
Sunday, March 9, 2014

SUNDAY STORY : Bonus Story : Strip Poker: Five Girls, One Guy: Chapter 2

From Literotica by WhiteGuy12

It had been a few weeks by the time we finally got the gang back together.

In addition to everyone's busy schedules, we had to avoid inviting other people, because we hadn't actually told anyone else about what happened the night that an innocent game of strip poker turned into an all-out orgy.

Finally, though, we found a Friday night that worked, and everyone came over to the place I shared with my beautiful blonde girlfriend, Lauren: Her best friend, Kelly, the super-skinny brunette; Danni, the busty-but-petite one with wavy, dirty-blonde hair; Liz, the brunette with the magazine-cover face and great ass; and Mia, the tall, extremely shy brunette whose virginity I had taken last time.

They all showed up together around 8 p.m., and everyone - even Danni - appeared nervous as they walked in. I mean, none of us had ever done anything like this before that game, and now they were basically showing up to a planned orgy.

It was kind of funny, actually, as everyone went straight to their previous spots - Liz, Danni and Mia on the couch and Kelly on the floor, where Lauren and I eventually would join her.

For a few moments, everyone just sat there quietly. Then we all burst out laughing. Still, no words.

Finally, I decided to break the ice.

"Wine, anyone?" I asked. I was met with a simultaneous "Yes!" from all the girls, Lauren included.

So I went over to the kitchen and popped open two bottles, pouring five generous glasses. I grabbed myself a beer.

"OK, same game? Danni said finally after everyone had taken a few sips of liquid courage.

"Actually," I said, "I was thinking we should just skip the strip poker part. We all know what the most fun part last time was. Why waste our time?"

Nobody said anything for a few moments.

Surprisingly, Liz spoke up first: "Sounds fine to me. Besides, it looks like Mia is trying to pull a fast one on us. Look, she's got on two shirts plus a cardigan."

Mia turned red. "I wasn't ... Oh, whatever, so what if I was?"

Mia then gulped down the rest of her wine, clearly trying to calm her nerves. Frankly, I was a little surprised she even showed up tonight, but Lauren told me that night was all Mia had talked about with her and the others since it happened. The prudish girl was ashamed, but she had loved getting licked and fucked for the first time.

I got up to go get a few more bottles of wine, and when I came back it looked like the girls had convinced each other to just get naked.

"Here's what we decided," Danni told me. "Everyone has to close their eyes while we all strip down. When we all open our eyes after 30 seconds, we'll all be naked. So no screwing around with being embarrassed about who takes off what first."

It was a great idea - especially because I wouldn't actually miss the stripping, thanks to the camera I had hidden in the corner of the room (I know you're thinking I'm a pervert, but come on, if you had four of your girlfriend's hot friends coming over for an orgy, wouldn't you videotape it?).

So with that, we all closed our eyes. It took me no more than 10 seconds to throw my shirt off and pull down my jeans and underwear in one motion. The next 20 seconds seemed like an eternity.

Finally, Lauren said, "OK, that's 30 seconds, I think," and everyone cautiously opened their eyes. I was greeted with five gorgeous sets of tits and five pretty little pussies.

Only Kelly and Mia made any attempt to cover up. Both had their hands over their mounds and arms covering their boobies, but both their eyes were glued to my thick, semi-hard cock.

Meanwhile, Danni looked me right in the eyes as she thrust her chest out. This girl was crazy.

"OK," I said. "So how about we just skip the cards and go in a circle for who gets to give the dares, and just like last time spin the bottle for who does the dares?"

The girls agreed, so we got started. Clockwise, it was me, Lauren and Kelly on the floor and then Liz, Danni and Mia on the couch. Figuring I shouldn't suggest that I go first myself, and Mia probably needed a little more wine before going, I said, "Let's start with Lauren and go to the left."

So Lauren spun the bottle, and it landed on Kelly.

Lauren looked around at all of us nervously. The last time we had played this, I had wound up fucking all of them, including Danni's ass, and Mia had swallowed every one of my loads as she learned that night that she loved the taste of cum. But I think we all knew this time that we couldn't just jump right into that.

Lauren turned to Kelly. "Let's start with a lap around the outside of the house," Lauren said with an evil smile.

Kelly looked like she would have rather been dared to take it up the ass (something she had never done). We had neighbors on both sides, pretty close by. It was relatively early in the evening, so they would be awake.

"Fuck it," Kelly said, getting up and walking to the door. We all admired her cute little butt, which was surprisingly round considering the fact that she weighed less than 100 pounds.

Kelly took a deep breath, opened the door and took off. The rest of us being naked, too, we shut the door right away and went over to the windows to peek through the curtains, which were drawn.

"There's a light on in this house, but no one saw her run by," Lauren yelled from one side of the room.

As I waited on the other side, I could see my 40-year-old neighbor, Chuck, sitting on his couch watching TV next to a big window. And as Kelly rounded the corner in a full sprint, I could tell she saw, too - she looked that way and immediately tried to cover her breasts and cunnie as she ran. Somehow, Chuck didn't notice. I hoped whatever he was watching on TV was better than a gorgeous, naked brunette running past his window.

Finally, Kelly burst through the door.

"Not cool, guys," she said, giggling. As she sat down, I noticed her nipples were hard, and I hoped they'd stay that way for a little while.

It was Kelly's turn now, and when she spun, the bottle landed between Danni and Mia. Mia slid away instinctively, but there was no need - Danni stood and said, "Whatcha got?"

"We'll keep it tame again," Kelly said. "How about you do 10 jumping jacks?"

Danni grinned and started doing them right away. Mia burst into laughter as Danni's tight butt moved up and down right in front of her face, distracting the rest of us only mildly from the spectacle that was Danni's double-D's flopping all over the place.

After 10, Danni sat down, cupping her boobs and blowing air over them as if they were smoking guns. We all laughed.

Liz spun next, and the bottle landed on me. Everyone grinned. No matter how tame this was, they'd enjoy it.

"Same dare!" Liz said, making everyone laugh.

Well, I thought, here goes. I stood and started jumping, and as expected my semi-hard dick bounced up and down, hitting me in the stomach each time. The girls all clapped when I was done, and Lauren offered the obligatory "I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."

I laughed and nodded to Danni to go. Danni spun, and it landed on Kelly again.

"OK, you got lucky that no one saw you last time," Danni said. "So for this dare, go through your phone and pick a guy who has never seen you naked, and send him a five-second SnapChat of your boobs."

For those of you who haven't used SnapChat, it lets you send a picture that displays on the person's phone for a few seconds and then disappears.

"Come on," Kelly complained. "You can take screenshots of SnapChat. I don't want my boobs ending up on the Internet. Although they're so small no one would want to see them."

That prompted a chorus of, "Oh, shut up, you have great boobs."

Danni then said, "OK, send it for two seconds."

"Fine," Kelly said, grabbing her phone. "Might as well make someone's night. Liz, I'll send it to your brother."

We all laughed. Liz's 19-year-old brother, Nick, was kind of nerdy. This might be the first set of boobs he had ever seen naked, though he always had gawked at the girls when they hung out at Liz's parents' house back in high school.

Kelly pointed the phone at her perky little tits, we heard a click, and it was done.

"Your turn, Mia," she said.

Mia nervously leaned forward to spin the bottle, affording me a nice view of her apple-sized titties hanging down. She had nickel-sized, dark pink areolas with eraser-sized buds, just about perfect as far as I was concerned.

The bottle landed on Lauren. Mia sat back and thought for a few seconds.

"I don't know what to make her do," the shy girl said.

We all encouraged her. "Just think of something that will embarrass her," I said, drawing a glare from my girlfriend.

"OK," Mia said slowly. "How 'bout if she just fingers herself for 30 seconds?"

Lauren breathed a sigh of relief. That wasn't that bad. She raised her fingers to her mouth, sucked on them for a minute and then plunged them into her pussy. First one, then two. It didn't take her long to get going in earnest, but before long Danni said, "Time!"

Lauren frowned and stopped. She looked at her fingers, shrugged and raised them to her mouth again, making a show of licking off her juices.

Now it was my turn, and I figured it was time to take it to another level.

I spun the bottle, and it landed on Liz. "Dammit," she said, knowing from the look in my eyes that I wasn't going to let her off with jumping jacks.

I grabbed the last bottle of wine that we had opened and took the cork out.

"Stick this up your ass," I said. "And leave it there until we need your ass for something else."

Liz just stared at me.

"Ryan, come on. You know I've never had anything back there," she said.

"There's a first time for everything," I said with a grin.

"Asshole," she said. She actually seemed a little pissed, but she grabbed the cork from me and started rearranging her position on the couch.

Being a more than a little tipsy, Liz was having some trouble. She tried reaching behind her to put the cork in, but she wasn't able to get the right angle.

Finally, she muttered something to herself and pulled her legs up as high as she could, sitting back on the couch and giving us all an amazing view of both her shaved, pink pussy and her puckered brown asshole. With her right hand, she reached down and put the cork up to her anus. She pushed, but it wouldn't budge.

Finally, she took a deep breath and tried to relax her butthole. It was the cutest thing when the little starfish opened up just a little, and Liz, her eyes squeezed shut as she focused, shoved the cork slowly in.

Once it got halfway in, she had an easier time. We only got to see her butthole squeezed around the cork for a split second. Before we knew it, the cork disappeared and Liz's anus squeezed shut.

It was beautiful. Liz, still stunned that she had a cork up her ass, sat there for a few seconds,oblivious to the fact that she was still holding her legs up and giving everyone a perfect view of her puckered ass. Finally, she put her legs down, to our disappointment.

"How does it feel?" said Lauren, who I knew had never put anything up her ass either. In fact, Danni might have been the only one who had.

"It hurt when I first started putting it in, but now it feels kind of nice," Liz said, wriggling slightly as she adjusted to the feeling. "I still don't know if I could take a dick up there, though." As she said that, she subconsciously looked at my member, which was at attention after her little display. I got even harder as I thought about fucking Liz's perfect ass.

Lauren was up next, and we all laughed as the bottle landed on Kelly again. She thought for a second and then got up without saying a word.

When she came back, she had two clothespins.

"No way," Kelly said, holding her hand up and leaning back.

But Lauren ignored her and walked forward. When she was next to Kelly, the skinny girl relented and put her arms down. But Lauren hesitated and then left the room again.

This time, Lauren brought back a piece of ice.

"Are you serious?" Kelly said with a nervous laugh.

"They weren't hard enough for the clothespins," Lauren said matter-of-factly.

She started rubbing the ice on Kelly's nipple, making the skinny girl jump. Soon her nipple was protruding a good half-inch from her nickel-sized areola, and water was running down her flat stomach. Lauren moved to the other one and did the same.

Kelly just closed her eyes and let it happen. When Lauren took the ice away, Kelly kept her eyes closed. Lauren took advantage by quickly clamping one of the clothespins on Kelly's nipple.

Kelly's eyes opened wide and she jumped, but Lauren held the clothespin in place and adjusted it so it wouldn't come off. She then did the same to the other one.

"Fuck, that hurts!" Kelly said as she looked down at her perky little tits, now with clothespins attached to both.

"Stop being a baby," Liz said. "I have a fucking cork up my butt."

Kelly laughed at this and then said, "Actually, they don't hurt that badly after the initial pain."

When she said that, I couldn't resist reaching across and flicking both the clothespins, making Kelly wince.

"Fucking asshole," she said, slapping my hand away.

"I was just letting you know it's your turn," I said with a smile.

"Yeah, right," Kelly said. "But, yeah, finally. This is fuckin' bullshit, I've done two dares and I haven't even gotten to spin yet."

With that, she spun the bottle, and it landed on Lauren.

"You made me run around the house naked and put these on my nipples," Kelly said, gesturing to the clothespins. "So here's what I want you to do. Get up and bend over the arm of the couch, and we all get to spank you three times. I'm going last."

This would be interesting. Nobody quite knew how hard to do it. But I knew Lauren enjoyed a nice little spanking, so I figured I'd get things started. Didn't want Mia to go first and do some weak shit.

I stood and stepped up to Lauren's bare ass. I reached between her legs and quickly rubbed her pussy, making her jump. Then I gave her three quick, firm slaps. Nothing that would hurt too badly, but they made loud noises.

The smacks left marks, but Lauren smiled and said, "That all you got?"

"Hooo, big mistake, girl," Danni said as she stepped up.

Danni's tits wobbled around as she wound up and swatted Lauren's butt hard. Lauren yelped. Then Danni did it twice more. Lauren didn't say a word, just bit her lip.

Liz stepped up next and rubbed Lauren's butt tenderly. Then she gave it three quick smacks, just as hard as Danni had. Lauren took it like a champ, but it looked like some tears were welling up in her eyes. If I knew my girlfriend, though, she would not admit defeat.

Mia was next, and as she stepped up to Lauren's butt, Kelly said, "Don't be a wimp, Mia. Give it to her hard."

Mia looked up with almost a sad-puppy-dog face, insulted that Kelly thought that way - even if she was probably right. Mia then reached back with her right hand and whacked Lauren's right butt cheek so hard that Lauren reached back instinctively against the next blow. Kelly darted over and grabbed Lauren's hand, holding it down, and Mia gave her two more smacks, one on each cheek.

"What the hell, Mia?" Lauren said. Mia shrugged, smiled and got out of the way so Kelly could go.

Kelly just stood for a few moments and admired Lauren's bright-red buttcheeks. She then reached underneath them and surprised Lauren by dipping a finger in her pussy. Kelly pulled her finger out and held it up for everyone.

"I knew it - she likes it," Kelly said as her finger glistened in the light. She then brought it to her mouth and sucked off my girlfriend's juices.

Finally, Kelly stepped up, reached back and smacked Lauren's butt as hard as she could. The clothespins on her nipples bounced as she did it, but Kelly seemed to have forgotten about them. Without pausing, she wound up again, but this time for a backhander, and the next smack looked like it even hurt her hand. I looked over at Lauren's face and a few tears were actually rolling down her face now, but she didn't say anything.

Kelly had one more to go, and she wasn't going to waste it.

"Cry all you want, Laur, but my nipples don't have any sympathy for you," Kelly said with a smile, and we all laughed.

Kelly reached back and gave Lauren one more hard smack. Then she rubbed Lauren's buttcheeks and said, "Now, we're even."

Lauren stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Not even close," she said with a smile.

"OK, my turn!" Liz said. "Sit down, Lauren."

"I need to stand for a little bit," Lauren said, rubbing her butt and glaring at Kelly, who smiled back.

Liz spun the bottle and it landed on Mia, who had not yet had to do a dare.

Liz thought for a few moments. I watched her anxiously, knowing this was key - the game was going to get to another level soon, but was Mia the right person to start that with? Despite all she had done both tonight and the first time we played, I couldn't help fearing that at any moment the shy girl would get dressed and run out.

"OK, how about you give Ryan a lapdance?" Liz said.

"OK!" Mia and I said in unison. Mia quickly looked toward the ground in embarrassment.

"How about I take your spot on the couch, Mia?" I said.

"OK," she said, getting up. I sat down and Mia just stood in front of me. I wasn't complaining - I knew the girls would make sure she gave me my lapdance eventually, so for now I was fine just staring at her little pussy, which had a landing strip above it that was about a centimeter wide and two inches long.

Finally, without prompting, Mia started swaying her hips. It was awkward as she stepped toward me, turned around and shook her ass in my face. It was a great ass, don't get my wrong - the girl had a body like a runway model - but it was almost more funny than sexy.

"Timeout," Liz said. "Lauren, can you get some music? Mia, I know you can move better than that. I've seen you on the dance floor."

Lauren agreed and got up to go to our room for her iPod and the speakers.

As Lauren walked out, Mia, who still had her back to me, just plopped down on my lap to wait. Everyone smiled as she looked back in shock, realizing that my dick was right between her buttcheeks, pinned up against my belly. She moved to get up, but I grabbed her arm and held her in place. She looked back again and smiled at me, to my surprise. I adjusted my dick to get it nestled completely between her buttcheeks - still pointing up, not penetrating her. Then she slowly started grinding on me.

It wasn't long before Lauren came back in. She looked at Mia, realized what was happening, and rolled her eyes, smiling. Mia stood up, and this time I let her.

Lauren turned the iPod on and found a Justin Bieber song - "As long as you love me." I opened my mouth to protest - I'm not a Belieber - but then I kept silent when I realized that Mia had been transformed. With her whole body moving to the music, she straddled my right leg and leaned over, looking me in the eyes with "fuck me eyes."

It really is amazing how close girls dancing in the club are these days to actual strippers. Here was the most innocent girl I knew, but give her some music and she was a natural giving a lapdance.

Mia then swung her left leg over mine, straddling my whole lower body. She moved in closer until her pussy rubbed up against the underside of my dick, and started grinding. She was pretty wet, so my dick slid easily up and down her slit. I easily could have stuck it in, but I knew there would be a time for that.

Mia then leaned forward and smothered me with her apple-sized boobs. I was in heaven.

As Mia moved her hips faster against my dick, she seemed to be building toward a climax, but then we heard Liz yell, "Time!"

Mia stopped moving but stayed on my lap, her pussy pinning my dick against me. She looked back at the group, as if she was going to stay there for the next turn.

"Get off my boyfriend, you little slut," Lauren said with a laugh, and Mia's face turned red as she got up, and we both went back to our spots.

"My turn," Danni said, standing up. "OK, before I go, let's look around. Mia and Ryan basically just had sex" - Mia started to protest but then just looked down as Danni cut her off - "Lauren is standing because her asscheeks are so sore. Kelly has those things on her nipples, and Liz has a cork up her butt. It's time to step things up. I don't care who this bottle lands on, someone is going to come on this turn."

We all smiled and nodded. No complaints there.

Danni spun, and it landed on me. I was pretty sure this would be good.

But Danni had other ideas. "That someone is me!" she said, satisfied that she had tricked us all. "Get over here and get to work!"

Obediently, I moved over to the couch, and Danni spread her legs. I dove in right away.

I started by licking up and down her lips for a few minutes. Then I kissed the insides of her thighs. Then I went back to her lips, shoving my tongue inside of her.

Finally, I moved up to her clit. First I just breathed on it, making her wait. Her legs squeezed my shoulders as she tried to resist begging for it. I stuck my tongue out and flicked her swollen bud. Danni moaned loudly. I gave it another lick, longer this time, and again she moaned.

Then I pulled back, determined to tease some more, but Danni had other ideas. She grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled me back in. Oh well, I thought, might as well go for it. I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked, all the while flicking with my tongue.

As Danni moaned and yelled, "Fuck," over and over, she bucked against my head.

She was almost there, and I had one more trick up my sleeve. I shoved my hand underneath her butt cheek and found her anus, sticking a finger in. Danni was screaming now. As I fingered her butthole, she started shaking and came hard, holding my head against her pussy so I could barely breathe.

Finally, she came down, and I was able to pull back, my face covered in her juices. Danni leaned forward and gave me a sloppy French kiss.

"Damn, I taste good!" she said, making everyone laugh.

I went back to my spot, smiling, and said, "OK, Mia, your turn."

Mia spun and it landed on Kelly.

Mia smiled. "Kelly, you remember how last time you made me try tasting his cum for the first time?"

"Yeah," Kelly said, not knowing where Mia was going, but not especially afraid despite Mia's brazen actions tonight.

"Remember how I ended up liking it and eating a bunch of loads that night?" Mia went on.

"Yeah," Kelly said, still confused.

"Well, maybe you'll like it, too," Mia said with an evil grin.

"Uh, Mia, I've swallowed plenty of cum before," Kelly said before catching herself. "I mean, not that much, I'm not a total slut, but ... whatever, you're telling me to blow Ryan?"

I could deal with that. Unfortunately, though, that wasn't Mia's plan.

"Not cum," Mia said. "You're going to use your mouth to clean off Ryan's finger."

Kelly looked confused for a second, but then she realized what Mia meant. The skinny girl was going to get her first taste of Danni's asshole from my right middle finger.

"Whatever," she said, moving toward me. She was trying to act like it didn't faze her, but I could tell she was reluctant as I held my finger out.

Kelly stuck out her tongue and took a reluctant lick. She closed her mouth and savored the taste. Then she shrugged and said, "Not great, but not terrible."

"Thanks for the compliment," Danni said sarcastically.

Kelly then took my whole finger in her mouth and sucked - hard. Finally, content that she had performed her dare to its full extent, she went back to her spot.

"So, how was it?" Mia said, grinning.

"You just better hope I don't get to give you a dare, because you might end up finding out, but not just from a finger - directly from the source," Kelly said with an evil smile.

"OK, it's my turn," I said. I spun, and the bottle landed on Danni.

"Well, we all know what the obvious thing here would be," I said. "But obvious is boring. I'm sure you ladies can find more creative uses for my dick than just me daring Danni to blow me."

I would have plenty of chances to fuck these girls' faces tonight. First I wanted to see them do some more with each other.

"One thing we didn't have last time was a good, old-fashioned 69," I said. "So, Danni, spin the bottle and 69 with whomever it lands on."

She spun, and it landed on Mia. This was going to be good.

"Top or bottom, Mi?" Danni said.

"I don't know," Mia said, embarrassed.

"OK, you get on the bottom. Lay on your back," Danni said, taking control.

Mia obeyed, and Danni got on top of her, lowering her pussy to Mia's face. Mia didn't move until Danni lowered her own face. I couldn't see through Danni's wavy brown locks, but from Mia's reaction - moaning and wriggling her legs - I could tell Danni was eating her out. I reached out to move Danni's hair, and confirmed it. Danni was going to town.

Meanwhile, Mia was slowly, cautiously licking at Danni's pussy. The poor, innocent girl was face-to-face with Danni's asshole in this position.

Eventually they both got pretty into it, lapping away, and I had a front-row seat. Lauren, who had finally sat back down, reached out and stroked my dick slowly for a little bit.

Mia was the first to cum, and she clamped her legs around Danni's head, almost looking like she was having a seizure. She took her mouth away from Danni's pussy for a few moments while her orgasm overtook her.

As Mia's orgasm came down, Danni rubbed her pussy back on Mia's face.

"You're not done," Danni said.

Mia opened her eyes again and reluctantly went back to work.

Luckily for her, Danni was close, and when Mia surprised her by sticking a finger in her butthole, Danni came violently for the second time tonight. Mia kept licking and fingering until Danni was done, and Danni finally stood up.

"Hey, Kelly, you want to lick it off?" Mia said, making everyone laugh.

"Fuck off," Kelly said. She was smiling, but she opted not to taste Danni's asshole for a second time. Mia left the room to wash her hands.

As we waited for Mia, the sexual tension was almost unbearable. We all wondered who would be the next to cum.

When Mia came back, Lauren spun the bottle. Surprise, surprise - it landed on Kelly.

"You've got to be kidding me," she said. "I've gone, like, as much as the rest of you combined. Did you rig it or something?"

The skinny girl just couldn't catch a break tonight. Lauren was ecstatic.

"You three, off the couch," Lauren said. "Kelly, go get on your hands and knees on the couch, with your head wresting on the end."

Everyone obeyed. Kelly was careful getting into position, not wanting to get the clothespins caught on anything.

"Ryan, get up and walk over there," Lauren said.

I had some idea of where this was going.

"You're going to fuck her face," Lauren said. "But wait, that's not it. Everyone gets to do whatever they want to Kelly - spank her, play with the clothespins, whatever - until Ryan cums."

Kelly just dropped her head. There was nothing she could do. She had started a war with Lauren with her last dare, and now Lauren wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to get her back.

"OK, let's do it," Kelly said dejectedly. She looked up at me and opened her mouth.

I started to put my dick in, but as I saw Lauren line up to smack Kelly's butt, I pulled back.

"You can't bite my dick, Kelly. I'm serious," I said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be careful," she said.

"Kelly, if you bite him, the clothespins are going on your pussy next, and we won't be gentle," Lauren said.

"Don't tempt me," Kelly said, starting to have fun with the situation.

Satisfied that she would be careful, I grabbed her head and shoved my dick in her mouth. I went slowly, but I kept going until she gagged, and I kept pushing. Finally, I got it to the back of her throat and held it there.

It was then that Lauren smacked her ass as hard as she could. Kelly's eyes bulged, and she gagged again on my dick, but I held it in place.

As I slowly started moving my dick in and out of her mouth, holding both sides of her head while I did it, everyone crowded around Kelly.

Liz was the first to reach underneath Kelly. She grabbed the clothespin on Kelly's right tit and slowly twisted it.

"OW!" Kelly said, pulling her face back off my dick and out of the grasp of my hands.

"Bad girl!" Danni said, and gave Kelly four hard smacks on the ass.

"I hate you guys so much," Kelly said, her eyes squeezed shut as Liz gave the other clothespin a flick with her finger.

"Less talking," I said, smacking her in the cheek with my dick. "Spit on it and get back to work."

Kelly worked up some saliva and spit on the top of my dick. There was a string of saliva going from the tip of my dick to her mouth, and my shaft was glistening wet.

Instead of grabbing her head this time, I let Kelly take her time. She took my mushroom tip slowly into her mouth and made love to it.

The rest of the girls watched intently as Kelly put on a show with her sensual blowjob. Then Mia stepped forward, wordlessly, and reached out for Kelly's butt. But she didn't spank it. Instead, she spit on her own finger and stuck it up Kelly's butthole.

Kelly held still for a moment, eyes wide open, my cockhead still in her mouth, as Mia started to finger her asshole.

Then Liz grabbed both clothespins and yanked, just hard enough to stretch Kelly's nipples without pulling the clothespins off.

"How many times are we going to have to tell you to get to work and stop taking breaks?!" Liz said with a laugh as Kelly shut her eyes again and moaned around my dick in a combination of pleasure and pain.

As Liz let go of Kelly's nipples, Kelly got back to sucking my dick, slowly and sensually.

Mia removed her finger from Kelly's asshole and got up. As Lauren and Danni took turns spanking Kelly - the poor skinny girl's butt cheeks were bright red by now - Mia came over toward me and motioned for me to take my dick out of Kelly's mouth.

I did, and Mia promptly stuck her finger in Kelly's mouth. Kelly made a disgusted face, but Mia kept her finger in there.

"Remember when you threatened to make me taste a butt from the source?" Mia said with a laugh. "Clean my finger. You have to; it's part of your dare to obey all of us until he comes."

Resigned, Kelly sucked all she could off Mia's finger.

"How does your own butt taste?" Mia said with a laugh as she took her finger away.

Kelly ignored her and took my dick back into her mouth, and Mia briefly left the room.

When Mia came back, she looked proud of herself. In her hand, she had another wine cork.

I looked down, and Kelly's eyes were closed as she worked on my dick. This would be good.

Danni and Lauren saw what Mia had, and they stopped spanking her for a second. Danni spread Kelly's tiny little butt cheeks, and my girlfriend leaned in toward her best friend's puckered anus and spit on it.

Mia then took the cork and slowly inserted it into Kelly's butthole.

To her credit, Kelly didn't even pause or open her eyes this time, though a slight moan escaped her mouth.

Mia used her index finger to shove the last bit of the cork through Kelly's sphincter, and then she pulled her hand back with a satisfied smile and admired Kelly's now-closed starfish, knowing she had a cork in there.

Danni then reached between Kelly's legs and inserted a finger in her vagina, eliciting another moan. When Danni took her finger out, she held it up for everyone to see. It was practically dripping with Kelly's juices.

"Damn, Kelly, you're enjoying this so much I think I could've fit my whole fist up there," Danni said. "Don't worry, though, I won't do that - right now, at least."

Kelly tried to say something, but with my dick still in her mouth it was tough to understand. Something like, "I hate you guys."

Kelly then started to go deeper and sped up on my cock. She made loud slurping noises. This bitch was determined to make me cum, and it was working.

I started meeting her with a thrust every time she went down, and she made gagging sounds every time my dick hit the back of her throat. My balls slapped loudly against her chin.

I started to feel the telltale signs that I wasn't going to last much longer, and I announced it to the group: "I'm only going to last about a minute longer, so everyone get in what you want to do."

The girls sprung into action. Mia and Liz switched places, and Mia started rapid-fire hitting the clothespins on Kelly's nipples, also hitting Kelly's boobs themselves a few times.

The other three girls spanked Kelly's ass mercilessly, not even taking turns anymore - just getting swats in wherever they could.

Finally, I felt the cum starting to rise in my balls as Kelly, oblivious to the humiliating torture being performed on her by her four friends, feverishly worked my dick with her lips, tongue and throat. There was no denying this girl was talented, as she swirled her tongue around the underside of my cock while deepthroating me.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed Kelly's head, held it in place and shoved my dick all the way in her mouth, the head going down her throat.

I released a torrent of cum down her throat. I wouldn't get to see it, but that was OK - the feeling of having my whole cock engulfed by her mouth while I shot my seed deep down her throat was amazing. I came and came for what seemed like a full minute.

To her credit, Kelly took it like a champ. She didn't try to pull off. When I was finally done, she sucked hard as I removed my dick from her mouth, making sure she got every last drop. She then opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out, showing that she had swallowed every drop.

"Good?" she said, looking at Lauren, who had given her the dare in the first place.

"Yeah, I guess so," Lauren said with a laugh.

Kelly sprung up from the couch then.

"Good, because now it's my turn," she said. "And someone is going to get fucked - in more ways than one."

To be continued...

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