
Sunday, October 5, 2014

SUNDAY STORY: Sarah's New Life Chapter 1

From Literotica by Ghostwalker

Sarah sat at the kitchen table staring down at the stack of papers in front of her, the heading "Final Decree of Divorce" printed boldly across the top of each page. Tearstains covered the top page and her coffee had become cold, but still she sat and tried to figure out what had happened to her marriage.

She had met Phillip when she was 22 and working as a waitress, he was 36 and married with a 16 year old son. He had returned to college to get his Masters Degree in Business at a local university and routinely stopped after class for dinner before returning to his room to study. Though she knew it was a risk she started dating him after he assured her that things were over between him and his soon-to-be ex-wife. Sarah usually dated men her own age but none treated her like Phillip did. He had been the first true gentleman in her life. They went everywhere together and it seemed that there was nothing that they didn't enjoy together.

Finally, after 4 long months they made love for the first time. It had been fabulous. He had touched and caressed her most intimate parts, kissed her all over and made slow passionate love to her. When they finally fell asleep in each other's arms the sun was beginning to break through the window and Sarah knew she was in love.

After that first time she came to his room almost nightly. She would bring him a hot meal from work, and when he was done studying they would make love; sometimes slow and gentle and other time almost animalistic in its passion. After six months of living like this Phillip moved into Sarah's apartment with her as he continued to study and she worked to pay the growing bills for his education.

During Spring Break of his final semester they went to Florida together. While on a late evening walk on the beach he got down on bended knee under a starlit sky and proposed. Everything had been perfect. They were married in the August of that summer and Samuel moved in with them the following January. They had decided that it would be best if she stayed at home and took care of the house while Philip started working as an Assistant Manager at a local store. That had been 8 years ago. Now it was all over.

Phillip had been advanced quickly in the company and after only 4 years he had been promoted to Assistant Regional Manager. The hours had been long and the new job was stressful which Phillip seemed to bring into their bed when they made love. On those nights when his day had been good the sex was warm and loving but on the days when the stress reached a peak it was almost as if Sarah were nothing more than a means to reduce his tensions as he pounded into her.

Yet Sarah didn't say a word as she continued to support him. Then six months ago Phillip began staying at the office late into the evening more and more frequently. When Sarah asked he insisted it was because of recent staff cut-backs which had resulted in more work for him. He kept telling her that there just didn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything that he was required to do so he had to stay late.

Sarah had believed him until one evening when she had decided to try and rekindle some of the romance and passion that had been missing lately by bringing him a hot dinner. All those years and memories were now overshadowed by what she saw when she entered his office that evening.

The image of Phillip and his secretary fucking on his desk when she had walked in his office would be forever burned into Sarah's mind. Phillips eyes had been closed when she opened the door to his office and heard deep guttural sounds coming from him as he held his secretaries hips and pumped into her from behind.

Angelique was bent over the desk, her skirt up about her waist revealing a black garter belt with tan stockings and stiletto heels. Her panties were wrapped around her right ankle. The top buttons of her blouse were open and her large breasts hung out of a lacy black bra, while her nipples rubbed across the top to the desk with each thrust from Philip. The word 'whore' immediately popped to Sarah's mind yet for some reason she didn't say a thing as she continued to watch her husband and his secretary fucking.

Angelique had looked up when Sarah had opened the door and had given her a wicked, lust-filled smirk before speaking to Phillip. "Mmmmmm, that's it honey, fuck me nice and hard, pump into my cunt with your nice hard cock and make me cum. I love the way you feel inside me, I love feeling you cum inside me, filling me with your hot cum. Mmmmmmm, yesssssssss, that's it lover. Fuck me. Tell me how good it is. Tell me how good it feels to have my tight cunt wrapped around your cock. I'll bet your wife isn't this tight, is she? She probably still calls it a pussy but we know different don't we? When a man is driving his hard cock into his slut, it's a cunt. Isn't it lover? Cunt... cunt... cunt... cunt... ," Angelique continued repeating her last word over and over as Phillip drove his cock deep into her while she stared directly at Sarah.

Phillip grunted as he fucked her harder, thrilled by Angelique's words. "Yes, yes, yes, that's right baby. I love to fuck your tight, little cunt. It feels so good wrapped around my cock, and I love the way you talk so dirty and act like such a slut for me. Ohhhhh, only a slut like you knows how to fuck her man like you do. My wife could NEVER give me what you do."

That was all that Sarah could stand. She turned and ran from the room, tears filling her eyes.

Phillip didn't come home that night, but called late the next day. He said that Angelique had told him that she had seen them together in the office after they were done and that he was sorry she had to find out that way. Then he told her that the affair had been going on for quite sometime already and that he had talked to a lawyer that morning and was filing the papers for a divorce.

Now it was done. The divorce was final. Sarah got to keep the house and was going to be getting a generous amount each month for Samuel and her to live on. Originally, Phillip had stated that he wanted Samuel to live with him but after several months he suddenly changed his mind. Sarah was sure it had been at Angelique's request but said nothing.

When the paperwork had arrived that morning she had allowed herself one last cry before beginning to question what the future held for her along with a deep, driving desire to get revenge on Philip and Angelique.

Remembering that night in the office had awakened emotions and desires deep inside of Sarah that she had pushed down for years. As she thought back to it, Sarah found that it actually aroused her. The sight of Phillip and Angelique fucking like animals, the way Angelique had dressed, acted and talked like such a slut, and the way that Phillip had fucked her so hard and deep, made Sarah's body react and release a rush of juices to coat her pussy. It had been months now since she had felt a man inside of her and she desperately needed one, but who?

Sarah was still fantasizing about the various possibilities when she heard the front door open.

Looking at the clock she knew it must be Samuel returning from the mall with his friend Matt. Rising from the table she quickly stuffed the divorce papers in the drawer before heading towards the living room to see if they had enjoyed themselves. As she drew near she began to overhear their conversation and her pace slowed.

"Your old man is such a fuck. I can't believe he'd do something like that to you."

Sarah recognized Matt's voice and wondered what had happened but waited to hear what Samuel had to say.

"Yah, I know. First he fucked things up with my mom and now he fucked things up with Sarah. What I can't believe is that he's with that bimbo, Angelique."

"Sam, I'm not just talking about that. I'm talking about today. I mean, you're still his son and all, but to ignore you like that, shit, that really sucks."

"I don't know Matt. Maybe he was just embarrassed because we saw him and Angel in that lingerie shop together."

"Maybe, I don't know. Some of that stuff was pretty wild. Your father is such a loser though, if Sarah got back into shape I bet she would look a lot better in that sort of stuff than Angel would. I've overheard my dad talking to his buddies about your step-mom and what a babe she could be. He's even said that he'd like a chance at her. Hell, I've even heard him moan her name a couple of time when he is in his bedroom jacking off."

"Shut up, Matt, I don't want to know that"

Sarah was shocked when she overheard the comments about Matt's father and she could also hear the tone of Samuel's voice changing so she walked into the room. "Hello, boys, how was the mall?"

"OK, I guess. Nothin' really special," Samuel muttered.

Matt just stood there and looked at Sam waiting for him to say more about seeing his father and his secretary at the mall. When he didn't, Matt decided it was best that he leave. "I need to get home; it's almost time for dinner. See you later Sam, and don't forget what I told you."

Samuel stood there as his friend left and then went to his room without saying another word.

Sarah was left standing in the living room by herself. The comments she had overheard were running through her mind. Phillip and Angelique at a lingerie store? Phillip had never indicated to her that he was interested in such things. And Matt's father thought she was a babe and wanted a chance at her?

Sarah had known Dan since he moved in down the block nearly ten years ago, not long after his wife had been killed in a car accident. Although he was several years younger than she was, she had always liked him and thought he was quite handsome; he was about six-foot tall and, according to Matt worked out several times a week to keep himself in good shape. She blushed as she remembered that he seemed to have a good-sized bulge in his pants when she had seen him jogging as well. Her hand began to move towards the moist center between her legs before she remembered where she was and quickly headed to the kitchen to make dinner for Samuel and herself.

The meal was strained and very quiet with neither of them saying a word until Sarah opened the conversation. "I hear Matt calling you Sam all the time. Do you prefer that to Samuel?"

"Yeh, kind of. Samuel always sounds so formal. Sam is more laid back and I feel more relaxed."

"OK then, Sam it is from now on. Your father always wanted you to be called Samuel, but since he is not here any longer, we can start something new, for both of us," Sarah replied before hesitating, "I also overheard the stuff about your father and Angelique... I mean Angel. I'm sorry that you had to see that."

"It's okay. I guess I just have to get used to the idea of the two of them being together. It just felt funny to have him totally ignore me like he didn't even know me. What a dumb fu... " he began to say before cutting himself off. He knew that Sarah didn't approve of swearing and felt embarrassed by what he was about to say.

When he didn't say any more Sarah finished his statement, "Were you about to call you father a dumb fuck?"

Sam simply nodded his head as Sarah continued, "Because if you were I agree he is a dumb fuck for the way he treated you today and what he did to me!"

Immediately Sam began to smile and before they realized it they were both laughing at what they had said.

The tension they had been experiencing faded and they soon finished diner. Sam offered to clear the table and then asked, "Is it okay if I go over to Matt's house for awhile, they have a new wide-screen TV and we're going to watch the game together?"

"Sure, just don't come home too late, ok? I still feel better when I'm not in the house alone."

"Thanks Mom," Sam replied as he stood and headed for the door. Suddenly stopping and coming back to Sarah, he bent over and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "You know you're the greatest," and then left.

Sarah put away the leftovers of the diner and then headed to her room. It had been a draining day and the idea of a hot shower was very appealing. She undressed and slowly looked at herself in the mirror. At 5-foot 6-inches tall, with medium-length brown hair and hazel eyes, her measurements were 35-28-34 and she wore between a B and C cup bra. Lifting her breasts in her hands she noted that they seemed to be developing a small amount of sag and didn't have the shape they once had, but the nipples were still very sensitive. In fact, they were getting hard just from standing here looking at them. Gliding her hands downwards, across her stomach she felt the bulge that she had allowed to develop over time. "Nothing a little working out couldn't get rid of," she though to herself. Then turning around she looked at her ass. Slightly larger than it could be, but it still had a good shape to it. "Not bad for a 30 year old, but it could be better," she thought. Turning again, she looked at the cleft between her legs. Through the full, bushy patch of dark hair she could see the lips of her pussy beginning to puff from her arousal. She could feel the warmth and wetness beginning to coat her nether region as she sighed and headed to the shower.

Stepping into the shower stall the warm water excited every inch of her body. She felt her nipples harden, and her pussy began to flow as the water ran across the outer lips. Giving in to her desires, Sarah reached up and cupped a breast in each hand, squeezing them and pulling gently on her nipples. Shivers of pleasure coursed through her body as she slipped her hand down to her pussy lips she spread them wide before slowly sliding, first one, and then two fingers deep inside of herself, while rubbing her clit with her palm. "Oh god, I need this. It feels so good. I need to cum," she thought to herself. "I need to feel a cock inside me again. I want to feel my pussy juices running down my legs like they used to when Phillip and I fucked, but NEVER with that son of a bitch again." Pumping her fingers faster and faster into herself as her excitement grew she now started to think, "I'm sick and tired of being a good little wife and mother, it's time for a change. I don't want a relationship or another husband. I want someone who wants to fuck me, purely for the pleasure of it. I want someone who will let me act like a slut, someone who will fuck me hard, and bury his cock deep inside of me and fill me with his cum until it drips from my... ... my cunt." Sarah was never sure afterwards if it was the feel of her fingers in her pussy or the decision to become a slut that triggered her orgasm but instantly she felt her body began to shiver and shake as it surged over her as she softly sighed, "Cummmiiinnnggggggggg."

A vision of Dan filled Sarah's mind as her orgasm shook her from head-to-toe and she slowly slid to the shower floor whispering, "MMMMmmmm yessss, Dan."

Lying there with the water still pouring over her, Sarah realized that she had to get her body back in shape for Dan or any other man she might decide to fuck. Standing up, she stepped from the shower and dried herself off, still feeling the sensitivity of her recently aroused nipples and clit. "Soon, very soon," she thought.

Going to the dresser she instinctively reached in and pulled out an old cotton nightgown, but stopped before putting it on. Looking at it she thought, "Sluts, don't wear this, so from now on neither will I. From now on it's either nude or in a nice sexy negligee," before throwing the old nightgown in the garbage and reaching into the back of the drawer to pull out a small silk bag.

Inside was a transparent red, teddy that she had purchased several years ago, but had never worn. Moving from the dresser she sat on the edge of the bed as she removed the teddy from the bag. The material slid lightly across her still sensitive nipples sending a shiver up and down her spine. Then reaching into the bag again, she pulled out the matching red silky g-string that and slipped them on. "They feel so wicked," she thought as she pulled them up until she felt the string nestle between her ass cheeks. Pulling the top over her head, she again felt the silk glide across her nipples and her pussy juices began to flow as she lay down on the bed. "This feels soooooo good," she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Sarah awoke early and prepared for the day. There were big changes to make in her life, and it had to start today. Choosing her clothes carefully, she put on a pair of transparent white panties, with a nude-colored push-up bra and knee-high hose, over those she wore a pair of jeans and a large white, button-up shirt that she tied at the waist line. She wasn't overly pleased with what she saw in the mirror as she noticed her slightly bulging stomach and said, "That can be worked on," before she unbuttoned the top three buttons of the shirt. "Looking sexy is one thing, but embarrassing myself is another," she mused before going to the kitchen and fixing herself a quick breakfast.

For the next three months few people saw Sarah, though Sam assured everyone that she was doing fine, she was just very busy. Sarah went to the gym three times a week, toning her stomach and buttocks, as well as tanning, which she did in the nude. She let her hair grow longer, and then had it permed to a loose curl, she had her finger and toenails manicured professionally, and she had her genital hair waxed down to a tiny little strip. Noticing that everything was changing just as she had planned she became more concerned about the sag to her breasts so Sarah went to see her doctor about a breast enlargement. The doctor informed her that although a breast enlargement could be done, Sarah might want to consider using hormone treatments instead which were a lot easier, less painful, and less expensive, but would still give her the same effect.

As the months passed Sarah's efforts paid off, her body had toned nicely, her breasts had grown and firmed, and her general appearance had changed drastically for the better. Now looking stunningly beautiful, her "new" body measured 36D-25-34, and she was full of renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

As Sarah's body, appearance and mentality changed, so did her style of dressing. She spent whole days on-line or downtown looking for new outfits and lingerie until she found what she was looking for in a little shop almost hidden among a group of craft stores. The instant she entered the shop she felt an almost electrical tingle flow through her body.

Openly displayed on the walls and on the clothing racks were corsets, lingerie sets, long flowing robes, transparent nightgowns, fishnet bodysuits, and even a few items made with latex or leather. Sarah stood there as her imagination ran wild thinking of how she's look in each of the items. It was only when she heard someone talking to her that she returned to reality.

"Hello. May I help you?" the woman asked.

Sarah stammered as she replied, "I'm... ahh... I'm not quite sure. I was looking for something to... mmmm... help me... mmmm... "

"I think I understand," the woman replied. "My name is Nichole. I own this store and you are?"

"My name is Sarah," she answered tentatively.

"Ok, Sarah. Why don't you tell me what brought you to my shop and we'll see what I can do to help you," Nicole said as she lightly ran the tips of her manicured fingernails across Sarah's forearm.

A shiver of excitement instantly ran through Sarah as goosebumps formed on her arm and she found herself telling Nicole about everything that had happened.

Nicole listened intently and only stopped Sarah occasionally to ask her a question about how she had felt or to clarify what she had seen.

"... so that's how I landed up here," Sarah finished.

Nodding her head in response, Nicole took her hand and led her to the dressing room at the back of the store. "You just hop in there and undress. I think I have just the things you're looking for," before heading for a rack of clothing.

For the next three hours Sarah tried on all types and styles of clothing and lingerie before she found exactly what she wanted. Then just as she was about to check out she noticed something in the display case that would forever change her life.

"What's that?" she asked as she pointed to a long golden chain with loops on the ends.

"Oh, you're interested in that?"

"Curious I guess. I've never seen anything like it."

Nicole reached in a pulled the chain from that display case and held it out for Sarah to look at closer.

"It's beautiful. It feels so warm and... mmmm... sensuous I guess it the best word I can think of. But what is it for?"

A glint shimmered in Nicole's eyes as she whispered. "I think it would be better if we took you back to the dressing room and I'll show you."

Once again a shiver of excitement surged through Sarah's body as she walked towards the dressing room. Then just as she got there she heard a soft 'click' and turned to see Nicole walking towards her from the front of the store.

Sarah's excitement grew as she watched Nicole move towards her. "Did you just lock the door?"

"Yes," Nicole purred, "I hope you don't mind but I didn't think you'd want anyone coming on while I was explaining that to you," she continued as she pointed to the chain in Sarah's hand.

Sarah smiled and nodded as she looked at Nicole. "You're probably right."

"Good. Now why don't you go in the dressing room and take off your clothes. I'll join you in a little bit."

"All of my clothes?"

The look on Nicole's face and the shimmer in her eyes told Sarah the answer before she replied. "That would probably be best since I have several other pieces just like this that you might want to try on."

Sarah's voice trembled as she answered, "Ok," as she entered the room and quickly undressed. Outside she could hear the doors of the display case opening and shutting and her anticipation grew with each sound. Without even realizing it was happening she suddenly found herself becoming excited by the thought of Nicole seeing her nude.

Just then the drapes to the room opened and Nicole stepped in. "Very nice," she murmured as she looked up and down Sarah's body. "You should be very proud of your body. You're very beautiful," she continued as she lightly ran her fingers over Sarah's shoulders and over the upper portion of her breast. "Now, you were wondering what this is," she whispered as she took the chain from Sarah's hand, "This is referred to a body jewelry. In this case it is made specifically to be worn on the breast. These loops are placed around the nipple and then pulled tight but only until they are snug enough to hold the chain in place" she continued as she held it up to Sarah's enlarging nipples. "Many women have their lover help them with this but women such as you and I need to learn how to do it ourselves," she finished.

Sarah sighed as she felt Nicole's fingers brush against her breasts and nipples. "You mean you're...?"

"Oh course. You don't think I'd sell anything in my store that I haven't tried myself do you?" she laughed lightly. "Would you like to see?" she asked.

Sarah didn't say a word as she nodded her head.

Nicole stepped back and sensuously began to unbutton her blouse revealing a red silk bra with a transparent black mesh supporting the lower portion of her breasts while leaving her nipples and the upper portion of her breasts completely exposed.

Sarah almost couldn't believe what she saw when Nicole dropped her blouse to the floor. The chain she was wearing was almost exactly like the one Sarah had chosen. A loop surrounded Nicole's right nipple, which looked hard and seemed to be begging to be sucked on, which was attached to a delicate golden chain which crossed to another loop attached to an equally hard nipple on her left breast. The only difference being a small golden ball located in the middle of the chain that appeared to pull on Nicole's nipples.

"Do you like?" Nicole purred.

Sarah sighed in response, "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad to hear that," Nicole whispered as she moved back towards Sarah. "Now, should we see how yours fits and feels?" handing the chain back to Sarah.

Sarah's hands trembled as she took the chain unable to look away from Nicole's enlarged nipples. Though she had fantasized about what it would be like to be with another woman she had never actually thought it might happen until now and the mere thought triggered desires hidden deep inside of her.

Finally averting her stare from Nicole's breasts, Sarah looked down at the chain in her hand. Delicately she opened the loop and tried to place it over her nipple only to slip at the last moment. "Shit," she sighed as she looked at Nicole, "I guess I just don't have the knack for this."

"Nonsense," Nicole replied as she took the chain from Sarah. "I told you it takes practice and that most women have their lover help them with it," at which time she paused and looked deep into Sarah's eyes, "but I could help instead if you don't mind."

Unsure of what to do or say Sarah stood there as Nicole moved closer. Then as the last shred of doubt faded Sarah whispered, "Please."

Having received the approval she had hope for Nicole stepped even closer until she felt her breasts barely touching Sarah's. The sensation that flowed through both of them was accompanied by a gentle sigh and the subtle fragrance of Sarah's arousal as it filled the enclosed room. Then in low whisper Nicole began by saying, "The first thing you need to know about body jewelry is that it is not just to decorate the body. It is meant to heighten the sensations by stimulating the nerves of a particular area. In the case of nipple jewelry the increased stimulation is the result of not only the loop that surrounds the nipple but also the additional blood that is trapped in the nipple giving it a fuller and harder feeling. See?" she finished as she stepped back to give Sarah a chance to see the effect their contact had on her.

Sarah couldn't believe what she saw. Nicole's nipples were almost twice the size they had been when she had first removed her blouse and they appeared to almost as hard as small pebbles. "Will that happen to me too?" she asked.

Knowingly Nicole smiled as she replied. "Should we find out?"

"Yes," Sarah said so emphatically that she not only surprised Nicole but herself.

Nicole's smile broadened as she moved around behind Sarah. "This particular chain is very much like mine so you should always start by stimulating your nipples," she murmured as she leaned forward and lightly kissing the back of Sarah's neck.

A sharp intake of air escaped from Sarah as she felt her emotions and desires spinning out of control. "I've never... I mean... I've never felt... "

Nicole gently turned Sarah towards the mirror while staying directly behind her as she whispered, "You've never... what? Felt another woman touch you?" she quarried.

"Yes," Sarah replied in a hushed tone.

Nicole pressed her body tight against Sarah's back as she slid her arms under Sarah's. "In that case I have a lot to teach you."

Sarah froze at the touch of Nicole's hands as they traced soft, tantalizing lines from under her arms to the areola of her breasts and then back. Her body responded instinctively and her nipples began to harden and grow.

"The trick is to get the nipple as hard as possible before placing the loop over it. That way you trap the greatest amount of blood in it and keep it hard and sensitive," Nicole whispered as she took Sarah's hands in hers and brought them to her breasts. "Now play with your nipples. Rub them with your fingertips and then pinch them between your thumb and fingertip."

Sarah did as Nicole instructed and was surprised at hard her nipples were getting. Maybe it was the idea of using the chain or maybe it was the fact that Nicole was standing directly behind her instructing her and pressing her nipples against Sara's bare back but she didn't care at the moment as her nipples continued to harden and grow.

"Of course, for many women this feels even better when their lover is doing it," Nicole whispered in her ear as she slid her hand under Sarah's arms and took a breast in each, gently squeezing and toying with her nipples.

Sarah had never felt anything so delightfully wicked in her life as she did when Nicole slowly tugged on her nipple pulling it away from her breast and then suddenly letting it go to snap back against her. A low, guttural moan flowed from her as she felt her pussy tremble and her juices slowly leak from between her nether lips to coat her inner thighs. "Ohhhhhh, it feels so wonderful. I've never felt anything like this before. Please don't stop. Whatever you do, please don't stop," she pleaded.

Turning Sarah around Nicole replied, "I have no intention stopping until I've taught you everything I can just as I promised. So the second thing you should know about body jewelry of this kind is that on occasion the woman's nipple doesn't get quite hard of large enough to attach the loop to it. In that case the best thing to do is have the woman's lover gently lick and suck on the nipple like this."

The instant Nicole's mouth closed around Sarah's nipple she wrapped her hands in Nicole's hair and pulled her closer. Phillip was a 'breast-man' and had always played with her tits for at least a short period of time during their foreplay but it had never felt like this. "Oh my god, what are you doing to me?" she asked as her voice trembled.

Nicole didn't say a word as she leaned forward and took Sarah's right nipple in her mouth, suckling on it just as baby would suckle on its mother until she suddenly pulled away and released the nipple with a soft 'pop'. Sarah's nipple was now hard and stuck out from her breast like the eraser of a pencil as Nicole quickly placed the loop of the chain over it and gently pulled it tight. "How does that feel? Do you like it?" she asked before beginning to suckle on Sarah's left nipple.

Sarah had never imagined anything could possibly feel like this. She felt each beat of her heart as the blood filled her nipple and became trapped there. Instinctively her pussy began to pulse and quiver to the same rhythm as she felt the first stirring of an orgasm deep within. "I feel... I don't quite know how I feel."

Gently Nicole pulled Sarah against her as she continued to suckle on her left nipple until she felt it tighten and harden in her mouth and then she quickly pulled away and attached the second loop around Sarah's nipple. Then pulling Sarah back into her arms she hugged her tightly as she ran her hands up and down Sarah's back. Standing 5-foot 8-inches tall before the four-inch high heels she was wearing she towered over Sarah as she ever so lightly she kissed her on forehead and softly said, "Shhhhh, it'll be ok. A lot of women feel like this the first time."

Sarah wasn't sure if she was referring to the first time they wore body jewelry or the first time they made love to another woman and she really didn't care.

Nicole reassured her continuously as she continued kissing her forehead until the moment that they had both been waiting for took place almost by accident. Sarah looked up just as Nicole was about to kiss her once again but instead of kissing her forehead her lips met Sarah's and they kissed each other for the first time.

Both women froze instantly, their eyes open staring at each other as their lips pressed against one another yet neither moved.

Sarah quickly realized how different Nicole's kiss was from Phillip's. Her kiss was so soft and gentle, while Phillip's were rarely gentle. He always seemed like he was trying to force his tongue down her throat. She was never really sure why she did it but she closed her eyes, parted her lips and gently touched Nicole's lips with her tongue. Nicole moaned softly and opened her lips, sliding her tongue out to meet Sarah's. Neither was sure how long their kiss lasted but Sarah was sure it was the best kiss she'd ever had in her life. There was so much love and passion in the gentle caress of Nicole's tongue that it swept her away.

Sarah was sure that Nicole was trying to take things slow to avoid startling her as she felt her run up and down her back to the point just above her ass but she knew deep inside of herself that she wanted this just as much. Intuitively she took the hem of Nicole's skirt in her hands and lifted it over her head before tossing into the corner. Now, for the first time she got to see her new lover's body.

Towering over her because of her four-inch high heels Nicole stood 6-foot tall. Her eyes were a deep brown that accentuated the olive toned skin on her Mediterranean heritage giving her an aura of mystery. Her hair was a multi-shaded auburn that was tipped with a shimmering blonde and hung loosely over her shoulders until it stopped just above her breasts. Her 36C-26-35 body was firm and sensuality radiated from it that instantly resulted in most men wanting her and most women to be envious of her. Dressed in her half-bra and a matching pair of panties along with her body jewelry and high-heels she was vision of beauty.

All doubt had now left Nicole as she began kissing and nibbling Sarah's neck while her hands caressed up and down the sides of her body.

Sarah shuddered with pleasure and moaned softly at the feeling of Nicole's warm body lightly pressing against hers as she continued kissing her before moving down to her neck and then to her shoulder. She could feel her pussy practically flooding as she became more and more aroused by Nicole's touch and kisses and she barely heard Nicole whisper in her ear.

"Why don't we take this some place more comfortable?" she said as she took Sarah's hand and led her to a room at the back of the store that was actually a bedroom. As they we entered the bedroom, Nicole let go off Sarah's hand and explained, "I have this for those night when I need to stay late for inventory or due to bad weather. You're the first person I've even brought back here."

Sarah wasn't sure whether to believe her or not but the idea of being 'the first' instantly resulted in a warm feeling to flow through her.

Nicole continued to the queen-sized bed and lay down on before patting the space beside her on the mattress.

Sarah slowly approached as a nervous, fluttering feeling filled her stomach. She realized that this was the point of no return and that if she joined Nicole on the bed her life would be changed forever. "But isn't that what you wanted?" she asked herself, "Didn't you want a new life, new experiences,... new lovers?" She knew that answer and didn't hesitate as she climbed up on the bed.

Nicole turned on her side so she was facing Sarah and brought her lips to hers taking up where they had left off in the dressing room.

Before Sarah knew it they were locked in a passionate embrace as their tongues played tag with each other battling for superiority. Instinctively, she rolled on her back pulling Nicole with her until she was leaning over her and was kissing down her neck towards her upper chest and breasts. "Ohhhhh. Yesssssss," she hissed as she leaned her head back giving Nicole access to the soft spot under her chin. Sarah could feel Nicole's chain gliding against her body as her hard nipples pressed across her skin each time she shifted her position, always moving lower and lower on her body.

Nicole continued kissing down Sarah's body teasingly until she reached Sarah's nipples.

Sarah felt Nicole lightly brush her soft lips over her nipples, which had been hard since they first started kissing and then she felt a hot moist feeling as she sucked her left nipple into her mouth and flicked it with the tip of her tongue. For the briefest of moments Sarah felt off balance until she felt the fingers of Nicole's left hand cup and squeezed her right nipple. The sensations coursing through Sarah's body were like nothing she'd ever felt; the warm/cool feel of the chain lying on her chest, the throbbing of her loop enclosed nipples, the warm rasping feeling of Nicole's tongue one nipple, and the sensuous feeling of her hand squeezing and pinching her other breast were almost more than she could stand. So she felt empty when Nicole suddenly moved away and looked up at her.

"There is one more thing I should tell you about body jewelry of this kind... " Nicole purred as she reached for the chain attached to both loops and gave it a tug.

Instantly sparks filled Sarah's vision and she arched her back as the sensations from her nipples overwhelmed her and her body shuddered through a small orgasm, "AAaaaggghhh, so good," she panted.

But Nicole was far from done as she began to lick between Sarah's tits and down to her belly. "You're so damn sexy. All I want to do is spend the rest of the day touching and kissing every inch of you," she breathed heavily before going back to kissing and licking her way further down Sarah's body until she reached Sarah's lust inflamed pussy. There she stopped and pulled away to get a look at the treasure before her.

The feel of her soft, warm breath again triggered desires deep inside of Sarah as she looked down between her spread legs to see Nicole slowly moving closer and closer to her pussy.

At first Nicole licked the outer lips of Sarah's pussy but she immediately realized she couldn't wait to taste the nectar running from Sarah's aroused mound and she licked her partially open slit from the base to the tip, stopping just below her clit. Another sharp intake of air filled the room as Sarah's body quivered from the feel of her tongue inducing her to do it several more times before flicking her tongue ever s lightly over her engorged clit.

"Oh my god... Oh yes... Don't stop... Please don't stop... That feels so good," Sarah cried out as she threw her head back and grabbed onto the sheets with a white knuckled grip. As Nicole licked and flicked her clit with her tongue Sarah's hips started pumping up and down on their own. She could feel her orgasm building as Nicole kept licking her clit or lightly blowing across the moist outer lips of her pussy, it felt like an electrical charge that started in her toes and spread throughout her entire body until it overwhelmed her and surged from her with the force of a tidal wave.

"Ohhhhhhhh myyyyyy goooodddddd. CCCUUMMMIIINNGGGG," Sarah screamed at the top of her lungs as she grabbed the back of Nicole's head in her hands and pulled her face tightly against her pussy while she wrapped her legs around the sides of her head like a vice. Her entire body arched off the bed so that only her feet and shoulders were left touching the mattress.

Nicole kept gently licking and sucking on Sarah's clit the entire time until she finally came down from her orgasmic high and collapsed on the bed. Only then did she raise her head, gasping for air and panting.

Sarah was almost couldn't believe what she saw as she looked down between her wide spread legs. Nicole's face was a deep shade of red and covered from nose to chin with her pussy juices which were dripping from her chin onto the sheets below her. "Oh my god, I've never even come close to cumming like that before," she sighed in total amazement.

Nicole's smile was bright enough to light up a football stadium as she moved up to lie beside Sarah on the bed and said tenderly, "I'm glad I could do that for you."

"Me too," Sarah said before asking timidly, "Do you want me to do that to you too? I don't know if I can do it as good as you did but I can try."

The look on Nicole's face showed the mixed emotions of desire, lust, concern and caring before she finally replied, "I'd love it if you did that to me, darling, but not tonight. We can do that nest time. Tonight is for you and I have other things in mind to make this the most wonderful night you've even had."

Sarah felt disappointed until she heard the words 'next time' after which she became intrigued by what Nicole had in mind. "So what's next?" she asked.

Nicole rose from the bed and headed back out the front of the store as she called over her shoulder, "You'll see."

The minutes seemed to drag on forever as Sarah lay there waiting until she heard Nicole returning. Looking up she saw she had something in her left hand while her right hand was hidden behind her back.

"The first thing I have for you is this," she said as she held out her left hand to expose more chain exactly like the one Sarah was wearing.

"I don't understand," she started but Nicole cut her off.

"Kneel up on the bed and I'll show you what this is for."

Sarah didn't hesitate as she sat up and Nicole climbed back on the bed.

"Most body jewelry comes in several pieces to allow its wearer to individualize it. That way they can wear the whole thing or just a part as the mood and desire fits the moment," she continued as she took the chain in both hand and stretched it out for Sarah to see. "This section goes around the waist, see?" she asked as she slid closer and wrapped it around Sarah and clipped it in place.

Sarah noticed another strand of chain hanging from the waist chain and picked it up giving Nicole a curious look.

"Then this chain is clipped to the chain that is looped to your nipples," she finished.

The moment Sarah felt the additional weight of the chain on her nipples as surge of desire and lust flowed through and a deep, guttural moan flowed from her as she said. "It feels soooo good, sooo naught, sooo sexy."

Nicole smiled at her response and she reached for the waist chain again. "This chain can also be clipped in several different places so you can wear up around you waist or lower around your hips," at while time she gave Sarah that wicked, mischievous smile that told Sarah there was more to come. "Personally, I like to wear it lower because it adds more weigh on my nipples and because I can add this... "

Sarah stared at the last piece of chain in Nicole's hand. The chain was only about six inches long and topped by a golden ball about the size of a small marble.

"It goes right her," she said softly before finishing with the word, "lover." When Sarah didn't object she continued. "It clips to the waist chain just like the other one but dangles down to rest... right here," she said tenderly as the ball slipped between Sarah's pussy lips and nestled against her still hypersensitive clit.

Instantly, Sarah felt her heart rate increase causing her nipples to throb. She had never felt anything like this before and all that she could think of was how much she loved it as she lay back down on the bed.

Nicole watched Sarah's body respond to the additional thrill of the ball before continuing, "There is one more thing you should know... "

"What's that?" Sarah asked.

"If you wear the waist chain down low enough you can remove the ball and a different one can be put in its place, that way you and push it inside of yourself... just like this," she purred as she slid her hand between Sarah's legs and pressed the ball inside of Sarah's wet, steamy pussy.

Sarah's eyes flew open as another orgasm surged through her body and she screamed, "AAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."

Though Nicole had been with many other women before she was surprised at Sarah's response as her body bounced up and down on the bed driving her finger in and out of her pussy until she crumbled and lay totally still. "So I guess you like this?" she quarried.

"Are you talking about the body jewelry or you and I?" Sarah asked in her post-orgasmic haze.

"Either," Nicole replied.

To which Sarah murmured, "Both," as she fell in to an exhausted slumber in Nicole's arms.

Though not satisfied in the same way that Sarah had been Nicole found herself feeling immensely fulfilled by what had happened as they lay in each other's arms.

Incredibly they both felt totally refreshed after resting for a few moments. Yet neither was eager to move. Instead they lay their in each other's arms talking about what had happened and what the future might hold for them. It was only then that Sarah admitted that was only one thing missing... a cock... a long, hard, throbbing cock.

Nicole laughed as she admitted that she felt the same, "I'm 'bi' do you know what that means?"

Sarah nodded her head slowly thinking that she did but not 100% positive.

"It means that while I enjoy making love to woman I also love the feel of a hard cock pounding inside of me too. That is another reason I love body jewelry so much. The look on a man's face the first time he sees me wearing it and... there is one last advantage to wearing body jewelry that I haven't told you about but you'll have to trust me completely before I can explain it to you."

Sarah never hesitated as she replied, "Explain it."

Nicole slipped from her arms and walked to the table where she had placed that item she had previously hidden behind her back. Picking it up she walked back to Sarah and showed it to her.

"Is that a...?"

Nicole nodded as she placed it on the bed between them. "It is a two-headed dildo but a very special model that I have made especially for the shop. You see this end is slightly smaller. That is because it goes into the woman acting in the male role. These straps are used to hold it into her" she indicated as she lifted them for Sarah to examine. "The longer, thicker part end of the dildo is for the woman being made love to."

Sarah stared at the strange device before asking, "What about the balls?"

"Ahhh, those were actually molded from one of my past lovers. He had an extraordinarily large set and they fit the use of a special function only found in this dildo."

"What's that?" Sarah asked curiously as she felt her lust beginning to rise again.

"That is better off demonstrated, if you'd like."

Sarah simply said, "Show me."

Quickly Nicole lay on her back and Sarah saw her pussy for the first time as it peeked from between her crotchless panties. Grabbing the dildo she brought to her pussy and pushed but nothing happened. Quickly she spit on her hand rubbed it across and into her pussy yet when she put the dildo against her opening she was still unable to get it to slip in. Then looking at Sarah she asked, "I seem to be having some trouble. I'm not quite wet enough. Would you mind...?"

But she never got a chance to finish as Sarah shifted herself on the bed and lowered her head between Nicole's spread legs. Just as Nicole had done to her she began by kissing the inside of her thigh. The aroma of Nicole's arousal increasing her own desire. Instinctively, she began to run the tip of her tongue from Nicole's thing to the outer lips of her pussy before withdrawing to kiss the opposite thigh. She continued like this until she felt Nicole's hands run through her hair and pull her towards her wanton core. It was only then that she stuck her tongue out and placed it between Nicole's pussy lips; softly, playfully, gently nibbling on them.

Nicole's body arched and her hands pulled Sarah tighter against her mound which was all the incentive Sarah needed as she ran her tongue from the base of Nicole's pussy to just below her clit, occasionally licking the sensitive area between her pussy and ass. Wanting to prolong what she was doing Sarah suddenly spread her tongue out flat and ran it up Nicole's fully aroused outer lips until she reached her clit.

"Yesssss, darling. Please, suck my clit. Tongue my pussy... get me wet so I can get this dildo in and fuck you," Nicole pleaded.

Never one to hold back Sarah straightened her tongue and thrust it inside of Nicole's opening. She had never tasted another woman's pussy juices but knew immediately that had changed forever. Slowly she drove her tongue in deeper as Nicole responded by raising her hips to meet Sarah's tongue. Gradually they increased their tempo until Nicole was whimpering and pleading for release.

Finally Sarah decided to focus her tongue directly on Nicole's clit which was exactly what she wanted and needed. Sarah ran her tongue faster and faster across Nicole's clit as she slid a finger into her pussy until she found her new lovers G-spot.

With this Nicole practically threw Sarah off of her as she started yelling, "Oh my god... I'm going to cum... I'm going to cum... oh my god, there... yeah, RIGHT there... oh my god... CUMMMMIIINNGGGGG."

Sarah felt her tongue being sucked into Nicole's core and jokingly told her later that she thought she was going to have her tongue ripped off while copious amounts of Nicole's pussy juices dripped from her cleft and onto the sheets below her.

Exhausted Sarah rolled onto her side and held Nicole as she slowly returned from her orgasmic travels.

"Thank you Sarah," she whispered, "That was possibly the most intense orgasm I've ever had with a woman or a man."

Sarah remained silent as she gently teased Nicole's nipples until Nicole pulled away slightly.

"I'm pretty sure I can get that thing inside of me now if you'd still like to try it?"

Sarah's day had been filled with many 'first' but the idea of being made love to by another woman this way was the fulfillment of many of her deepest fantasizes so she rolled on her back and spread her legs while looking longingly at Nicole, "Do it, darling. Fuck me with... your cock. Drive it deep inside of me. Fill me with it and make me cum."

Within moments Nicole had slipped the end of the dildo into herself and strapped it in place. Then she crawled between Sarah's legs with the dildo dragging beneath her until she was nestled tightly against Sarah waiting womanhood.

Sarah nodded her head when she felt the head of the dildo slide across her pussy. Nicole then held the dildo straight in front of her as she pressed it into her. The cock felt almost real as it slid deeper and deeper into her until she felt the balls firmly against her ass.

Reaching up she placed her hands on either side of Nicole's face and pulled her down to kiss her. Their tongues once again battling with each other as their breasts pressed against one another and their nipples rubbed each other sending thrills throughout their bodies.

Slowly Nicole began to ease the dildo out of Sarah before pushing it back in causing the other end that was buried in her to move and press deeper into her pussy as well. "Mmmmmm, so nice," she whispered.

"Yesssss," Sarah replied, "sooo nice," as she wrapped her legs around Nicole's back pulling her closer.

Nicole started slowly increasing how hard and fast she was pumping into Sarah with the dildo and before long she was slamming the entire length of the dildo in and out of her pussy so hard and fast she was making Sarah's body bounce back and forth on bed with each of her thrusts.

Sarah's pussy was so wet now that the straps of Nicole's strap-on harness was sopping wet and every time her pelvis crashed into Nicole's it splattered across her thighs and lower belly covering them with pussy juice.

"Oh god... Oh yes... I'm going to cum... don't stop... Pleeeeaase don't stop," Sarah cried out as she felt her orgasm building.

"Not yet," Nicole yelled. "Hold on just a bit longer," as she pulled the dildo from Sarah's pussy. "Roll over on your hands and kneels, quick."

Sarah was bewildered at what Nicole wanted but quickly did as she was told if only because she needed to feel the dildo in her again.

Nicole's quickly moved behind her and drove the dildo deep into her.

Sarah was overcome by the sensation as the dildo smashed against her cervix releasing a surge of pleasure/pain while at the same time the balls of the dildo pressed her pussy lips and the little ball on the chain attached to her body jewelry swung back and collided with her clit. "AAAAIIEEEEEEEEE," she screamed.

"Yes baby... that's it. Now you can cum. Cum for me, lover. Let me see you cum again. Cum all over my cock until it drips from your pussy," Nicole panted encouragingly never slowing her thrusts. Ti was just then that she grabbed Sarah's waist chain and pulled on it, tugging her nipples and causing the golden ball to swing even harder as it struck Sarah's clit.

"OH FUCK... OH... YES... FUCK... MY... PUSSYYYY," she screamed in time to Nicole's thrusts. "FUCK... ME... HARDER... PUMP... YOUR... COCK... INTO... ME... AND... FILL... ME."

Nicole rammed the dildo in and out of her as hard and fast as she could, sweat dripping from her body as she grunted with each thrust. "Just a few more moments, Sarah, just a few more and we can cum together."

Sarah's body felt like it was on fire from the top of her head, through her loop encased nipples, to her dildo-filled pussy, and down to her toes. She felt her orgasm building like none she'd ever experienced before. "NOW... CUUUMMING... NOW," she wailed at the top of her lungs. Her eyes pressed so tightly together that she saw fireworks bursting behind her eyelids.

It was exactly at this moment that Nicole reached under Sarah grabbing the balls of the dildo and squeezing.

Instantly Sarah felt a warm, thick fluid spewed from the tip of the cock into her pussy filling her. Her body was tingling like it was electrically charged and she started convulsing because her orgasm was so intense that it just threw her body into total chaos. Then complete darkness as she passed out for a couple of minutes.

The effect hadn't been nearly as intense for Nicole but her body bucked and surged as her mouth flew open in a voiceless scream.

Afterwards they both collapsed on the bed and lay silent.

When Sarah finally opened her eyes she heard Nicole calling her name.

"Sarah, are you ok?" Nicole asked in a concerned voice.

"I'm fine, just fine," she murmured as smile filled her face. She could still feel the dildo buried deep inside of her and Nicole loosen but not remove her new jewelry as she drifted off to sleep with Nicole nestled behind her.

Neither woke until the following morning. They awoke wrapped in each other's arms and neither felt the least bit of embarrassment or have any regrets for what had happened the night before. In fact, they made arrangements to see each other again the following week.

When Sarah got up she left her body jewelry on and made sure to tuck the little bal exactly where it belonged. Then she put on a black half-shelf bra with a peasant top and a pair of jeans that zipper from the front all the way between her legs to the back. Nicole had joked that it made it mush easier for a 'quickie' should she have the opportunity.

Just before she left Sarah turned towards Nicole and asked, "So doe this mean we're girlfriends?"

"Girlfriends, lovers, fuck-buddies, anything you want us to be," Nicole answered as she kissed Sarah on the lips.

Then Sarah exited the shop. The sun was up, the sky was blue, she could still feel the thick pseudo-cum that was still dripping from her pussy and her little golden ball was bouncing against her clit with each step she took. Smiling, she slid into her car, wondering want new things lay ahead as she continued her new life.

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