fantasy, which I get to experience. We're in college to learn, right? I want to explore my boundaries."

"Thank you for the candor," Morgan replied. "We'll find out soon enough if you have what it takes."

"Are you referring to the Ritual?"


"What happens there?" Emily asked. "Please, just tell me already. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Emily sighed, "Okay."

"By the way, you haven't told anyone our secret, have you?"

"No way."

"Good," Morgan smiled. "I don't want anyone knowing that we're actually step-sisters. I might be accused of being biased or lenient towards you. My reputation of being the biggest bitch on campus could be questioned."

"Will you be lenient with me then?"

Morgan laughed. "Don't be silly. Of course not. Since we're sisters, I'm going to be even more rigorous with you. You'll be well-trained by the time I'm done with you."

"You're kidding. Morgan, tell me you're joking."

"Em, you're a young woman now. Well, not just yet. It's my job now to make you a woman. A healthy, sexually active young woman. Believe me, you'll thank me once this is all over."

Emily shook her head. "I want the same treatment as everyone else."

"Too bad."

"You know, this might be unconstitutional," Emily pointed out.

Morgan shook her head. "Do you trust me?"

"I always trust you."

"This is for your own good. You're not as strong as the other girls. No offense, but you're a geek. A low self-confidence geek. However, that can change. I can give you the inner-strength you need. You just have to listen to me."

"How? By sucking a cock?" Emily asked incredulously.

"No. By sucking multiple cocks while people watch. Emily, let me ask you, have you ever been plowed in the ass?"

The thought made Emily shiver. "No."

"You have much to learn. But this conversation is irrelevant if you don't pass the Ritual first. Then we'll talk."

"Can you finally tell me what the Ritual is already? I need to know."

Morgan brought her lips to Emily's ear, then whispered. Emily's eyes widened in shock.

"Gosh..." Emily gasped.

"I told you, the sorority is no joke. We take it very seriously, and in order to conduct a proper admission, we have to know if you're dedicated. And we have to know if you can perform. Most of all, we have to know if you're loyal."

"Isn't there a simpler way?"

"Not with our sorority."

"Gosh, this better be worth it."

Morgan put her arm around Emily. "Wait and see. You'll be the biggest slut on campus when I'm done with you."
