
Sunday, December 29, 2013

SUNDAY STORY : Investments in Technology

From by tk5555

Julie wiped her eyes and looked at the computer screen again. The message had not changed.

No boot device found

She had seen it before, it meant that one of the boffins from IT would have to come up and replace the computer. The last time this had happened the technician had tried to explain exactly what had happened, but had cut his explanation short when he saw her eyes glaze over. He simply said 'It ran out of witchcraft.' She picked up the phone and dialed the help desk number. Julie glanced at the clock; it was two in the morning. She wondered what kind of person worked the overnight shift at the company's help desk. Julie began to replay an episode of The IT Crowd over in her head as she listened to the phone ring. Finally, someone answered.

"Help desk, this is Carol," said a voice that was entirely too cheerful for two in the morning on a Friday.

"Hello, this is Julie, I'm in office 2427, and my computer is broken. It says it won't boot. I'm about to boot it out the window," Julie said aggrievedly. She could have easily stopped working and left, her project was not due for another week, but she didn't have any plans for the weekend and was on a roll. She spun around in the chair and looked at the other reason for working late, the view. The city spread out to the horizon, even at this hour she could see activity. The office she was in was not hers. It belonged to the director of another department, but she had come to an agreement with the office's official occupant. She could use it when he was not there, and he got to fuck her on the mahogany desk when he was there.

Before she could begin to reminisce about being bent over the desk, Carol's voice brought her back to reality, "The last machine to log in from that office is not the computer that is assigned to the dock, it looks like it was computer DX44LPT2, is that correct?"

"Yes," Julie replied, "I'm working on a project with Stan and the research material is in the office, so I brought my laptop in. Is that okay?" She was telling a bit of a fib, there were not materials, Julie just liked being in the corner office. She was confident she would have her own office like this one soon enough.

"Of course, I just need to make sure to put the right image on the drive. I will have a new drive up to you shortly. Is there anything on the old drive that we should try to recover?" Carol said.

"No, everything is on the network," Julie replied. She had learned her lesson after the previous drive failure. All her work files went on the network and any personal items went on an encrypted thumb drive.

"Okay, your case number is RG59234K. Someone will be there soon to install the new drive, is there anything else we can do for you?" Carol replied.

"No, that is all," Julie said and hung up.

She wondered if Carol would bring the drive up herself or if she would send someone even further down the IT chain. Julie tried to imagine what Carol was like. Was she some kind of geek girl? Was she just someone the IT department hired because she was good on the phone but had no idea what she was talking about? The voice sounded young. Julie decided Carol was some kind of computer nerd with pale skin and short, dark hair. She probably had a cute face but wore thick glasses and dressed in the standard uniform of the overnight IT group, shorts, T-shirt, and sandals.

"Hey Ian, can you grab a drive for a Dell e6510," Carol shouted. She was the only person in the phone queue and she was obsessed with not letting anything to go voicemail. She figured that as long as they had an intern she might as well take advantage of him. She watched Ian pull a box off the shelf and verify the part number before handing it to her.

"I don't know why you are giving that to me, I don't need any practice imaging drives. You know how sysprep works, don't you?" she asked. Ian was one of the better-looking interns that had come through, but that bar was low. Until Ian, the interns had come in two varieties, couch potato, and string bean. Ian was a pleasant combination of the two, not too thin and not too thick. He was good looking enough that Carol was tempted to push the limits of the HR policy on dating co-workers.

"Which image does it get?" Ian asked.

Carol glanced back at her computer screen and looked at the audit file of the system that needed the new drive, "It needs an OS, office apps and the investment productivity package. You might have to walk the user through setting up email."

"Is auto discover working?" Ian asked.

"No, it's still fubar because of the new security package," Carol replied. She scribbled on her notepad, then tore off the sheet of paper and handed it to Ian.

"Is this everything I need?" He asked.

"Probably," Carol replied, "you're bright boy, I'm sure you can figure it out."

Ian connected the new drive to the dock and typed in a few commands. While he waited for the files to copy over he grabbed a technical manual on the email system and flipped through it. He wasn't sure whom the drive was for, but the staff that worked this late had little sympathy for incompetence.

"Who is the user?" Ian asked.

"Julie M. Powers, but she is in Stan Carrington's office, not her cube," Carol said. She tapped on her keyboard, "She must like that office, she logs in from there a lot. Mostly at night..."

"Have you met her?" Ian asked, wondering what kind of person he was about to encounter.

"No, she doesn't have much of a ticket history. I guess she doesn't break stuff very often. She sounded nice enough on the phone. Let me pull up her badge picture," Carol said has her fingers flew across the keyboard.

Ian noticed the file copy process had completed. He pulled the drive out of the dock and walked over to Carol's workstation. Just has he arrived a woman's face appeared on the screen. She appeared to be in her late twenties and was very attractive.

"When did we start getting badge pictures from Glamour Shots, every other badge picture looks like a morgue photo and the lady looks like she just stepped of the red carpet? Try not to stare at her" Carol teased. She was a bit annoyed; none of the users she had done work for were even close to being this hot.

"I'll do my best," Ian replied as he walked towards the elevator.

Julie ran her hand over the smooth wood of the desktop. More than once, she would bend over it while Stan's big cock plowed into her pussy, but he had always insisted that she should shut the blinds. Stan called the trysts 'paying the rent' and she had eagerly put down a generous deposit in addition to her monthly obligation. Julie stood up and walked around the desk so she could see out the windows. She leaned over the desk, putting one hand on the black leather pad and the other hand between her legs. Just the thought of fucking with the windows open had her panties soaked. She began to run though her list of fuck buddies, wondering which would be most agreeable to a late night booty call. Julie lowered her body so her tits brushed against the desk and she could smell the leather. Her fingers slipped under the thin material of her panties and plied her labia apart. The project suddenly seemed a lot less important than getting laid.

Ian could not believe the sight in front of him. The user he was assigned to help was bent over the desk in the office and appeared to be masturbating. He knew women masturbated, but other than porn, he had never seen it happen. He was embarrassed and aroused at the same time. Quietly, he stepped out of the doorway and walked backwards down the hallway. He was not sure what to do. He was sure walking in to the office was a bad idea. Even if he was wrong and she was doing something innocent, it was impossible to hide the bulge that had appeared in his pants. Finally, he pulled out his phone and called Carol.

"Hey Carol, which office did you say I'm supposed to be going to?" Ian asked.

"Jeez Ian, I said Stan's office. It's number 2236, the twenty two means twenty second floor. Please tell me you are not lost," Carol answered.

"Which building?"

"Building one, the same building you started in," Carol replied, her voice showing her impatience.

"Okay, there it is. Just wanted to be sure I was headed in the right direction," Ian replied. Just as he had hoped, Carol berating him made his erection vanish.

The sound of a voice in the hall interrupted Julie's fantasy. She remembered that IT had sent someone to fix her computer. Julie stood up and straightened her skirt, then walked around the desk and sat down. A few seconds later, a young man appeared in the doorway to the office. He was young, even younger than she expected. He was also much better looking than she expected an IT boffin to be.

"Hello, I'm Ian... from IT. I'm here to replace your drive," he said.

"Welcome Ian from IT, I'm sorry to have called so late, I just need to finish this project and it appears my computer was not up to the task," Julie said. She looked at Ian again. He was just less than six feet tall. He was thin, but not to the point that she would call him lanky. His hair was light brown and somewhat disheveled. One aspect of his appearance surprised her; he was not wearing glasses. She expected that everyone in that department needed glasses. She looked at his badge, in large letters was the word INTERN. That word explained his youth.

"So this is how IT boffins get started, how much longer will you be with the company?" she asked.

"This is actually my last week, I go back to college soon," he replied. He noted she was using the British slang for geek. He wondered if she picked up from TV or had been overseas.

"How many years do you have left?" she inquired.

"It's my second year but I will have enough hours to be a junior at the end of the semester, I'd like to get out in less than four years if I can," he said has he walked behind the desk.

Julie stood up and offered him the chair. She watched as he turned off the computer, flipped it over, and began to remove the tiny screws that held it together. He seemed quite skilled with his hands.

"Be careful what you wish for, the working world is not as much fun as college," she cautioned.

"True, but it pays a lot better," he replied.

"It certainly does," she agreed.

Ian pulled out the old drive and inserted the new one, then began to reassemble the computer. Once the last screw was snug, he flipped it over and turned it back on. The splash screen appeared. Now that the computer no longer required his full attention, he noticed that Julie was standing very close to him. He also noticed a slightly musky smell, he wondered if it was an artifact of what he had almost witnessed. When the login screen appeared, he started to stand, but felt her lean over him. She reached around his shoulders and put her hands on the keyboard. The smell got a little stronger.

"Let me log in, I want to be sure everything is working before I let you go," Julie said.

The combination of her warm breath on his ear and seeing her slender fingers tapping on the keyboard made Ian's cock begin to swell again. He could not help but think about where her fingers had been a few minutes earlier. He found himself counting the number of characters in her password; it was an impressive twenty-five, more than three times the requirement. Her desktop flashed onto the screen.

"If you like I can setup your email," Ian offered. He needed a few moments to convince his cock to stop embarrassing him.

"I'd appreciate that, I don't know what I would do if I didn't get some," she replied.

Ian typed in all the required information; he had memorized what Carol has written on the sheet of paper. He breathed a sigh of relief when her mailbox began to fill up. He stood up and waved her into the chair.

"Can you check to see you have all the connections you need?" Ian asked.

"Of course," she answered, sliding into the chair and attacking the keyboard.

Ian could not take his eyes off her fingers. Knowing where they had been aroused him, and soon he was thinking about what it would feel like to have them wrapped around his cock. He dared not take his fantasy any further for fear getting an erection that could not be dismissed by thinking of encryption algorithms or some other equally dry topic.

"Actually, if you don't mind I would like for you to stay for a few minutes while I push the limits on this thing, I want to make sure it doesn't fail if I play a little rough with it," Julie said as she opened several of the more advanced applications. The bar graphs that tracked the load on the CPU, memory and network usage all began to trend upward.

"Sure," Ian replied, looking for somewhere to sit so he could camouflage the bulge in his crotch.

"You can move my leathers if you want to sit down," Julie said, nodding towards a chair near the desk.

Ian looked at the chair she had indicated. Draped over it was a leather motorcycle jacket and matching leather pants. Sitting on top of the riding apparel was a full-face helmet. He recognized the outfit.

"Do you ride a BMW R1000?" Ian asked as he moved the motorcycle gear.

"Yes, a red one," she replied.

Ian knew exactly what her bike looked like. Every guy in the IT department knew what it looked like. It was frequently the topic of less than politically correct discussion. They had all wondered who the exceedingly hot woman on the equally hot bike was, but no one had been able to identify the rider.

"Have you seen it?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"Do I look hot on it?" she queried.

"Uh," Ian stuttered, unable to think of a good way to answer the question. In his head, he heard Admiral Akbar's voice 'It's a trap!'

"I was hoping for 'Hell Yes', I could wear some baggy corduroy outfit and be just as protected, but I kind of like being eye candy, don't you?" she said.

"I've never thought of myself as eye candy," Ian replied.

"It's all in the eye of the beholder. I like to think of men like beer, sometimes to find a good one you have to try a local brew that no one has heard of," Julie said. Her lips curled into a seductive grin. She had decided to skip her usual booty call list and pursue her most recent obsession.

"Do you always work the overnight shift?" She asked, closing the laptop and turning towards her guest.

"I didn't really have a choice, the intern pretty much gets what nobody else wants," he replied.

"I bet you miss having a social life," she commented.

"You don't miss what you never had," Ian said, trying to sound philosophical.

"You don't have a girlfriend?" she asked.

"No, I'm not what you would call a ladies' man," Ian answered sheepishly.

"Are you... gay?" Julie asked cautiously.

"No, I've just never, well, never hit it off that well with a woman. Trust me; it's not for lack of trying. I guess I just don't give off the 'bad boy' vibe that is all the rage," Ian said. He was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Julie.

"We don't all want bad boys, at least not all the time. I suppose I could give you some advice... First, would you go shut the door to the office? I don't want the cleaning crew or security guard to interrupt us," she said.

A voice in Ian's head told him to keep walking. He had not decided if this woman was going to give him some useful advice or if she was plotting to steal his kidney. He paused at the door, wondering what would happen if someone caught him. He had two days left, the worst that could happen would be a strongly worded letter to his college about his behavior, and that would be if Julie wanted to do more than talk. He took a deep breath and shut the door, then turned the lock.

"For starters," Julie said as Ian complied with her request, "women like compliments, especially well thought out ones. Don't just say 'nice shirt'; explain why it is nice. And we want to tell you about our interest..."

"For example?" Ian asked.

"You could have asked me about my motorcycle," she suggested.

"Okay," he replied.

"But the one thing you really need to know is women like sex just as much as men, so don't be afraid to make a move, just don't be a dick about it. You do like sex, don't you?" Julie said, taking a step towards him.

"Uh, um, I think so..." Ian stuttered.

"Would it shock you to know I've been fucked on that desk?" she teased.

Ian was stunned. It had never occurred to him that a woman like Julie could be so crude. There was no doubt that she could see he was aroused, but he wasn't sure what would happen next.

"You've never been with a woman, have you?" Julie asked, excited at the prospect of fucking another virgin.

"I, uh, I, well, you... you are correct. I'm a virgin," Ian confessed, hanging his head in shame. It wasn't for lack of trying, but somehow women always took his signals wrong and before he realized what was going on he was trapped in the friend zone.

She stepped right in front of him, "I will let you in on a little secret."

"What?" Ian asked, raising his head.

She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I love fucking virgins."

The words did not seem to go together. How could a successful, sexy woman like being with a virgin. Ian stood still, dumbfounded by her confession, wondering if she was trolling him along for some kind of cruel joke.

"Guys like virgins, what is so amazing about the tables being turned?" she asked.

"But why?" Ian replied.

"For starters virgins are usually grateful, even if my performance is not my A game. Plus I don't have to worry about some pissed off girlfriend or wife showing up, and I'm probably not going to catch anything from you... so what's not to like?" she explained.

"I guess nothing?" he said.

"See, I knew you had a brain in there somewhere. Would you like to see me naked?" she asked.

"Of course," he replied.

"Then do something about it, take off my shirt," she instructed.

With trembling fingers, Ian slowly unfastened each button on her blouse. He could see her nipples poking through the material. As he worked his way down more and more of her cleavage became visible. He was amazed at how much more aroused he was compared to watching porn or even being in a strip club. He had not even seen her tits yet and his cock already ached.

"Do you like what you see?" she cooed.

"Yea, yea," he replied.

"Well don't keep it all to yourself, remember what I said about compliments?" she pressed.

"You have spectacular breasts," Ian gushed. The way the words rolled off his tongue turned him on even more.

"I know, I love my tits. I love the way they look and I especially love the way they feel. Have you ever seen a woman play with her tits?" Julie asked.

"Just strippers," Ian replied. He wondered if that admission was a good idea.

"Strippers do a pretty good job, but I bet you will like what I do just as much. You will have to take off my bra to see what I am talking about," she teased.

Ian awkwardly put his arms around her and began feeling for the clasp.

"Silly boy, this one is a front loader," she giggled, guiding his hands to the small clasp between her full C cups.

Ian paused, and then unfastened her bra. Her breasts tumbled out. This was the first time he had seen real, live naked breasts and not had a dollar bill in his hand. She pressed his hands against her tits, snapping him out of his trance.

"You like?" she purred silkily.

"Uh huh," Ian stuttered.

"Let me give you a little demo," she said, peeling his hands off her breasts. She cupped her tits in her hands. The expression on the young man's face was delightful, a combination of surprise and awe.

"My tits are pretty sensitive, I had an orgasm once from someone just playing with them," she said has she hefted her fleshy globes. She didn't mention it was another woman that had done it, that bit of information would probably cause Ian's brain to overload.

"This feels good," she said as dragged her fingertips across the upper part of her breast. She looked at the bulge in his pants. It wasn't huge, but he looked like he was well equipped for what she wanted.

"So does this," she explained and she dug her fingers into her tits. Ian's eyes zeroed in on her breasts and she continued to toy with them. Having his undivided attention was making her wet.

"And especially this," she said and she pinched her nipples between her fingers and tugged on them. She let out a soft moan and then released her breasts and grabbed his hands. She pressed them against her tits and smiled at him. His hands were larger than hers were and probably much stronger.

"You can be a little rough, but don't give me a bruise," she warned.

Ian squeezed her breasts, trying to decide if they were real or not. His buddies had told him that fake boobs were soft for the first inch and then hard as a rock. Julie's breasts were firm, but not hard. It didn't really matter; even if they were fake, he would not have stopped what he was doing. As he watched his hands caress her tits he felt like he was having an out of body experience. He simply could not believe she was letting him play with her tits.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you one other thing. Pretty much anything that involves your mouth feels good," she said. She had considered giving him a demonstration by pulling her breast to her mouth, but figured that would probably just make him come in his pants. She had a better way to make him climax, one she would enjoy as well. He wasted no time taking her advice, covering her breasts with kisses and then clumsily licking her nipples.

"It's time for you to have some skin in the game, and I mean that quite literally. Take off your clothes and grab your dick. I want to see you stroke your cock," she said sternly.

"You want what?" Ian replied, still trying to make sense of what she said.

"I want to see your hand on your dick, if you won't do that for me then we are done," she replied.

Ian wasted no time complying with her request. Ian quickly removed his shirt. He stripped his pants and underwear off completely, fearing he would trip and fall over if he left his pants around his knees. He was a little embarrassed, but even if all she did was, stand there naked and watch, it would be worth it.

"Don't come, I will take care of that in a few minutes," she said, her eyes glued to the sight of his hand sliding up and down his erection.

"Have any of your girlfriends given you a hand job?" she asked.

"Just once, and it was more of a drunk hook up," he replied.

"And what happened?" she asked.

"I came on her sweater. She was pretty pissed off," he admitted as he slowly stroked his cock.

Making him jack off had been a spur of the moment decision, but Julie was enjoying watching him. She added one more item to the list of why she liked virgins; they would do almost anything she asked. After watching him for a minute, she lowered her arm.

"Well, that's not going to happen this time," she said, pushing his hand away and replacing it with her own. His erection was about average in size, but it was exceptionally hard. She tried to bend it to one side of the other but it felt like it was made of steel.

"How about blowjobs, have you ever had your dick sucked?" she asked.

It took a few seconds for Ian to process what she had said. "No," he responded, afraid that if he gave a more elaborate response he would not be able to concentrate on keeping his orgasm at bay.

"Well I certainly need to do something about that," she replied, slowly dropping to her knees. Julie planted a kiss on the head of his dick. When she pulled her mouth away a sticky string of pre-cum stretched between her lips and his penis. She tipped her head back so he could watch her lick it off her lips. She tried to pull his cock down so he could watch it slide into her mouth, but it would not budge from its vertical attitude. Julie decided it was just as well, the sight of her lips stretched around his erection would probably make him come even faster.

"I'm really close to coming," he said apologetically.

"That's kind of the idea, I want you to come in my mouth," she replied casually. A mouthful of cum was a price Julie was willing to pay for not having to clean cum stains out of the carpet. She also knew that when his erection returned he would last a bit longer. With the fingers of one hand, she stroked him from his perineum to his balls. With the other hand, she caressed the head of his cock, and then guided it into her mouth.

Ian had come plenty of times, but with one exception, always by his own hand. The orgasm welling up inside him was unlike any experienced solely by jacking off. Even in his wildest wet dreams, a blowjob had not been so arousing. His entire body shuddered when his cock penetrated her lips. He felt her tongue rub against the bottom of his rigid shaft as her hand stroked his throbbing erection. It was clear that Julie knew how to suck a cock; everything she did brought him closer and closer to coming.

"Oh! Fuck!" Ian groaned as he watched her head bob up and down. He tipped his head to the side, not believing that his dick was actually in her mouth until he saw it. When her head moved back, he could see the skin of his cock glisten with her saliva. He felt like he should pinch himself; that he had to be dreaming.

"Do you like the way I suck your dick?" she cooed, caressing the head of his cock in her hand.

"Ahh, yes," he groaned in reply.

"Are you going to come in my mouth?" she asked.

Ian looked down; he could not believe his eyes. She was staring up at him, her lips were less than an inch from the head of his cock, and her hand was still stroking him. He watched as a few drops of cum bubbled out of his cock. She licked the pearly fluid up, holding it on her tongue for a few second before dramatically swallowing it.

Ian tensed up, trying to delay the inescapable conclusion of what Julie has started the moment she wrapped her lips around his dick, "I'm... gonna... come," he stuttered. He relaxed, surrendering himself to the inevitable. She wrapped her lips around his cock again. Much to his surprise he did not come right away, it was almost as if his erection did not believe what was happening. For a few brief moments, he floated in a cloud of euphoria while his dick tried to figure out what to do next. Later he would conclude he had stumbled into a tantric state, achieving orgasm without ejaculating. It did not last long. Suddenly he felt his cock jerk and then it erupted, pouring cum into Julie's mouth. The thought of her swallowing intensified his climax to the point his knees felt weak. He put one hand on the desk to steady himself.

"Oh, oh, oh...fuck," Ian moaned.

Making men come was something Julie enjoyed. She especially liked it when they tried to hold back as Ian had. The fact that she could defeat their efforts to hold back made her feel powerful. She continued to suck Ian's cock until she was certain he had surrendered his last drop of cum to her. She stood up.

"Are you man enough to kiss me, or would that make you gay?" she teased.

Ian leaned forward and awkwardly kissed her on the mouth. He wasn't surprised when she thrust her tongue between his lips and he eagerly reciprocated. He wasn't sure if he could taste his own cum or not, but he knew he liked kissing her.

Julie broke the kiss, "I'm impressed, and you get points for that. Now are you ready to make me come?"

Ian looked down at his fading erection; he clearly was not going to fuck her to orgasm. Before he could speak, Julie spun him around. She sat on the desk and spread her legs apart.

"You are going to learn how to go down on me," she said, putting on hand between her legs and spreading her labia part.

Ian had seen a pussy many times before, but the view was always accompanied by music, either the cheesy soundtrack of a porno, or the booming songs at an all-nude strip club. This was the first time he had been the exclusive audience. He looked at Julie's sex. The area around it was hairless, but there was a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair just above it. Her inner lips were barely visible until she spread her outer labia apart. He watched with baited breath as she slipped one finger into her vagina. The sound it made as it disappeared from view sent a shiver down his spine.

"You can use your fingers, but I'm not into fisting. Don't get carried away," she said.

It wasn't the first time she had masturbated in front of someone, but that did not make it any less arousing. Julie knew without a doubt she had his full attention as she extracted her finger from her vagina.

"This is my clitoris," she said, letting her finger hover over the pink nub. She paused to give him time to memorize the layout of her sex. The intensity of his stare made her pussy even hotter. She gently stroked herself and let out a soft moan.

"It's not just the part you see," she said, dragging her finger over her mound, "It goes up to here, you just have to press a little bit harder to get to it."

"Can I get close?" Ian asked, not sure what the etiquette was for an office hook up.

"I'm counting on it," she replied as her finger circled her clit; "I don't like a lot of direct stimulation. It's better if you just tease me. Be gentle, no biting."

"Okay," he replied, lowering his head.

She stopped him, "I want you to start here." Julie ran her finger up her body from her pussy to her throat, leaving a shimmering trail of arousal on her skin.

Ian adjusted his course and pressed his lips against her neck. Her skin was soft and he liked her perfume. He felt Julie grab his wrists and guide his hands to her breasts. The fact that he was touching her tits was almost overwhelming

The way his hands trembled when they touched her breasts made Julie smile. She doubted he would ever forget her, or this night. Her other lovers has been more graceful, but not many had been as excited. His enthusiasm was contagious. She longed to feel his cock between her legs, but not enough to rush him through what he was doing.

When his mouth reached her breasts, Ian paused. His cock was getting harder and it ached from holding back his first orgasm. He forced thoughts of anything but Julie's tits out of his head. He wanted to concentrate on what he was doing; he wanted to burn it into his memory. The skin on her breast seemed smoother and softer than that of her neck and shoulders. Without looking, he could tell when his mouth had reached her nipples. There was a subtle difference between her areola and the rest of her breast. The sensation of his tongue against her nipple was staggering. They were hard and rough. First, he swirled his tongue around her nipple, then pinched it between his teeth. He caressed her other breast with her hand and tugged on her nipple. An approving moan escaped her lips.

The subtle act of defiance excited her, she had told him no biting, but she was willing to allow his teeth on her breast. Julie resisted the temptation to push him down, to accelerate his journey to her sex. Instead, she relaxed and watched intently as he left a trail of kisses down her body. When he finally knelt between her legs, she spread them as far apart as she could and leaned back on her arms.

Going down on a woman was something Ian had thought about a lot. He had listened to his friends describe the experience countless times, watched it endlessly on porn video and dreamed of it on several occasions. The moment his tongue pressed against her labia, he knew it was going to exceed his wildest dreams. It felt like their bodies were melting together, one warm, wet piece of flesh pressing against another. He brought his hand up to his chin and probed her sex with his fingertips.

Julie moaned loudly as Ian painted her vulva with broad strokes of his tongue. She was a little frustrated with the slow speed of his efforts, but she wasn't ready to be an active participant yet. She watched his head slowly move from side to side as he lapped at her sex. She felt one finger penetrate her body, then two. He seemed to know that three fingers would be excessive. Involuntarily her hips began to grind against his face as he began to go faster and faster.

"Oh Ian, that feels so good," she cooed. She liked the way his name rolled off her tongue.

The first time her pussy squeezed his fingers it surprised him, but he liked it. His attention was vacillated between the warm, wet depths of her pussy and the soft, slick feel of her labia against his tongue. He was careful to heed her advice and avoided an all out assault on her clit; instead, he brushed it with his lips and playfully flicked his tongue against it.

"Oh fuck yes," she moaned, "Ian; you are a natural at eating pussy."

Something about hearing a woman's voice say the word pussy made his cock ache. It was much more arousing than hearing it from a guy. Her compliment encouraged him to continue. He wanted to make her come with his mouth, just as she had done to him.

Maybe it was beginners luck, or maybe he was a natural, but Julie could feel the beginnings of an orgasm building. In a bout of impatience, she put her hand on the back of Ian's head, steering it over to just the right spot.

"Oh yes, right there. That's the spot, that's the spot that will make me come," she moaned. She let out a long moan as he took her advice to heart and focused on the spot just below her clit. While the fingers of one hand were buried to a delightful depth inside her, his other digits rested just below her pubic hair, pressing down, sandwiching her sensitive tissue between them. Even after he put his mouth exactly where she wanted it, Julie continued to rest her hand on the back of his head. She liked being in charge.

For a brief moment, Ian thought something had gone wrong. Julie began to buck her hips against his face and he could hear for gasping for breath. It was only when she spoke that he realized he should not panic.

"Oh, oh, Ian, oh, don't...stop...don't....stop" she said before her voice trailed off into a low moan. She felt hotter and wetter. Ian pushed his fingers as far into her pussy as he could, but reduced the pressure he applied with his tongue, hoping the contrast would be to her liking. Gradually her breathing and movement slowed and she slowly let her legs slide off the desk.

"I hope you are hard again, because I am ready to get fucked," she growled. Julie stood and spun Ian around then pushed him against the desk.

"Sit, sit right on the edge," she commanded.

Without hesitation, Ian did as told. This was it; he was going to have sex. He was both nervous and excited. The desk was hard and the edge dug into the back of his leg.

"Is this how you thought you would lose your virginity?" she asked with smile.

"Uh, no," Ian replied.

"I think this is better than in the back of a car, don't you?" she asked, lifting one leg onto the desk and wrapping it around hm.

"Yea, yea, much better," he said excitedly.

"So you are not saving yourself for your wedding night," she teased as she put her arms around his neck and pulled her body into his lap.

"Not at all," he replied breathlessly.

"Try not to come right away, I want to enjoy this too," she whispered in his ear. She looked over his shoulder at the lights of the city sparkling below them, and then she reached down and put her hand on his cock.

"Tell me you want to fuck me," she said as she guided his erection between her legs.

"I, I, I want to fuck you," Ian stuttered.

Even though he had already come once he could already feel his next orgasm building. Julie was looking into his eyes as she slowly sank down onto his cock. When she had impaled herself on his cock, she pulled her body tight against his, smashing her tits against his chest.

"If this is too much I can slow down," she said.

"This is perfect," Ian replied. He could feel her all around him, but his climax was just simmering.

"Good," she said, then leaned back so that her breasts were just barely touching him. Julie looked into Ian's deep blue eyes as she rocked her hips back and forth, grinding her clit against him. He was right, this was perfect... a perfect start at least. She moved her upper body just enough to feel his chest hair brush against her nipples, maintaining eye contact the entire time. She did not look away from the calm pools of blue. She expected to see lust, and there was just a bit. Mostly she saw joy. He was clearly enjoying what she was doing, and she liked doing it. Julie tightened the muscles in her belly, feeling his throbbing erection. She switched from a slow rocking motion with her hips to more of a thrust, pulling herself up and then sliding back down until his cock was completely sheathed in her vagina.

"Fucking you feels so good," she whispered under her breath, afraid if she said it aloud, he would come too soon. Julie could feel his hands resting on her ass, his fingers pressing into her skin.

"Are you ready to try something a little more active?" she asked.

It was a difficult question to answer. It was hard to imagine anything better than a beautiful woman riding up and down on his cock, but if there was something else she desired he wanted to give it to her.

"I'm game," he replied.

Julie untangled herself from Ian, and then pulled on his arms until he was standing again. She stood with her back against his chest and leaned into him, wrapping herself in his arms. For a few moments she just stood, feeling his hard body against hers, then she slowly turned them so she facing the desk. She released his arms and leaned forward.

When he turned around Ian noticed the open blinds. He recalled seeing them when he walked in, but the course of events had caused him to forget about them until now. The lights of the city only distracted him briefly from a much more attractive sight. Julie was bent over the desk, her hands resting on the leather writing pad, her ass pitched upward. She looked back at him.

"I want you to fuck me from behind," she said.

Ian grabbed his cock and guided it between her legs. When he felt her labia wrap around the tip of this dick he put his hands on her tits. Almost immediately, he felt like he was going to come. A pang of guilt distracted him; he knew there was no way he could last long enough to bring her to climax.

Once he was inside her, she removed one of his hands from her breast and placed it between her legs. She felt his fingers press down on either side of her clit as he began to slide his cock in and out of her pussy. She looked out at the lights of the city as his hips pressed against her ass. Being fucked in front of the whole city turned her on.

"Oh Julie, I'm about to come," Ian groaned. He did not want to, he wanted to pound his cock into her pussy until she had a screaming orgasm, but he knew that was impossible. The best he could hope for was a few more moments of bliss. Despite his best effort he could feel the cum leaking out of his cock.

"Not yet, just a little bit longer, just a little bit longer," she pleaded.

Ian tensed every muscle in his body, trying to delay the inevitable. He tried to think of something else, but the feeling of his cock buried deep inside her body was overwhelming. His balls felt like they were about to burst.

"I'm going to come," Ian moaned, knowing that he had lost the battle against his orgasm.

"Yes, yes, come inside me Ian, I want to feel you come inside me," Julie moaned, squeezing his throbbing erection as tightly as she could. Her wish was granted; she felt his cock jerk as it pumped thick streams of cum into her pussy.

"Don't stop, please don't stop. Fuck me harder, harder, harder," she whimpered.

Putting his hands on her hips Ian followed her command. He had already come, he had nothing to lose. He was going to fuck her until his dick was too soft to continue. His body slapped loudly against her and she grunted each time he buried his cock in her.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it. Fuck me till I come, don't stop, don't stop," she moaned. Julie wanted to come one more time and Ian ramming his cock into her was just what she needed to make it happen. Given enough time, she could will herself into an orgasm. Ian made it happen much faster. She was no longer consciously clenching his cock; rather the muscles in her belly were contracting on their own in a most delightful way.

Simple exhaustion made him stop, he simply felt too drained to continue. Ian stopped with his cock buried deep in Julie, then slowly, regretfully pulled it out. It was more rigid than he expected it to be, but very different from where it started.

Julie turned and faced her lover, "You're not a virgin any more, do you feel any different?"

"I think I do," Ian replied. Sex no longer seemed like such an impossible challenge.

"I suppose they are expecting you to return at some point, you may want to clean up a bit. You might lose geek points if you show up smelling like pussy," she said with a grin.

"It would be kind of awkward," Ian replied.

"This has to be our little secret, I don't need a line of virgins at my door every time my computer glitches," she said.

"Of course," he said, a bit disappointed that he could not brag to his friends. They probably would not believe him.

As they dressed Ian paused, "Why did you do that? I'm sure you have better waiting for you somewhere? Was that a sympathy fuck?"

"No, it wasn't." she said, not surprised by the question.

"Then why did you do it?" Ian asked.

"My first lover was an older man, and very experienced. He swept me off my feet. He was very talented, very understanding, and very kind. It was a wonderful night and I will never forget it. He didn't take my virginity; he made me want to give it to him. I never saw him again, but I think he knows I am repaying what he did for me. I know that sounds sappy, but it's true. Most of my friends were so drunk the first time they got laid, they barely remember it, or they say it was not worth remembering. I hope this is something you will want to remember. And if you ever have the chance, I hope that you will make someone else feel the way I made you feel."

"Wow," Ian mumbled.

"Would you rather I had said it was a sympathy fuck?" she asked.

"No, no, I like your answer much better. I doubt I will ever have the chance to do this for someone else, but I will remember it forever," Ian said.

"Well, just in case you need a reminder," Julie said hiking up her skirt and pulling her panties off, "why don't you keep these?" She stuffed her underwear in his pocket. "I better not see those on EBay."

Julie put her computer back on the desk, "Thanks for everything, I will remember you."

"I will never forget you," Ian said, then turned and walked out the door.

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