
Sunday, July 27, 2014

SUNDAY STORY: A Friend Indeed

From Literotica by loverofFUN

My first experience with another girl happened the summer before I started college.

I had finished up my senior year in high school with three best friends. We were all athletes and met in the trainer's room our junior year as we nursed minor injuries and sprains back to health. Gina and I were co-captains of the girls' soccer team and Lori and Ellie were both volleyball players. After about the third week of hanging out and rehabbing our injuries, we just decided that we all really, really liked each other and that was that. We were inseparable from that point on.

I was really focused on soccer and school and it had paid off as I received a full scholarship to play in college. I really didn't date too much and at this point I had made out and fooled around just a little with a few guys that I had dated, but to be honest, I had never been past second base. Did I want to have sex? I didn't think I was mature enough to go all the way yet, but I was mature enough to know that the absolute last thing I needed was to get pregnant. I had my future planned out with school and soccer and I wasn't going to jeopardize that.

Don't get me wrong, I was practically horny all the time, but my friend and teammate Gina had turned me on to the joys of self pleasure during our sophomore year. She had really sympathized with my sexual inexperience when I opened up to her and she had explained in detail how to masturbate properly. I finally decided I would give her methods a try and I had become pretty much addicted to getting myself off. It actually made it a whole lot easier in terms of avoiding temptation. If they treated me well and acted like a gentleman, I would let my dates get a feel of my boobs over my shirt while we made out. But no further than that... which wasn't too hard knowing that I would take care of things on my own once I got home. It just made it easier to say no.

I thought I was satisfied with being a 'self-sufficient' young woman in the sex department, but my senior year had proven a little more difficult. I guess I had always been fairly popular, but as a senior I had to deal with quite a bit of attention from boys. Basically over a period of eight months starting right after Christmas of my junior year, my boobs had increased in cup size from a modest C to DD's. It happened so fast that I was still trying to get used to them (which wasn't easy with all the running we did in soccer) and I definitely still wasn't all that comfortable with the attention they were getting from not only guys in my class but from teachers and administrators. At that time it had kind of creeped me out and I felt like nobody looked at my face when they talked to me anymore. So to say I was a little self-conscious about them was an understatement.

The four of us had just finished up with graduation and all the awesome graduation parties the previous weekend. We had summer jobs lined up with the intention of saving as much money as we could for our first year of college, but with our various work schedules, we knew that spending a lot of time together this summer was going to be tough. We were all a little down about that because we knew that before we realized it, it would be time to pack up and head off to our colleges of choice. So our plan was to try and get together as often as our schedules permitted and we were kicking things off by having a sleepover at Gina's house as our last little hoorah before the summer grind started.

Gina had also received a college scholarship to play soccer at a smaller school in Florida. Almost everyone considered her really, really cute with her short brown hair, deep, beautiful brown eyes and the sexiest splash of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Lori had played volleyball and had that surfer girl look with a great tan, long blond almost white hair and the most dazzling smile that was framed by a pair of dimples to die for. She wasn't that serious about volleyball, but was smarter than anyone else I knew and had a full academic scholarship to a school in California. Ellie, the other volleyball player, was just flat out beautiful with long auburn hair that framed the prettiest green eyes and a beautiful face. She could have easily been a model, but the fact that she was just over six feet tall made her seem unapproachable by most of the guys we knew. Fortunately for her, her height and skills on the volleyball court had resulted in a full ride to a Big Ten school.

We had kicked off our evening together drinking beer, playing beer pong and eating pizza. We were having fun, but it was getting pretty late, so we all decided to take a quick break from our revelry to change clothes and get more comfortable. Ellie had changed into an oversized t-shirt and boy-shorts panties and Gina had on the same type of outfit (t-shirt and panties). Lori had decided to sleep in a long sleeved jersey with a pair of skimpy gym shorts. I had excused myself to use the bathroom and figured I'd just change while I was in there, so had slipped into an old pair of boy's boxers and a white tank top with no bra. I figured it was no big deal since we were going for comfort and it was kind of warm in Gina's basement even with the A/C running.

When I came out I wasn't too buzzed to notice that my three best friends actually gave me the once over as I was walking across the room. WTF? They were actually out and out staring at my chest until I broke them up laughing when I flipped them off with both hands.

We resumed our drinking game until Gina had the great idea to play truth or dare. We were all feeling really good and buzzed, so everyone was game. It started out pretty silly and involved telling a few embarrassing secrets about crushes and hook-ups and doing stupid stuff like eating gross combinations of our party foods... and of course a lot more drinking. Things started to get funnier and funnier and then it was just out and out hilarious when Gina dared Lori to run outside topless down to her mailbox and back. Little Miss Competitive Lori didn't hesitate in accepting the dare and of course Gina just had to lock the door so Lori couldn't get back in. She was standing there bouncing up and down with her tanned boobs on display, laughing and screaming for us to unlock the door while we all howled hysterically.

Ellie finally let her in and Lori acted like she was mad, but we all knew she really wasn't. She scowled at Gina and swore to get even to which of course Gina had to act tough and told her to bring it. Lori was still topless and decided that she would go ahead and bring it, so she tackled Gina on the couch and began tickling her.

At this point, I'm watching two of my best friends, one of whom is topless, wrestle and tickle on the couch. I started to feel that familiar tingle in my pussy and I knew I was starting to get a little wet while watching this take place. I felt really embarrassed like somehow the other three girls would know. I thought maybe I was paranoid when I felt like someone was watching me and I was startled a little when I quickly turned my head to see Ellie staring at me or more accurately, at my breasts. I was confused until I looked down and noticed that my nipples were rock hard and noticeably poking through my tank top like two pencil erasers. I gave Ellie an embarrassed smile and quickly crossed my arms.

Ellie smiled back shyly and then told the other two to break it up and let's get back to partying. Lori and Gina rejoined us, but Lori still hadn't put her shirt back on. Her boobs were tan all over and perky and stood out proudly and her nipples were very hard. She just grinned and shrugged like it was no big deal and downed the rest of her beer.

"It's Lori's turn," Ellie announced as she handed out fresh beers to everyone. I chugged what was left of mine and opened the fresh one Ellie offered. I was actually starting to go past buzzed and heading towards drunk.

"Yes it is," Lori grinned. "Ummmm, I think it's Jennifer's time - truth or dare, Jen?"

"Dare," I rolled my eyes with a grin and drank some more of the ice cold beer.

Lori gave the other two a sly smile and then nodded at me. "I think it's time we finally get to see your assets in all their glory."

I shrugged my shoulders and held out a hand for a better explanation of what the dare was.

"Lose the tank top so we can see those boobs!"

Gina let out a whoop. "Yeah, baby! Show us your tits!"

I was a little offended at first, but then as drunk as I was and seeing their smiles and enthusiasm made me feel good about myself. I knew they weren't being mean or judging me and besides, alcohol had the tendency to somewhat lower my inhibitions. So after hesitating for another moment, I finally decided to hell with it, I might as well put on a bit of a show. I turned my back to the other girls and began to seductively raise the hem of my shirt a little bit at a time, glancing over my shoulder as I did. I pulled it up and over my head and then covered up with my arms as I continued to tease them with little glances over my shoulder and strategically moving my arms to give them peeks at side boob. As they whistled and shouted at me, I turned around and then raised my arms above my head, cocking my hip in a sexy pose.

"Holy shit, Jennifer," Lori gasped. "Your boobs are freaking amazing!"

Ellie nodded in agreement while she stared at me with that same strange look on her face.

Gina stared at my boobs right along with the other two, grinning like the Cheshire cat. "I told y'all they were spectacular."

"Oh, you did, did you?" I raised an eyebrow at my teammate.

Gina just smiled back at me and toasted the air with her beer. "If you got it, flaunt it, baby!"

I laughed and bowed theatrically, nearly losing my balance as my large boobs jiggled and swayed. I looked around for my shirt and couldn't seem to find it and then being reminded that it was my turn. I plopped down in the chair with my top forgotten for the moment. If Lori could sit around topless, so could I. "Truth or dare, Gina?"

"Dare of course!" she laughed and drained her beer.

"Alright," I laughed. "I dare you to do the booty dance for everyone!"

Gina was a really good dancer so she just grinned wickedly as she set her empty beer can down and went to the center of the room. She was also in super great shape with lean, muscular legs and amazing six-pack abs, so when she lifted her t-shirt up and cinched it into a knot so her perfect ass and amazing stomach were on display, I had to admit she looked really hot. I was just a little bit shocked though when Gina ran her fingers under the seams of her panties giving herself a wedgie so that her perfect ass cheeks were hanging out. Lori reached over and turned the volume up on the iPod home unit and Gina began to gyrate and move to the beat of some hip-hop song.

It kind of surprised me at how much of an amazing display of sensuality it ended up being as Gina moved her ass and rolled her hips, putting on a real show for us. She even danced her way over to Lori and gave her a quick up close and personal look by putting her hands on the floor like a real stripper and sticking her butt in Lori's face. Lori's nipples were still hard and I gulped as I realized just how sexy it looked with Lori's boobs so close to touching Gina's ass cheeks. Then Lori couldn't help herself and reached out and give Gina's ass a nice hard smack.

Gina yelped and fell on the floor laughing with the rest of us and when she finally caught her breath, she said, "Okay, Ellie, truth or dare?"

"No sense in breaking the streak," Ellie shrugged and took a dainty sip of beer. "Dare."

"Okay," Gina looked at her thoughtfully as she considered her options. "I dare you to give Jennifer a real lap dance."

Ellie pursed her lips as she slowly stood up. She gave me a thoughtful look and then seemed to decide she was going to go all in. "Alright, find me some music."

Lori scrolled through her iPod and then put it back on the base and of course Def Leppard's 'Pour some sugar on me' began to play. Ellie nodded at the choice with a smile and sensually sashayed her way over to where I was sitting in the chair and without thinking about it, I moved my legs apart so she could stand in between them. I guess I really didn't mind that I was about to get a lap dance too much as I really admired Ellie. She had always been one of my favorite people and I thought she was just the nicest, sweetest person ever. The only problem was this was a whole different side to her. I'd never seen her act like this. I looked up at her long legs nervously as she began to smoothly move her hips to the music. She then slowly began taking off her t-shirt in time to the beat and tossed it to Gina. Ellie then slowly lowered herself so that she was sitting on the edge of the chair in between my legs in nothing but her bra and panties.

She lay back against me and I know she had to be every bit aware of the sensation of my large breasts pressed into the warm skin of her back as I was. She ran her fingers up and down my arms and then upwards until she was running it through her auburn tresses, really getting into the moment. My nipples were so hard at this point, rubbing against the smooth muscles of Ellie's back that it was driving me crazy. She moved her body to the rhythm of the song and as she continued to grind her ass to the music, I subconsciously moved move my hips forward just a little so that her ass cheeks were pressing into my mound.

Ellie suddenly stood up and turned around and from her new position her thigh ended up pressing directly into my pussy as she grabbed the arms of the chair for leverage. She rocked back and forth so that her long hair trailed up and down my body. She then let her arms relax until she was pressed up against me and I could immediately feel that her nipples were hard through the fabric of her bra. She adjusted her body until her boobs were pressed firmly against mine. The feeling of her hard nipples touching mine through the thin material was electric and I know my boxers had to have a wet spot on them from how badly my pussy was leaking.

I was literally panting I was so turned on as her face got closer and closer to mine. I looked at her lips as she mouthed the words to the song and thought how utterly soft and delicious they looked. I suddenly wondered what it might be like to kiss them. Wait, what? Why did I think that? But then I held my breath as her face got closer and she stared into my eyes. I actually almost leaned my head forward in anticipation of kissing her and then the song ended. The moment was gone as Gina and Lori clapped enthusiastically and whooped it up.

Ellie smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the nose and then stood up, taking her bows and picking up the dollar bills that the other two were now throwing at her. As drunk as we were all getting, I couldn't help but feel that there seemed to be just a hint of sexual tension running through the room as everyone took a minute to quench their thirst. I also noticed that Ellie had decided not to be bothered with putting her shirt back on either. I thought she looked beautiful sitting there in her cute little bra. She was just gorgeous!

Ellie looked around at the three of us. "Keep going?"

"Why not," Gina shrugged and Lori nodded. I just smiled.

"Okay, since it's my turn," Ellie announced, "Lori, truth or dare?"

"Dare of course, duh!" Lori laughed.

"Okay, smart ass," Ellie laughed back. "I dare you to play candy mouth with Gina!"

Lori being ultra-competitive sat up. "Don't think I won't!"

Ellie reached behind her and grabbed her purse and then dug around and pulled out a roll of peppermint lifesavers and tossed them to Lori. "Go to it then."

"Game on, bitches," Lori smiled as she snatched the lifesavers out of the air.

"Uh, what the hell is candy mouth?" Gina asked.

Lori chuckled as she used her fingernail to pick at the wrapper of the lifesavers. "Well, candy mouth is a little game one of the girls on the volleyball team told us she learned at camp that is supposed to help you learn how to french kiss."

Gina leaned her arm across the cushions of the couch as she listened to Lori explain. "Uh-huh... and?"

"And what?" Lori looked up confused. "You and I are going to play it so I can fulfill the dare."

"Oh, is that right?" Gina challenged. "You're going to "teach" me to french kiss then? For a dare?"

Lori scooted closer to Gina as she popped one of the candies into her mouth. "Exactly, now use your tongue to try and take the candy out of my mouth."

Before Gina could utter another word or question, Lori dipped her head in and pressed their lips together. At first Gina was surprised and they just kind of sat there with their mouths pressed up against each other. Lori's eyes kind of closed as we could see her mouth open slightly and Gina took the hint and followed suit. I was stunned even as buzzed as I was. Lori's nipples were hard and I couldn't believe how incredibly hot my friends looked as they began to kiss a little deeper. I glanced at Ellie who seemed to be watching just as intently as I was. When I turned my attention back to them, I noticed that Lori's hand had come to rest on Gina's thigh as they continued to play 'candy mouth'.

It seemed to me like the kiss was starting to get pretty intense and then both of my friends started giggling and then outright laughing while trying not to break their lip lock. Gina suddenly started coughing and sputtering and pulled away (as she later explained she almost swallowed the lifesaver whole).

"Oh, my gosh!" Gina gasped. Lori fell over on her side in hysterics as Gina continued to cough and hack and laugh all at the same time. Ellie and I couldn't help but laugh along at their antics.

"That wasn't half bad," Gina commented after she finally recovered and washed the taste of peppermint out of her mouth with more beer, "until you tried to kill me!"

"Awwww," Lori pouted her lips out empathetically and then leaned over and gave Gina a soft, but sweet kiss on the forehead. "I sorry."

Gina grinned and we all laughed again. I yawned and then of course that proved to be contagious as Lori yawned too and then Gina followed suit and yawned and said, "I don't know about y'all, but I'm pretty trashed and I have to be on the job at 8am sharp tomorrow. I guess I'm ready to hit it."

I was still buzzing pretty good and groaned out loud at the thought of having to be at work myself first thing in the morning. "Yeah, I guess we need to try and get a little sleep."

"Sounds like a plan," Ellie agreed as she stood up and put her t-shirt back on.

I found my tank top and put it on as well as we started moving the furniture out of the way in Gina's basement to make room for the sleeping bags. Because of the L shaped layout of the basement, two of us would have to sleep side by side in one part of the L and the other two would lay their sleeping bags out side by side in the other part of the L. Since Ellie and I were taller than the other two, we got the longer part of the L and I followed her around the corner with my sleeping bag under my arm. In the back of my mind, a part of my brain realized that Lori still hadn't put her shirt back on as she unzipped her sleeping bag. Interesting...

After Ellie and I had brushed our teeth and took turns peeing, we lay down next to each other in our sleeping bags and I soon realized I had another problem. I was still feeling really horny. Great, how was I supposed to get any sleep when I was still tipsy and my pussy was begging to be played with? In my drunken state, I started to devise a plan to wait until Ellie was asleep and then I would quietly go to the bathroom and take care of myself in there. Gina tiptoed by us and I listened as she closed the bathroom door. I instantly cringed at the fact that I could hear every sound she made, even her pee hitting the water and her stifled hiccups. Finished, Gina tiptoed back to her section of the basement. Damn, that plan wasn't going to work. Maybe I could sneak upstairs?

Hmmmm... I was too hot to be under the top cover of my sleeping bag so I threw it off of me and rolled on to my side facing Ellie and was almost startled when I saw her pretty green eyes staring at me. "Hey you," I whispered as quietly as I could, "not sleepy yet?"

Ellie kind of half shrugged and whispered back. "Not just yet."

"Can I get you anything? Water? Trash can?"

"No, I'm good, Jen," she smiled, "but thanks for offering."

"Anything for you," I smiled back. My whole plan for sneaking off was temporarily forgotten. I had meant what I said as Ellie was just an amazing person and I loved her!

Ellie looked down shyly, hesitated and then looked back up at my face. "Can I ask you a huge favor?"

"Sure, hon," I whispered back. "Whatcha need?"

Ellie started to say something, but then hesitated. "Never mind, it's silly."

"Well, now you have me interested," I whispered back with a smile and propped my head up on my elbow.

Ellie glanced down for a second and I suspected that she had just looked at my ample cleavage that was now on display. "I just..."

"You just what?"

She shook her head again and closed her eyes.

"Just go ahead and ask me," I prompted. "You know I'd do anything for you."

"Okay," Ellie sighed deeply and looked me in the eyes. "Jen, I'm never going to be blessed like you are." She dipped her chin a bit indicating my chest.

I blushed and couldn't help but smile a little.

She took a deep breath like she was getting her courage up and then whispered, "I'm just so curious what they would feel like... would you mind... I mean...can I touch them?"

As buzzed as I was, I really didn't think twice. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded before whispering. "Sure, go ahead."

"Seriously?" Ellie seemed shocked. "You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all," I whispered. "I'm still not really used to them either, so I can imagine what you must think - oh, Ellie, I'm so sorry, that didn't come out the way I meant it to."

Ellie smiled. "No worries, Jen. I know what you meant and you're right. So you really wouldn't mind?"

"What are friends for?" I quipped and then sat up and took my shirt off again. "Might as well let you get a good feel, right?"

Ellie's face had that strange look on it again as she hesitated. She sat up slowly. "Yeah, might as well."

I turned to face her sitting criss-cross applesauce and she sat up and mirrored my position. I scooted a little closer to her and not sure what to do with my hands, I just let my arms fall to my side. She reached out a hand and right before she made contact with my skin, she hesitated again. "Are you sure this is okay?"

I sighed and grabbed both of her wrists and firmly placed her hands on my boobs. I smiled and whispered, "I'm sure."

Ellie just sat there with this wondrous look on her face, not even moving. She slowly and cautiously moved her hands so that they were cupping each of my breasts and then scooted just a little bit closer. Without a second thought, I uncrossed my legs and put them outside of her legs to give her better access to 'my girls'.

"They're so big," she whispered in amazement. She first lifted one up in her palm and then the other, "and heavy."

I stifled a giggle. "Yeah, tell me about it. Try running with these things. I have to wear two reinforced sports bras now just to try and keep them in check."

"Wow," Ellie commented as her hands squeezed gently. "But they're really firm too, Jenn."

I grinned. "Thanks."

"I mean," Ellie continued to gently squeeze and rub each of my breasts and it was starting to feel quite nice, "do you know how much money some women pay to get tits like these?"

"I hadn't thought about it much," I whispered and practically gasped as she ran her thumbs across my nipples.

"They are really, really nice, Jen," Ellie kind of nodded to herself, "and your nipples are like the perfect size for them."

I put my arms behind me for support and without thinking kind of pushed my chest forward a little as Ellie continued caressing and exploring my boobs. I could feel my pussy getting wet again. My goodness, this felt great. When she rubbed her thumbs across my nipples again I closed my eyes and let my head fall back as a little sigh escaped my throat. I was actually really disappointed when she took her hands away.

I opened my eyes and noticed that Ellie was sitting much closer than I had realized, but didn't think there was anything weird about it - she just needed to get in a good position to feel my boobs, right? I glanced down and saw that her panty covered crotch was only inches away from mine and for some reason that made me kind of excited. I wondered if she was wet too. But wait, why would she be? Oh yeah, I was definitely horny with all these crazy thoughts popping into my head.

I looked back up at her face as she took her shirt off too. I watched as she undid the clasp of her bra in the front and was a little confused as to why until she scooted just a little closer and then stuck her chest out until our breasts were almost touching. I finally got it that she was doing a comparison.

"Sheesh," she muttered quietly as she looked down at her cute little B cups. "Not even close."

"Awww," I sympathized, "but yours are so pretty, El. They're like perfectly shaped."

She unconsciously rubbed her hands over them, covering up and then looked back at mine. "I'm not even going to pretend that I compare to you."

"No, seriously," I leaned forward and spoke earnestly, "yours are really great. It doesn't matter if they aren't that big or whatever, they're really nice and look perfect on your frame."

"You really think so?" Ellie's face looked so vulnerable. She slowly took her hands away and I felt like she was opening up to me and I just knew in my heart that she wanted me to touch them, so that I could reassure her.

I smiled and put my hands gently on her boobs and gave them a soft squeeze. "You are beautiful Ellie and your boobs are spectacular."

"Awwww," Ellie smiled and blushed, "thanks, Jennifer."

I continued to gently squeeze and rub my hands over her breasts, the pads of my thumb brushing against her nipples. "All boobs are awesome regardless of how big or small, ya know?"

"Mm-hmmm," Ellie agreed and closed her eyes.

"We women are beautiful and sexy and we just rock," I tried to keep my voice down. I was actually kind of enjoying this - her breasts were really warm and so soft.

"Mm-hmmm," Ellie agreed again and was breathing a little heavier. She still had her eyes closed and was starting to lean her head back.

I gave her boobs a final little squeeze and giggled again. "Don't fall asleep on me, El."

Her eyes shot open as my hands left her skin and she shook her head and mumbled, "No chance of that, hon."

I started to extricate my legs from our entangled position and she stopped me with a hand on my thigh. "Can I have just one more little feel?"

I sighed and looked at her with my head cocked. "I need to get some sleep, goofball."

"Pretty please," Ellie batted her eyes at me, "with sugar on top?"

"Fine," I sighed melodramatically but couldn't hide my little smile as I put my arms behind me to support myself and leaned my boobs towards her. She wasn't nearly as tentative this time as her hands went right to my breasts and began to softly explore them. She didn't miss a single inch of my flesh and her hands felt amazing as they caressed and rubbed. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back like she had done.

My breath caught as her thumbs rubbed circles around my nipples and then she actually gently pinched them. I was really starting to get lost in the feeling when I heard her whisper.

"What?" I opened my eyes.

"I want to ask you another question," she replied with her hands still full of my tits.

"Okay... what?"

"I'll skip the whole embarrassing hem-hawing conversation on the subject of whether or not you masturbate, because we both know that we all do it," Ellie quietly explained. "I was just wondering if you spend a lot of time on these when you do."

I furrowed my brow in thought before whispering, "Yeah, I guess I kind of do. Do you?"

"For sure," Ellie nodded, "mine are super sensitive and I love playing with them. I was just wondering because I've read that some women can actually achieve orgasm from just having their breasts stimulated."

"Seriously?" I was not aware of this. "Have you ever?"

"No, I've tried, but I think I'm lacking in that one thing," she replied.

"What do you mean?"

"My boobs aren't nearly big enough to be able to suck on them," she shrugged like it was no big deal as she continued massaging my breasts. It was starting to feel so good that it was actually getting really hard for me to concentrate on what she was saying.

"What are you talking about?" I was really confused and couldn't focus on what she was saying. My pussy was throbbing with need and my boobs ached from being played with. I was really going to need to find a release soon.

"Are you kidding me?" Ellie asked. "You've never sucked on your own nipples before? As big as these things are, it ought to be easy for you."

I sat up straight and looked at her like she was trying to get one over on me. "No, I've never tried that. Why would I?"

Ellie removed her hands from my chest and made me lean up so she could take my hands in hers. She leaned really close to my face. "Jen, are you telling me you've never let a boy suck on your tits?"

"Nope," I whispered honestly. "I've only let them feel me up over my shirt. That's as far as I've gone."

"So you have no idea what you've been missing," Ellie smiled deviously. "You have so got to try it - you will not believe how good it feels."

I glanced towards the end of the room where just around the corner Gina and Lori were sleeping. "You want me to try now? Here???"

Ellie shrugged, "why not?

I looked down really confused and unsure. "I don't know, El. What if Gina or Lori need to use the bathroom or something? I'd be so embarrassed if they caught us."

Ellie acknowledged my use of the term 'us' with a little smile at the corner of her mouth. "They aren't going to come in here - those two are sound asleep, I'm sure."

"I don't even know how - " I began, but Ellie was already up on her knees and crawling around me to get directly behind me.

"Trust me, it's easy," she cooed in my ear, "and you are going to be thanking me for showing you this once you know how good it feels."

"Okay," I relented nervously. "So what do I do?"

Ellie reached her arms under me from behind and firmly cupped my breasts. She pushed upwards on my right boob, kind of squishing it a little so it was really pushed up and whispered in my ear, "Just lean your head forward and stick out your tongue and see if you can reach your nipple."

I tentatively leaned my head forward like she had instructed and was surprised at how close my nipple was to my face. I gingerly stuck out my tongue and realized I could easily lick my own nipple. I gave it a firm lick and it was like electricity shot through my body.

"Oh, fuck," I whispered.

"I told you," Ellie said into my ear as her fingers gently pulled and pinched at my left nipple. "Go ahead and put it in your mouth."

I closed my eyes for a moment as the butterflies in my stomach turned into sparks in my panties. What the hell was happening? This was so intense with Ellie's lips against my ear and her hands on my breasts. My mouth opened as I leaned my head forward and captured my nipple between my lips. My hand took over for Ellie's as I pushed upwards on my boob and ran my tongue over my nipple. I felt it get harder in my mouth and immediately I made a little moaning sound in my throat. This felt so fucking good.

"I have to say, Jen," Ellie whispered again with her lips right up to my ear. "You look so incredibly hot doing that. I mean, just watching you has my panties soaking wet."

"Holy shit, El," I breathed heavily. "You were totally right, this feels fucking fantastic!"

I dipped my head back down and put my nipple back in my mouth, sucking and licking it and moaned again when I let my teeth graze against it. I had my eyes closed and then I froze as my breath caught. I felt that same warm, sensuous feeling on my left nipple at the same time. My eyes flew open and I lifted my mouth off my tit to look down at Ellie who had crawled around to the side and had taken the nipple of my other boob into her mouth.

I was totally shocked. I couldn't move. I was dumbfounded at seeing Ellie's beautiful green eyes looking up at me with such heat in them. Why was I letting Ellie suck on my tit? Why did it feel so fucking unbelievably good to have someone else suck on my boob? But more importantly, why was I more turned on right now than I have ever been?

"El, what are you doing?" I finally managed to mumble although I didn't make any moves to stop her.

Ellie let my nipple escape her mouth with a little popping sound and moved up so she could whisper in my ear again. "Honey, I knew I had to let you experience what it feels like for someone else to suck on your tits."

"You did?" I whispered dumbly.

"Yes, I did," Ellie replied and softly kissed my neck below my ear. "It felt really good, didn't it?"


"Do you want me to do it again?"

"Okay," I whispered back, really confused but so turned on I couldn't think straight.

Ellie lowered her head back down to my breast and began sucking and licking and nipping at it with renewed vigor. I felt myself leaning backwards until I was on my back before I realized it. Ellie smoothly transitioned so that she was beside me with her leg thrown over mine. She lavished all of her attention on my breasts like she couldn't get enough of them until I started to whimper in pleasure and my hips started to squirm like I couldn't control them.

Ellie took this as a sign that I was turned on enough to go a step further. She stopped kissing and sucking on my breasts long enough to lean up and whisper in my ear again, "I know you are really turned on, Jen. Let me help you out, okay?"

"Huh?" I could barely speak. "Um, okay."

"I'm just a friend helping a friend," she cooed in my ear. "It's no big deal, okay?"

"O-o-okay," I croaked.

She lowered her head again to my boob and I closed my eyes at the fantastic feeling of her tongue on my nipple. She caressed and rubbed my other breast and then switched to sucking and licking my other nipple and then I felt her hand ever so gently rub up and down my stomach as she continued to suckle me. I didn't care, it all felt so good that I never wanted it to stop.

"Is this okay, honey?" Ellie, back in my ear again, asked me in the softest whisper. One of her hands continued to caress and massage my breast as the other rubbed lower and lower down my stomach.

"Uh-huh," I gasped.

"I know you need release, sweetie," Ellie softly kissed my neck and I moaned a little as her hand went further south and she ever so gently cupped my pussy in her palm. "Is it okay if I help you out?"

I nodded my head with my eyes closed, afraid to try and speak.

"Good," Ellie kissed my neck again and began to ever so gently squeeze my pussy in the palm of her hand through my boxers, "because I love being able to help my sweet friend."

I couldn't do anything but try not to make any noise that would wake our other friends. Whatever she was doing felt like nothing I had ever experienced before, even when I masturbated. This was a whole new level of ecstasy for me. She moved her lips to my neck and then kissed her way back down to my boobs and started licking and sucking my nipple again. My head was spinning with desire as she sucked on my tit and rubbed my pussy. I couldn't help myself as I actually moaned out loud.

"Shhhhh..." Ellie cautioned me as another little moan escaped my lips and then I guess she did the only thing she could think of since both of her hands were busy. She raised her head up and covered my lips with hers. I opened my eyes in surprise and then they shut again as her hand had slipped down the front of my waistband.

My mouth opened involuntarily as her hand was now cupping my naked pussy. Ellie gently slipped her tongue in my mouth as her palm put pressure on my swollen clit and her middle finger just barely parted my pussy lips. Her tongue tentatively began to explore the inside of my mouth and I couldn't help but think that Ellie was hands down the best kisser I had ever experienced. Her mouth was exquisite as she continued to kiss me and then her finger dipped down and the tip went inside of me and I threw my arms around her neck, kissing her back passionately as my orgasm began to build. Ellie could sense that it wouldn't take me long as her kiss deepened and her finger that was now coated in my juices moved up and brushed against my swollen clit. My legs began to shake a little as the orgasm was building and then her finger began to stroke faster and make circles around my clit.

My hips lifted up in the air to meet Ellie's touch and I grabbed fistfuls of the sleeping bag as the most powerful orgasm I had ever felt in my life began to course through my body like electricity. The feeling didn't stop when a second and even more powerful orgasm literally starting overwhelming my senses. It washed over me with a crash as Ellie put her finger fully inside of me while her thumb continued to rub my clit. It felt like I came for hours and I think I just about passed out from the intensity of it.

The last few spasms finally started to subside and I just laid there panting as Ellie softly kissed my neck and stroked my hair. I finally turned my head and looked her in the eyes.


"Yeah," Ellie's giggle was so damn cute. "I"

She craned her neck forward and her lips pressed up against mine ever so softly and then she whispered. "It will be our little secret."

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