
Sunday, August 10, 2014

SUNDAY STORY: Wrong Can Still Be Right Chapter 1

From Literotica by slim_odds2

It was dark. Pitch black actually, except for a few dim halogen lights spread across the abandoned construction site in what Jake suspected was the most token of security efforts. Jake walked slowly past tarp-covered building supplies and stacks of concrete rebar, his flashlight shining weakly; it did more to mark him a target than cast any useful light, but he left it on anyway. He suspected it didn't matter either way; his sister Megan was going to kill him. 

Jake stepped carefully into a huge half-finished building, his shotgun sweeping from left to right as he walked from one empty room to the next. He wondered what the building might become. A hotel maybe, or an office building. Or a morgue with really good parking, he thought in a detached way. 

Fortunately, Jake wasn't alone in the dark; his youngest sister Natalie and two strangers they met earlier that evening were with him. As the group moved down a corridor they became bunched up together, too close. We're one big fat target, Jake realized. He began to say something, when suddenly he was being strangled from above by a lasso-like tongue. Megan, he knew at once. A horde of zombies collapsed in on him from all directions as his body dangled. Well doesn't this just add insult to injury. As for his companions, well... 

As he died, Jake watched Natalie spray desperate Uzi fire into the frenzied undead to little effect. One of their companions ran in wild panicked circles screaming obscenities, and the second disappeared abruptly as he quit the game in apparent frustration. And that, as they say, is that. Jake slumped away from his computer monitor, sighing as he heard Megan crow in victory from her bedroom. "Jerk!" he called in good-humored aggravation. 

Left 4 Dead was the game of choice that night for the three James siblings: Jake, Megan, and Natalie. On their respective computers in their respective bedrooms, they played alternately as human and zombie while doing their best to kill one another turn after turn. The two random online strangers had been a last-minute addition to Jake's team to try and balance against Megan's uncanny talent. Waste of time, he thought to himself as he pushed back from his desk, stood, and walked the short distance to Megan's adjacent room. 

As Jake rounded the corner, Megan swiveled her computer chair around to face him. At twenty-two years old, she was undeniably beautiful. Barely five foot three and 105 pounds, Megan's slim athletic figure was showcased in the simple undersized black t-shirt and long gray track pants she wore that night. Her brown hair fell straight to her collarbone in stylized layers that seemed to point directly at her small firm breasts. Megan's green-brown eyes shone brightly - they were always alert. 

"Since when am I a jerk?" asked Megan. 

"Since you murdered me ten seconds ago," replied Jake unseriously. Jake was suddenly and uncomfortably aware of her wry half-smile, a signature grin that he loved in ways he hated to admit. It was accented by a silver stud that pierced her face on a diagonal between the outside corner of one lip and the tip of her lightly-freckled nose. They call it a "Monroe," Jake remembered, as in Marilyn. 

Megan extended one toe to the floor and rotated her chair gently from side to side. "It's not murder if it's zombies, you jackass," she said with her grin. "And besides, why would I want to murder my favorite brother?" 

"Your only brother, and don't change the subject. Next time I'm going to shoot your zombie butt off with my 12-gauge," Jake promised. 

"Not if I fucking choke you to death first," Megan replied sweetly. "What you need is a plan." 

"A plan?" 

Megan nodded. "Yep. A plan to stop sucking so bad." 

Jake rolled his eyes and began to frame a reply until he heard the patio door open and slam shut; Natalie was undoubtedly going outside to salve her wounded pride with a post-game cigarette. "How 'bout a smoke?" Jake suggested instead. Megan nodded and reached to grab her pack of Camels and a flat black Zippo lighter. She unfolded gracefully from her chair and breezed past Jake, reaching up to briefly scratch him behind one ear as she did. Jake loved it when she did that. Jake loved it when she did anything. 

Walking outside, Jake was briefly night-blind and had to navigate around patio furniture by memory. He stubbed his toe on a lounge chair and cursed softly. Megan laughed and took him by the hand. "This way, smart guy," she teased as she led him. Her touch was very warm. 

They made their way past the swimming pool to the far side of the house where Natalie stood buried in her cellphone, smoking the Marlboros Jake and Megan both hated. The youngest of the three, Natalie was nineteen years-old, soft where Megan was firm, and unfailingly kind. Her large breasts stood out on her short frame, and her blonde hair was typically swept up into some fashionable approximation of a ponytail. Natalie's large sapphire eyes were warm and guileless. For the hundredth time Jake reflected that although he loved her, it was nothing like how he loved Megan. 

Jake heard the metallic ping of Megan's Zippo as she lit up. He admired how her cigarette's ember lit up the features of her face until he caught himself staring. Jake chided himself silently for failing - once again - to keep his emotions under the complete control he sought to have. He listened to the night air pass through hidden trees as he smoked, waiting patiently for either Natalie or the sister he loved with too much of his heart to say something. 

"Zombie assassin," grumbled Natalie without looking up from her text messaging. 

Megan chuckled. "Not my fault you guys can't cover a flank to save... well, to save your lives." Natalie's phone buzzed, and she grimaced at once. Megan's eyes flicked to Jake, who nodded in unspoken agreement. 

Yup. It's Dan. 

"Your dickhead boyfriend?" Megan asked, knowing the answer. 

"Not anymore," Natalie replied. "I'm tired of his shit." She looked up at Jake. "And don't you say anything." 

"Like what?" Jake asked innocently. 

Natalie snorted. "Like 'do you actually fuckin' mean it this time,' or 'fuckin' finally,' or 'I fuckin' told you so.'" 

"We both told you so," Megan muttered. 

Natalie ignored her. "Or 'fuck-ity fuck fuck FUCK that guy.'" 

"I only said that one once!" Jake said, fighting back laughter. 

"Twice. I can count." 

"Has anyone ever mentioned how ridiculous you sound when you swear?" Jake asked seriously. "It's like listening to Minnie Mouse -" 

"- I do NOT sound like Minnie Mouse!" 

"It's like listening to Minnie Mouse drop the F-bomb. You just do it too cute." 

Megan nodded gravely. "He's right, you know. You're just too goddamn Disney for your own good." 

Natalie rolled her blue eyes. "Anyway, fuck him." She flicked her cigarette into the dirt. "I'm d-o-n-e." 

Megan raised her arms over her head triumphantly, exposing a flat stomach for Jake to not look at. "Cue the 'Hallelujah' chorus!" 

Jake laughed. "No, the 1812 Overture. We need some celebratory cannon fire." 

With a sigh, Natalie began to walk toward the house. "I'm going inside. See you nerds later." 

After a long pause, Megan slowly smiled. "So hey," she called after Natalie, "want to celebrate with some post-boyfriend dildo shopping?" 

Jake groaned. I am not going to picture Megan with a dildo, he commanded himself. "Sisters aren't supposed to talk about that around their brothers," he complained. 

"Like I care. Come on Nat, whaddya say?" 

"No thanks, sis," Natalie said primly. "Fingers are better." Without another word, she stepped through the door and into the house. 

Megan whirled around to Jake in open-mouthed surprise. "Did she just say that?" 

Jake was equally stunned. "Good Lord. What happened to sweet, innocent Natalie?" 

"Long gone, I guess," Megan said with a shrug. She gave Jake a long look, her eyes sparkling. "She's right you know." 

Jake groaned again. This is not helping. 

Megan grinned her grin. "Just giving you a hard time, big bro." Then, Jake watched her face soften into something he had never seen before; some hidden, private face she never showed him. She looked vulnerable, she looked...

...Is she scared? 

"You know, you're a great brother." Megan said softly. "I mean it. You spend time with us, you don't freak out when we joke about dildos, and you care about who we date." 

Jake didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. 

Megan continued, "It's like you see us as real people, not just your sisters. We're not just your biological roommates, it's like... fuck, I don't know." She lit another cigarette, and Jake saw her hands were shaking. "It's nice to know you give a shit, that's all." 

"Megan," Jake said slowly, carefully, "you're my best friend. You know that, right?" 

"Yeah?" she half-whispered, locking eyes with him. 

"Of course you are. I love the time we spend together. Being together. I wouldn't trade it for anything." 

"Me neither." Megan sounded relieved. "Thanks for seeing me as... as a whole person." She leaned in for a long hug, throwing her arms around his neck and burying her face into his chest. 

Jake waited sadly for it to end; it was always a bittersweet thing when his sister embraced him. So, he waited. And waited. And...waited... 

Finally, Megan said, "We can be honest with each other, right?" After a moment, she giggled. "I can hear your heartbeat speeding up. What, you think I'm going to ask what you keep at the bottom of your sock drawer?" 

That's the last thing I'm worried about, believe me. Jake licked his dry lips. "We can be honest with each other, sure." 

"Totally honest?" 

Oh God. "Yeah." 

Megan sighed. "Well, for my first bit of total honesty... I like it when you hug me. I feel safe." She paused. "Is that..." 

"Me too," Jake said before he could stop himself. "I mean, I don't mind it. It's fine. We're cool." He winced. Real smooth, buddy. 

Megan laughed, pulling back from their embrace. "Glad I leave you tongue-tied." She winked. 

I could faint right now if I tried. "Very funny. Now how about a re-match, you heartless undead bitch?" 

"Game on, asshole. Just remember, we've got to be at work tomorrow morning early. Plus, we're going on the road trip soon, remember?" 

He did. Spring Break was coming, and he and Megan were celebrating with a road trip they had talked about for the better part of a year. Unlike Jake and Megan, Natalie had classes that week and their parents had decided it was a sort of adult rite of passage. 

In two days, it would be just the two of them. 


According to his alarm clock, it was 4:59 AM when Jake awoke on his own. He was briefly annoyed by the single minute of stolen slumber. He flicked the alarm switch off with a fingernail before the damn thing could scream at him. Way too early for a Saturday morning. But, people love their coffee. 

Jake was a manager at the local coffee shop, working to support his way through college. As manager, he could hire and schedule whoever he wanted whenever he wanted; Megan and he almost invariably worked together. With a yawn, Jake rolled out of bed and headed to Megan's room to wake her. 

He didn't bother to knock on the door; it was their morning routine. "Hey. Jerkface. Time to get up and deal some drugs." 

Megan chuckled, nearly invisible beneath her pile of blankets. "Yeah, we're practically the Escobar cartel slingin' caffeine like we do." She sighed. "I can't go today. I'm sick." 

Jake rolled his eyes. "Really. And what is it that you have this time?" 

"Think of something good for me." 

He laughed. "Alright, how about explosive diarrhea?" 

"Ew, no. Um... how about flesh-eating beetles?" 

"Nice try, but that's more of a customs violation than an actual disease." 

"What if they ate my flesh?" 

"Oh yeah?" Jake said as he crossed the room to her bed. "Prove it!" He began tickling her where her armpits had to be. 

"Jake!" she laughed, squirming wildly. "Jake, I - shit Jake, I'm naked under here!" She sat up suddenly, hands covering her breasts as the blankets draped dangerously low on her waist. Jake shot backwards immediately. 

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry I had no -" his voice caught in his throat. Sitting there cast in the moonlight, her face hidden in semi-shadow as her hair draped forward, he could still see Megan's perfect, wicked grin. 

"Like what you see?" she purred. 

"No! I mean, I - I seriously had no -" 

"It's OK, I was kidding you dork. Now go get cleaned up while I make us some eggs." 

Jake exhaled heavily, his tension melting away. Gratefully, he headed into the bathroom to wash up. Hair, check. Face... nope, don't need to shave again just yet. Satisfied, he walked to the kitchen where Megan was cooking. Then he saw her.

Maybe I don't need any coffee this morning. Her back turned to him, Megan was wearing one of her simple, small black t-shirts and a very short pair of purple boy-shorts underwear. He slowly sat across from her at the kitchen's bar. 

Hearing him enter, Megan turned and said, "I figured over-easy would be... what?" He was staring. 

"I... this is return fire for this morning, right?" 

"No, why?" 

"You're like THIS close to naked." 

Megan laughed. "Listen buddy, we're going to be on a road trip staying in the same hotel room for a week. You're going to have to get used to seeing me like this sooner or later, right?" She scratched a breast absently, and Jake could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. 

Jake blinked. "Sure, I mean, yeah. That makes sense." He swallowed past a lump in his throat. "Sorry about the staring." 

Megan's green eyes gleamed. "It's OK, I take it as a compliment." She waved a spatula at him. "Remember all that last night about you seeing me as a more than a biological roommate? Being a whole person? Total honesty? Well, I value your opinion. And that extends to my... my appearance." Without looking, she reached and took the skillet off the burner. "Is that OK?" Her expression shifted again into what he had seen last night, and suddenly all Jake could see was her determination and her fear. 

It was all too much: the previous night, the embrace, the innuendo, what she was wearing, what she was saying. All at once, Jake ignored all the barriers he had set up so carefully in his mind for so many years; he spoke with an intensity that startled him. "Megan, as far as I'm concerned you're the most beautiful woman in the world. So if it doesn't both you, I'll... I'll look." 

Megan gave him her special grin. "Good. I'll like it if you do." She took the skillet and dished out eggs onto two plates, setting one in front of Jake and another at a spot next to him. As she sat, she reached up and scratched him behind one ear. 

"Total honesty time," Jake said. "I fucking love it when you do that." 

Megan laughed. "I'll be sure to do it more often, then." Looking down at her plate, Megan said, "Shit, I forgot forks." She got up again, and walked over to the drawer where the utensils were. She grabbed two, and one slipped from her grasp and clattered to the floor. "Shit," she said again, and bent to retrieve it. 

As Megan's fingers closed around it she stopped short, glanced over behind her, and saw her brother was staring. Smiling to herself, she dropped the other fork for good measure. 


The drive to work took less than five minutes in Jake's Chevy Tahoe. Once inside the shop, Jake filled the espresso hoppers with beans while Megan artfully arranged the morning pastries. Jake took the cash register drawers to the back room to count out change. He welcomed the chance for some privacy and some time to collect his thoughts. 

You've gotta ask yourself, Jake, just what the hell has been going on here. For most of his life Jake had felt an attraction to Megan he knew he couldn't have. It was wrong, it was disgusting, it was forbidden for him to want his own sister. Jake had done his research, and as far as he could tell everyone in the world despised the very idea of incest. Well, besides the people who for some reason get off on the idea that someone, somewhere is banging a near relative. Jake snorted; the next man's fetish was his personal hell. Jake had long since accepted this hell as a simple fact of his life, counted himself as defective, and forced himself to block out his feelings to the best of his ability. 

Jake filled the change trays slowly, thinking carefully. The important thing is to review the facts. The fact was, Megan was acting very differently. He wanted to believe it meant something, that maybe - just maybe - she felt as he did, but when he tried he felt only emptiness. No, it was a fantasy; it was too good to be true - damn it, incest was wrong! 

But what if it's between two consenting adults? With a sigh, Jake took a deep breath to slow his mind back down. She's your sister, not your lover. Get over it. He double counted the money one last time, and returned to the shop's floor. 

Three hours into their shift, Megan asked him to get a bag of coffee beans from the back room; the ten-pound sacks were stored too high for her to reach comfortably. Jake found he needed a ladder himself, and Megan retrieved a step stool. Standing tall, Jake was barely able to reach. As he finally grasped a bag, he heard a laugh from Megan below him. 

"What?" he asked. 

"Oh nothing." She winked. "You'll figure it out." 

It would be another hour before Jake realized she must have been checking him out. 

It was at the end of their morning shift that Jake and Megan could finally share a lunch at a nearby sandwich shop. They enjoyed each other's silent company until Jake's phone vibrated in unison with Megan's. Jake got to his first; the message was from Natalie to both of them: "Dan. Come to school parking lot now." 

Megan cursed and Jake grabbed his keys. "Hurry," he urged her as they ran to his truck. The drive to their community college usually took three minutes. Jake made it in less than two. 

Roaring into the nearly deserted gravel parking lot, Jake spotted Dan's car right away and drove at it. He saw Natalie, and he saw Dan. Dan was screaming; he looked unglued. Then Jake saw Dan reach back and slap Natalie. Hard. 

Jake kept an aluminum softball bat in his car; he had never played a game of softball in his life. 

In his fury, Dan didn't hear Jake's truck crunch to a halt less than three yards from him. He didn't hear the sound of Jake exiting his Tahoe, bat in hand. What Dan did hear was the sound of something passing by his ear very quickly, a sharp metallic whistle punctuated by the sound of shattering automotive glass. When Dan turned, he saw Jake and then he saw a bat where Dan's passenger window used to be. 

"My car!" Dan shrieked. 

"Your car," Jake agreed. He slid the bat up over his shoulder and took a stance like he was in a homerun derby. "Your head next?" 

Dan's anger was a paper tiger, and it crumpled in the face of real wrath. He went bone white as he realized the position he was in. "Listen," Dan began. Jake's rage flashed across his face, and Dan stopped dead. 

"I'll talk, you'll listen motherfucker. You get anywhere near my sister again and I'll break your fucking legs. You touch her and I'll kill you." He meant it; Dan could tell. "Go to the police and we will, too. You've got two witnesses saying you hit a little girl. That's assault, and that's the last chance you'll ever have getting into Cocksucker State or wherever the fuck you think you're transferring to." 

Dan nodded dumbly; as stupid as he was, he knew it was the right thing to do. 

Jake considered everything he could do just then. He could ruin Dan's car blow by blow or coerce Dan into slamming his own hand with the car door. All Jake needed to do was give Dan the choice of which one he would rather have broken. Jake could have done lots of things like that, and he knew it. He had complete control. Instead, Jake said to Natalie, "Get in the truck." It wasn't a request; she got in the truck. 

As Jake got into his Tahoe, he saw Natalie curled up on the back bench seat crying into Megan's lap softly. Jake drove slowly away, heading home with a blank mind and a clean conscience. 

When he finally pulled into the driveway, Jake put the truck in park and sat briefly in silence. Then, turning around in his seat to face Natalie and Megan, he said, "You OK Nat?" She nodded. "You OK seeing your brother commit property damage with athletic equipment?" Natalie laughed, and nodded again. 

Megan grimaced. "You should've taken his fucking kneecaps out," she growled. She wasn't kidding. 

"I could've." Jake shrugged. 

"Should. Have." Megan insisted. "He hit your damn sister!" 

"That doesn't mean I'm going to go all Grand Theft Auto on him," Jake retorted, surprised at Megan's anger. "I'm not going to beat him to death for a slap." 

Megan grumbled something under her breath, and Jake had had enough. "All I know is, I need a shower," he announced as he exited the vehicle. 

Fifteen minutes later, Jake was as scrubbed and clean as he was going to be. He exited the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and approaching the sink. He tried and failed to wipe the steam's condensation off the mirror; it was just too hot, but he liked it that way. Jake began to lather his face with shaving cream when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," he said. His jaw dropped when he saw her. 

Megan walked in and closed the door behind her. She wore a short, white terrycloth bathrobe loosely tied at the waist. Her hair was back in a ponytail, her moss-green eyes glimmered, and her face was serious. "Hi," she said quietly. Jake heard her click the lock into place. 

"Hey," Jake rasped. 

"Whatcha up to?" she asked, sounding nervous and trying to hide it. 

"N-nothing. You?" His brain felt like someone had flipped an off switch. 

"Oh, you know, hanging out." 

"Want... to shower?" 

"With you? Not right now, thanks. Look, I came in here to apologize. I kind of snapped at you back there in the truck, and I shouldn't have. You were right to call it a day after taking out the window." Megan shrugged, and a shoulder of her robe threatened to come off. She tugged it back into place lazily; her robe opened wider. Jake could see the inside curve of her breasts and her flat stomach all the way down to just past her naval. He felt his cock stiffen under the thin towel. 

"It... was no problem," Jake managed. 

Megan bit her lip, and looked at the floor. "No, I owe you an apology." Her eyes turned up at him. "How... about a hug?" She took a single step toward Jake. "Is that... OK?" 

Jake reached out for her, but she stopped him. "No," Megan said, shaking her head and taking his hands into hers. "Like this." She grasped his wrists lightly and pulled his hands toward her, guiding them. At her direction, Jake's hands slid inside her robe and circled her small bare waist, and he pulled her into him. Megan wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her nearly naked body into his bare flesh. As hot as the steaming room was, she felt hotter. 

After a long moment, Jake's hands began to slowly move up her body, inching and gliding along her flank, his fingers fanning out as he caressed up over her ribs one at a time, stopping with his thumbs just below her small breasts. He felt her stiffen, felt her breath catch. Jake's heart hammered blood through his veins as he so slowly, so carefully, began to run his hands back down her, caressing the sister he loved down, and down, and down until he was just below her waist. 

"Like that?" Jake asked quietly. 

Megan tilted her head back to look up and lock eyes with him. "Perfect," she whispered. "So perfect." She gave him her special half-grin, cocking an eyebrow. "You're enjoying this, aren't you big brother?" 

Jake suddenly became aware of his erection, which must have felt like an iron pipe digging into her side. He turned white and started to push her away until she stopped him. "None of that, now. You're supposed to enjoy it." There was no trace of uncertainty in her voice anymore. "I know I am." 

"Are you wet?" he asked. Megan smiled wider and began to reply, until suddenly a knock came at the door. 

"Jake? Megan? Can I come in?" The knob jiggled. 

Jake felt as if he snapped out of a trance; he burst into action, shoving Megan to one side and picking up his razor. He cracked the door slightly. "Hey Nat! Just trying to keep the steam in here so the bathroom's still warm for Megan." 

Natalie shrugged. "Whatever. Look, I'm going over to Caitlyn's house to spend the night. Will you tell Mom and Dad whenever they get home?" 

Jake nodded rapidly. "You got it!" he said brightly. As soon as she was gone, he closed the door again and half sat, half collapsed onto the floor. Megan was holding her sides laughing. Jake chuckled along with her. "We're fucking crazy, aren't we?" 

Megan nodded. "Yeah," she admitted, "but I like our kind of crazy." 


Natalie walked down the sun-dappled street that led directly from her house to Caitlyn's. Wearing a simple blue t-shirt and jeans, Natalie was dressed for the comfort and relaxation she desperately needed. She felt light and free, and the bounce in her step seemed to prove it. No more Dan, she thought to herself. If ever there was a reason to celebrate, this has gotta be it. Natalie could hardly wipe the smile from her face despite what had happened to her just hours before. 

Caitlyn's house was a large, landscaped two-story at the end of a tree-lined cul-de-sac. Walking up the cement path to the front door, Natalie had to fight the urge to skip. She had hardly pressed the doorbell before Caitlyn answered. Standing no taller than Natalie, Caitlyn was much more proportionate to her size; her breasts were handfuls barely half the size of her best friend's. An excellent and dedicated soccer player, Caitlyn's body had a sleek, functional elegance that was evident in her every move. With straight brown hair and soft amber-brown eyes, Caitlyn's face was welcoming and warm. Smiling widely, she ushered Natalie inside at once. 

As they walked through the long foyer and up stairs to Caitlyn's room, Natalie told her all about Dan and what had happened with Jake. Caitlyn's eyes were narrowed and angry by the story's end. "I'm with Megan," she said. "Jake should've crippled that bastard." 

"You think your brother would have?" Natalie asked. Nick was a year younger. 

"Definitely. He's pretty protective," Caitlyn replied as they made their way into her spotless IKEA-filled bedroom. She sat on the bed; Natalie took a chair. "He's stronger than he looks, too." Natalie had always thought Nick was a little on the skinny side. "Still," Caitlyn continued, "you're lucky to have a brother like Jake." 

"You're just saying that 'cause you want to bone him," Natalie said with a wink. It was an open secret that Caitlyn had had a crush on Jake since the seventh grade. Caitlyn lobbed a pillow at her in reply, which Natalie caught easily. 

"Nat, I'm not kidding around here. That fucker hit you! Are you actually OK, or are you bullshitting me?" 

Natalie's good-natured mirth subsided; she grew serious. "Yes and no. No, because what happened to me is very fucked up. Yes because it's over, I'm safe now, and Dan is long gone." 

Caitlyn grunted. "He better be. Otherwise, Jake'll have to get in line when it comes to bat-swinging time." 

"Well," said Natalie, "how about a new topic?" 

Caitlyn smiled again. "I wonder if I already know what you're going to say." 

"Probably, but I'll say it anyway: what's with all the clothes?" Natalie asked pointedly. 

"What's wrong with them?" 

"What's wrong is you're wearing them." 

Caitlyn laughed. "Took you long enough to get to it." Still sitting on the bed, Caitlyn gracefully wriggled out of her shorts and shirt and was down to a black bra and panties in moments. Her naval was pierced, accentuating her toned stomach. "Your turn, blondie." 

Natalie peeled off her shirt and jeans, revealing blue lingerie that complimented her eyes perfectly. Caitlyn gave a low whistle of appreciation, and Natalie giggled. "You like?" she asked. 

Caitlyn nodded. "Very much. So, so very much." For a time the two friends looked at each other, neither uncomfortable at the other's gaze. Nobody would have guessed, but both girls were very sexual creatures who had grown up together sharing their first kiss and, masturbating side by side, their first mutual orgasm as they raced one another to the finish. Though they were not lovers, they still shared in everything; it was a bond that made them closer than family in many ways. 

Breaking the spell, Caitlyn moved first. She unsnapped her bra and let her pert breasts bounce free; her puffy brown nipples were already hard. "Come on, baby. You show me now," she cooed. 

Her sapphire eyes sparking, Natalie stood and with a flourish unhooked her bra, releasing her huge breasts from confinement. She tweaked a large pink nipple. "Miss them much?" she said archly. 

Caitlyn rolled her eyes. "Like you don't know." 

"Maybe I like to hear you say it. May I like to hear you say I make you... you know..." 

"Wet?" Caitlyn said with a laugh. She patted a spot next to her on the bed. "Come find out," she teased. 

"Show me," Natalie urged, beginning to become truly aroused. 

Caitlyn leaned back on her mattress and stuck her legs straight up in the air. Hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, she pulled them down slowly and then flipped them off into a corner. She spread her legs wide, showing her hairless pussy for Natalie's inspection. "C'mere," she said quietly, half sitting up and resting back on her elbows. "That's it, nice and close," she breathed as Natalie scooted forward until her chin was on the bed, bare inches from Caitlyn's cunt and close enough to feel the heat off of her. Caitlyn sighed happily. "I can feel your breath when you're that close." 

Experimenting, Natalie blew air gently; Caitlyn shivered. Natalie smirked. "Like that, don't you?" 

"Wait until your turn, and if you're good I'll show you." 

"Good?" Natalie asked playfully. "What do I need to do to be good?" 

Caitlyn chucked. "For a start, strip." Natalie revealed her trimmed blonde bush at once. "Good," said Caitlyn, her eyes tracking Natalie's every movement. "Now sit up here next to me, and... touch yourself." 

Natalie lay back on the bed, propped up on one elbow so she could be eye to eye with Caitlyn. "Like this?" she asked, her fingers teasing around her labia. 

"No," Caitlyn admonished, beginning to stroke her snatch. "Like this." She began to rub just around her clit, giving a quiet moan of pleasure. 

Natalie was already sopping wet. The small noises her pussy made as she played with herself filled the room as her fingers moved faster. She teased at her clit, not wanting to cum too soon. 

"That's good," Caitlyn said as she continued to masturbate, enjoying this new game. "That's very good. Don't stop. Now lay down and suck on your tit." 

Natalie rolled flat on her back and, still diddling herself, pushed one breast up toward her mouth. She craned her neck forward to reach her nipple; her tongue lapped out and over the sensitive skin, causing a ripple of pleasure to pulse through her body. 

"Again," Caitlyn commanded; she was playing with herself earnestly now. "And look me in the eye while you do it." 

Natalie did it again, and her big blue eyes didn't waver. 

"Fingers now," Caitlyn said. "Put one - no, put two in." 

"I will if you will," Natalie said. 

"Bullshit. You will because I said so," Caitlyn said with a grin. 

Natalie slipped two fingers inside her, hooking them gently as she moved in and out of herself. Biting her lower lip, she fought the urge to squirm. 

Caitlyn leaned in for a kiss, her lips brushing over Natalie's neck gently. "That's your reward for behaving... so far, anyway." Her brown eyes glimmered. "I've got an idea." 

"Yeah?" Natalie breathed. 

"Don't move, and don't stop." As Natalie continued to masturbate for her, Caitlyn rose to her knees and straddled Natalie's face. Slowly, Caitlyn crouched lower until her cunt was nearly touching Natalie. Breathing heavily, Caitlyn said "I want you to do this to me, and I want you fingering yourself the entire time. Got it?" 

Natalie nodded, not trusting herself to speak. As her best friend lay back, Natalie spread herself over Caitlyn's face with her blonde-haired pussy just inches from Caitlyn's mouth. She kept pumping her fingers in and out. 

"That's it," Caitlyn said, her voice cracking. "Three fingers now." 

Natalie grunted as she slid a third into her full cunt, her juices dribbling down her hand. "Baby," Natalie made herself say, "You like the view right?" 

"God yes." 

"That's good, but I'm about to drip on you sweetheart." 

"That's the idea. I want to... to taste you. Is that OK?" 

Natalie shivered in delight. They had tasted themselves before - they had licked their dribbling fingers dry dozens of times right in front of each other - but they had never shared. It was a step Natalie was ready to take. "How much of a taste?" she asked, feeling her orgasm build. 

Caitlyn just smiled. "How much you got?" 

In response, Natalie stopped masturbating long enough to fork her pussy lips apart. She could feel Caitlyn's rapid breath on her hole as cum oozed out of her and threatened to fall. "That much." 

"All of it," Caitlyn demanded. "Come for me. Now." 

Natalie was happy to oblige; rubbing her clit furiously and rapidly pounding three fingers in and out of her, she felt the grip of ecstasy take hold and overpower her. "Here it comes," she panted, going even faster. "Open wide!" 

Caitlyn closed her eyes and opened her mouth as wide as she could; all at once, cum began to fall in a thick stream onto her waiting tongue. She swallowed once, then again. "Yes!" she managed between gulps. 

Natalie felt her body shudder into a second orgasm, and she choked back a scream. She filled her gaping cunt with a fourth finger unbidden, pushing herself to her very limit as she filled Caitlyn's mouth with her cream. 

Caitlyn's own building orgasm had reached the breaking point; she plunged three fingers into herself in one sharp shove that finally pushed her over the edge as she swallowed Natalie's cum. With a gasp, Caitlyn came harder than she ever had before, convulsing with lust and the desire for even more. She was barely able to stop herself from burying her tongue into Natalie's pussy. 

As Natalie finally collapsed onto the bed next to Caitlyn, both friends sighed in mutual relief. The receding tide of post-orgasmic bliss faded in gradual increments until finally they were able to speak again. 



"I want yours, too." 

In response, Caitlyn scooped cum out of herself and offered it up to Natalie as if on a silver player. Natalie gratefully licked and sucked it off of Caitlyn's outstretched fingers, then asked for more. She kept asking until Caitlyn had no more to give. 

As they faded off to sleep, both friends instinctively knew that in some way their relationship had changed forever. A new line had been crossed, and there was nothing left that was taboo anymore. Having tasted one another's essence, they could now share anything and everything without fear. 


Natalie woke first. It was dark out, and she was still horny. Natalie rolled out of bed naked, briefly considering dressing before deciding against it; she would wake Caitlyn soon enough, and Natalie planned for them to go another round. Or maybe two, Natalie mused. 

Glancing over her bare shoulder at her nude slumbering friend, Natalie reflected that she was very lucky to have Caitlyn in her life. Natalie knew she wasn't a lesbian, but when it came to Caitlyn things got more complicated. Maybe there isn't a limit to what I'd do with her. To her. She shivered at the thought, hugging herself. Maybe this is going to go farther than I ever thought. 

Natalie had decided to load some of Caitlyn's porn up on her computer so that they could watch it together when Caitlyn woke. As Natalie browsed through Caitlyn's files she was surprised to find a folder she hadn't seen before. Something new at last. She loved watching porn with Caitlyn, but lately the usual stuff had grown a little stale. You can only see so many three-ways before you start wondering about four-ways. She giggled softly to herself. 

Double-clicking the folder, Natalie saw thirty-seven files individually numbered with no further description. She chose one at random, waiting impatiently for the video to load. It looked vanilla at first - just a guy fucking a girl from behind - when suddenly Natalie recognized them. 

It was Caitlyn and her brother Nick. 

No fucking way! she nearly shouted before stifling herself. Natalie's mind was reeling. It was incest! It was unreal, unthinkable, unbelievable, un... un... 

Actually, this is pretty hot, Natalie realized with a start. She paused the video then, sitting back in the chair to think. In total silence, growing more wet by the minute as she thought about what she had in front of her, Natalie decided that the idea of Caitlyn and her brother fucking turned her on because it was so wonderfully taboo. My little Caitlyn, sneaking around and banging her little brother. Natalie felt a smile growing on her face. Maybe she started by helping him learn how to kiss. Maybe he needs practice, maybe he comes to her wanting advice. Natalie began to rub her clit gently. Then it goes a step further. Suddenly Caitlyn finds herself turned on, as their "practice" gets more serious. 

Natalie used her other hand to start the video again, keeping the volume muted. The practice got more serious all right, she thought as she kept toying with herself. Pretty soon they're frenching and having makeout sessions. Before long, they're not even pretending it's practice - "it's just harmless fun," they tell themselves. On the screen, Nick had Caitlyn lying on her back now as he tongued her bald cunt. Caitlyn was shouting something, but Natalie couldn't tell what. Probably something that sounds a lot like "fuck yes!" 

Natalie wondered when it was that both decided to have sex with each other. I bet she made the first move. I bet she let her hands wander too far and gave his cock a squeeze. I bet he almost lost it in his pants, but he kept it together long enough to feel her tits under the shirt for the first time. 

Natalie's fingers danced across her clit as her other hand slid two digits into her wet cunt up to the second knuckle. After that, she pulled him out and jacked him until he came. Then he went to clean himself up, and they spent the rest of the night acting like nothing happened. But, they bump into each other in the bathroom the next morning before school and he tells her how much he wants her. She's getting wet just looking at him, knowing she can have him whenever she wants. Natalie pushed a third and fourth finger inside her then, stretching herself so much it hurt. She arched her back to allow herself to go deeper, harder, faster. She began to pant without realizing it. 

And she pulls him inside, locks the door, and sucks his dick until he comes. She swallows every single drop. He goes off to his senior year of high school that morning the happiest kid on the planet with the biggest secret he can't tell anyone. And when he comes home, he doesn't fool around. He drags his laughing sister into bed and rips her clothes off, and he's hard as lead. Natalie moaned loudly. He shoves it into her and she screams for more. They come together, and after that it's just a matter of time before they start recording one another for the nights they can't slip into each others' bed. 

"NATALIE!" Caitlyn shouted, now wide-awake thanks to Natalie's moaning. "What the fuck are you doing?" 

Natalie went from the brink of orgasm to a crashing halt. "Baby," she tried to explain, "it's OK, really!" 

"No it fucking is not!" Caitlyn's face was bone white with shock. "You just caught me doing..." she trailed off. 

"Doing your own brother," Natalie finished for her. "And in case you haven't noticed, I think that's about the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I mean, just look at me for a second." 

Caitlyn finally saw her. Natalie had been caught with nearly her entire hand inside her cunt while she stared at Caitlyn blowing Nick on screen; it was crystal clear to Caitlyn all at once. "Wait you - you mean you don't think I'm some horrible fucking pervert?" 

"Fuck no!" Natalie yelled. "Are you shitting me? Look at me for fuck's sake. I'm elbow deep in my own snatch and you're still asking how I feel about it?" 

Caitlyn burst into relieved laughter. "Thank God. I thought I'd just ruined... what we've got." 

"No way," Natalie reassured her. "This is seriously the hottest thing I've ever seen. I counted thirty-seven of these videos. Is that all of it?" 

"Not even close. We've been fucking like goddamn rabbits. We've probably recorded a tenth of it; it's something for him to look at once he goes off to college in the Fall. Mister Full Scholarship gets to skip community college unlike the rest of us chumps," Caitlyn explained. 

Natalie raised an eyebrow. "So, are you guys, like, in love, or...?" 

Caitlyn shook her head. "We're real clear on everything: this is for fun only. I mean, yeah, we're close and love each other but we're not like in love. We're just fucking, pure and simple. And we're going to keep doing it as long as its fun. And, Natalie," Caitlyn said with a wicked smile, "it's the most fun I've ever had." 

Natalie tapped a finger against her chin, thinking. "This has been going on for, what a year?" 

"Pretty much right after he turned eighteen." Caitlyn confirmed. She described how everything had happened starting with the seduction, and Natalie's imagined version wasn't far off at all. "Seriously, Nat, you have no idea how great it is," Caitlyn gushed, starry-eyed. "The rush is unbelievable. We're breaking all the rules, but for all the right reasons. Yeah it's incest, but that's half the fun!" 

Natalie laughed. "You don't have to sell me, you know. I feel exactly the same way just watching you guys screw." 

Caitlyn's grin widened. "You should try it." 

Natalie blinked. "What, with Nick?" 

"No, with Jake! Although..." 

Natalie waved the thought away. "One thing at a time, sweetheart. You seriously think I should fuck my own brother." 


"This is ridiculous," Natalie muttered. 

"Bullshit, you're just being close-minded. Stop thinking of him as your brother and just look at him for what he is. Smart, good-looking, funny, and he did just save your ass from Dan." 

Natalie nodded. "Still though, I'm not so sure I feel that way about him." 

"He happens to be related to you, that's all. Then again, you of all people seem to enjoy the kinky incest part, so maybe I should be emphasizing that." Caitlyn looked pensive. 

Natalie rolled her blue eyes. "You're enjoying this idea, aren't you. You want me to fuck him." 

Caitlyn spread her hands in a helpless gesture. "So?" 

"What happened to you having a crush on him?" 

Caitlyn chuckled. "I'd share my fantasy boyfriend with you since you're his sister and I've got the hots for you both. That'd totally be worth it. And don't change the subject." 

Natalie sighed. "Look, I'm just not so sure. I'm not saying 'never,' but I am saying 'I'm not so sure.'" 

Caitlyn shrugged. "It ain't for everyone, that's for sure. He's got to want you, too." 

"And that is by no means certain." 

Caitlyn walked over to Natalie and squeezed into the computer chair next to her, taking a smiling, naked Natalie into her arms. 

So quietly that Natalie almost didn't hear her, Caitlyn said, "We could make it certain."

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