
Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Emergence of Emily - Chapter 01

By talk_tome© From

Emily glanced at the round, freckled face in the mirror. Beautiful? No way! Pretty? Nah. Cute? Yeah. Definitely cute, and that was fine with her. She could live with cute. She finished drying her legs, turned her back to the mirror, and stood on her toes flexing her young firm calves.

"Nice butt, girl," she commented to the Emily in the mirror as she looked over her shoulder.

The summer between junior and senior years had been her major development period. As little as seven months ago she was a flat chested, freckle faced, shapeless little girl. Over the summer, things started to settle in the right places. Her tits were still small, but maturity had emerged in her face, and her butt and legs took the shape of a young woman's. She was petite at 5'2" and barely 100 pounds, but six weeks after her eighteenth birthday there was no longer any doubt...she was all woman.

She wrapped herself up in the towel, and ran a comb through her long, light brown hair. It naturally fell to each side with a perfect center part. She had worn her hair that way forever, and it pretty much combed itself. Taking one last glance in the mirror, she left the bathroom and walked down the short hall to her room.

Opening the second drawer of her dresser, she thumbed through the pile until she found the pink satin bikini panties. She let the towel drop to the floor, and slid the panties on. She liked the way they felt. Besides, Sara had commented once that Emily looked sexy in them. A casual comment from Sara, but Emily remembered it.

She picked a pair of pink socks out of the drawer, closed it, and sat on the end of her bed. As she put the socks on she thought about Sara. They had become friends in third grade, nine years ago, and now were truly best friends. They did everything together. Each monthly "sleep-over" usually resulted in hours of private conversation about school, teachers, family, music, and boys. Most importantly, they confided in each other, trusted each other completely, and shared their most intimate thoughts and teenage insecurities.

Lately their conversations always seemed to work their way around to sex. They were both still virgins, and planned to stay that way for the immediate future. In the middle class suburb where they lived, good girls still didn't. Both had only been kissed, seriously kissed, by boys a few times, and their sexual experience was almost nonexistent. Jake Reid had slid his hands down to Emily's butt once during a slow dance at homecoming. She politely but firmly lifted his hands up to her back and smiled at him. Sara was much more experienced since Eric Landenberg had actually felt her tits once. He really only brushed his hand across her chest, but Sara insisted that it qualified as being felt up, so Emily didn't argue. They had sex education in grade school and high school, and Emily's mom was very open-minded about talking to her about sex. The Internet was an endless source of sexual material. Most of it was just pornographic, and a lot of it was nonsense, but if you searched long enough, as Emily had, some legitimately helpful information could be found. But all of that stuff centered on the mechanics of sex along with the dangers and appropriate safeguards. None of it could adequately describe to Emily what sex FELT like. So that is what dominated her recent intimate conversations with Sara. They spent hours speculating on what boys looked like, felt like, and tasted like. They openly admitted that they masturbated, and freely discussed what made them feel good, and what their orgasms felt like. Emily even approached the subject of girl-to-girl sex when she commented that the idea of two guys together seemed rather disgusting, but two girls together didn't really bother her. Sara steered clear of that one mumbling something under her breath that Emily thought was, "Me too," and changing the subject, but it was the look on Sara's face that struck Emily. That's why Emily had decided to go ahead with her plan tonight.

Emily had wiggled her way into a pair of tight blue jeans and pulled one of her pink sweatshirts over her head. There was no need for a bra since what she had didn't require much support, although her mother made her wear one whenever she left the house. She ran her fingers through her hair removing a few tangles, then bounded out of her room, bounced down stairs and charged into the kitchen where her mother was finishing the dinner dishes.

"Where's the rest of the herd?" quipped Mrs. Harrison in reference to Emily's grand entrance.

"Just li'l ol' me," chirped Emily, "Sara here yet?"


With that Emily went into the family room, flopped down on the futon, tucked her legs under her, clicked the T.V. on, and pressed 70. CMTV was playing the country top 20. She looked up at the clock to see that it was almost 7:00. Sara would be here any minute. A sudden wave of panic came over her. What if Sara thought she was a freaky lesbian dyke? Emily knew she wasn't a lesbian. There was no denying her interest in boys. At most, maybe she was bisexual, but she really doubted that. She just wanted to experience some things, but she wasn't ready to do it with boys just yet. So who better to experiment with than her best friend? Emily took a deep breath and told herself to calm down. This is Sara. She can trust Sara. Besides, she told herself, if Sara freaks at the suggestion, Emily could just laugh it off and say she was only kidding. Sara would know the truth, but Emily felt she could avoid any permanent damage to their friendship.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Sara walking up the driveway. As Sara got to the door, Emily took another deep breath, and motioned for Sara to come in. Sara was truly a pretty girl. She had turned eighteen a month before Emily, but unlike Emily there was no metamorphosis in Sara. She had always been pretty. She was 5'6" and about 120 pounds, and every ounce was properly placed. Emily knew that Sara's chest was 34, not especially huge, but she was already a C-cup, and not done yet. Her shoulder length, naturally blonde, naturally wavy hair framed what Emily's mom called Sara's "angel face." Her complexion was unblemished, her nose slightly turned up, her lips formed the classic "kiss" shape, and her eyes were a shade of deep blue that Emily had never seen anywhere else. As if that weren't enough, Sara topped it all off with that smile of hers. That dimpled, irresistible smile. Sara was a legitimate head-turner. Emily often joked that the nurse's office at school was barraged with a rash of whiplash injuries whenever Sara walked down the hall. Sara would respond that maybe the guys were watching Emily. "Yeah, right," Emily would answer sarcastically, although she knew that her new shapeliness had not gone unnoticed among the guys at school. She could feel their eyes on her backside occasionally, and she was flattered.

Sara closed the door behind her, set her small overnight bag down, tossed her coat into a chair, and kicked her shoes off. Emily noticed immediately that something was different. Her hair. Sara had obviously spent a little extra time with the waves in her hair. Her eyes. Emily never wore makeup since her face broke out in little white zits whenever she did, and Sara rarely wore makeup because she just didn't need it, but today she had given her eyes a little depth and added some length to her lashes, making her even more striking. As Sara approached the futon, Emily detected another difference. The faint, unmistakable scent of Sara's White Roses, which was normally reserved for special occasions. Emily doubted that anyone else would have noticed the subtleties, but they were obvious to her. She thought it a little odd that Sara would make the extra effort with her appearance just to spend the night at Emily's house. Odd and encouraging.

"Do you believe Courtney?" gushed Sara before her rear end even hit the futon. Sara definitely had the gift of gab. Conversation flowed much easier for her than for Emily. "Good thing Jackie pulled her off or she woulda kicked Derek's ass," she continued.

"Just who would have done what to whom?" asked Emily's mother in her best "I'm angry" voice as she delivered Coke's and a bowl of popcorn for the girls.

"Sorry Mrs. Harrison," Sara blushed at getting caught.

"What's this all about?" Mrs. Harrison persisted.

Emily knew her mother was more curious than angry. She sat back and relaxed, certain that Sara would take advantage of the opportunity to provide a detailed and in-depth explanation of the incident.

"Courtney Miller, this girl in our school, well, she was wearing this sweater all day today but on the bus ride home, she pulled the sweater off. She had this really low cut t-shirt on underneath and she's...well...y'know...a pretty healthy girl.," Sara began.

Emily thought she detected a hint of redness in her mom's face as she responded, "I understand, Sara."

"Anyway, Derek Anderson started givin' Courtney a hard time about being loose and easy and stuff. They went back and forth for a while until Derek started callin Courtney a sleazy slut. He just kept sayin' it over and over until she jumped on him and started punchin' him. The bus driver had to pull over and drag Courtney off him or she really woulda beat his...butt."

"Well, I certainly hope you girls stay away from that sort of thing," Mrs. Harrison warned as she turned to leave the room.

"We know," choired Emily and Sara to Mrs. Harrison's back.

Mrs. Harrison just waved a hand as she left the room. Emily and Sara were never a problem, and she realized that her admonition was unnecessary.

For the next three hours Emily and Sara chatted about the week's events at school, got a little misty-eyed over a Lifetime movie about a woman with breast cancer, joined in a teen chat room on the Internet where the discussion centered around whether or not parents had the right to ground teenagers over sixteen, reviewed and revised their mental list of "hot hunks" at school, and finally settled down to a Brady Bunch rerun. It was corny, but they enjoyed it.

A little after 10:00, Emily's eleven-year-old brother, Ben, came in and announced that he was going to bed. He walked over and gave Emily a hug and she kissed him on the cheek.

"Good night Ben."

"Night Emmie"

Ben was the only one allowed to call her Emmie. In fact she didn't even like it very much when people called her Em. She would usually politely request that they please call her Emily. But when Ben was first learning to talk, "Emmie" was the closest he could come to saying "Emily," and it had stuck as his special name for her. He usually only used it when he wanted to let her know that he loved her.

Sara held out her open arms and Ben leaned in.

"Night Sara."

"Good night Ben."

As Ben started to leave the room, Sara whispered, "He's so cute."

"You're not bad either, Sara," Ben shot back. "For a girl."

Emily and Sara just giggled. Emily honestly loved Ben. She remembered how thrilled she was when her mother told her she was pregnant. The seven-year age difference meant that Emily could really help take care of Baby Ben. She didn't do diapers, but she did help with his potty training. She loved holding him and feeding him his bottle, and when he refused to eat his strained carrots, or whatever the vegetable of the day was, Mrs. Harrison would call on Emily. Emily could always get him to eat. She had taught him to hit a baseball, and to ride his bike without training wheels. She held his sweaty, trembling hand as they walked up the sidewalk behind Mrs. Harrison to his first day of school. Emily adored him.

"Good night girls." Mr. Harrison was standing in the doorway.

"Good night Mr. Harrison."

"Good night Dad."

When Mr. Harrison remained standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips, the girls got the message. Emily walked over to the doorway, hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Night Dad. Love you."

"I love you Honey. Good night."

"Night Mr. Harrison," Sara followed with a hug.

"Good night Sara."

As Mr. Harrison walked down the hall to his bedroom, Sara remarked, as she had so often, how sweet she thought it was that Emily's family was so "huggy," and how pleased she was that they included her.

"Whether you like it or not, they consider you part of the family," Emily reminded her.

"Wanna go to my room?" Emily asked.


Emily and Sara walked down the hall to the small bedroom Mrs. Harrison used as her home office. She was a full Professor of Mathematics at State University, and a dedicated educator. She spent most evenings grading papers and reviewing and revising lesson plans. Emily often lamented that it was a real pain being the daughter of a math professor since she had to take college level Analytical Geometry while other kids took "Algebra for Idiots" as she called it. She could handle the advanced courses, and seldom required her mother's assistance, but they were difficult. It had been obvious very early in Emily's schooling that her small stature and breast size weren't the only things she inherited from her mother.

"We're goin' to my room, Mom." She hugged her mother, and her mother kissed her on the cheek. "Good night. Love you."

"Good night, Baby. I love you."

"Night Mrs. Harrison," Sara said with a hug.

"Good night Sara. Don't be up gabbing too long girls."

"We won't," they giggled as they turned and left the room.

The girls went upstairs, walked into Emily's room and Emily closed and locked the door behind them. Her family respected her room and her privacy, but she locked the door anyway. She always did, so Sara thought nothing of it. Sara opened her overnight bag, pulling out her " sleep shirt." Both girls slept in panties and long t-shirts they called "sleep shirts." Emily pulled hers out of her dresser and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Emily and Sara had seen each other naked hundreds of times over the years in gym class, soccer, at the beach and at their sleep-overs, so they thought nothing of undressing in front of each other. As Emily struggled to get her tight jeans off, Sara pulled her sweater over her head, opened her jeans, slid them off, and unhooked and removed her bra. Emily finally got her jeans off, pulling her pink satin bikini panties down in the process, and exposing her butt.

"Ooooooohhhhhh Wooooooooooo," whistled Sara, "cute ass, sister."

Emily stuck her rear end in Sara's direction and shook it, then pulled her panties back up.

"And you're wearing those sexy pink panties. Is that just for my benefit?" Sara asked playfully.

"Why of course darling," Emily deadpanned, "I know how much you love me in them."

Both girls giggled as Emily pulled her sweatshirt off and they both slipped the "sleep shirts" over their heads.

Emily pulled the comforter and sheet down from the bed and slid over to the left side. She sat with her legs folded in front of her and her head resting against the headboard. Sara propped her pillow against the headboard and stretched out next to Emily. The wave of panic hit Emily again when she realized that this was it. This was the time she had been waiting for. Even though she had rehearsed it a thousand times in her head, she was suddenly unable to remember what she was going to say. She was searching her brain trying to find the words she had rehearsed when Sara bailed her out.

"Do you really think Courtney is a slut?" asked Sara.

Emily thought for a second. "No, I doubt it. I mean I don't really know her, but I've talked to her a few times, and she seems nice. I really think that sweater was just itchy, and she didn't really realize how much the shirt revealed."

"Derek is a jerk," observed Sara.

"He probably really just wants to get into Courtney's pants," Emily responded, " I bet he went home and jacked off thinking about her tits."

"I bet what Courtney said is true. He probably is a little prick," giggled Sara.

Emily joined in Sara's giggles.

"I bet Ricky Mendoza has a big one," Sara said dreamily. Ricky Mendoza was first on the hot list. "Do you think it really matters how big a guy is?" she wondered.

"I don't know, but from some of the pictures I've seen on the Internet, I better be looking for a 'little prick,' 'cause there's no way I'd let those guys put those elephant trunks inside me," Emily lamented, and Sara chuckled again.

"Sometimes when I play with myself I think about Ricky," Sara said matter-of -factly.

"I usually don't fantasize about guys or anything when I do it, I just enjoy the feeling," Emily responded.

"I do that too most of the time, but sometimes I think about a guy like Ricky."

It was coming back to Emily now. This was the opportunity she was looking for. She had thought about swearing Sara to secrecy before suggesting anything, but she decided that was unnecessary, and would probably insult Sara, so she decided to just say it.

"Do you want to, Sara?" she asked staring straight ahead at the far wall.

Sara looked over at Emily. "Huh?"

"You know. Masturbate."

Sara turned her head back and looked straight up at the ceiling. "Now?"





"Uh Huh," Emily held her breath.

Sara stared at the ceiling speechless for what seemed to Emily to be an eternity, though it was just a few seconds. Emily was about to go to Plan B and laugh it off as just a joke when Sara turned to her and beamed her best killer smile saying, "Sure. I think that would be fun."

Emily let out a whoosh of breath as an ear-to-ear grin washed over her face, and her green eyes literally sparkled. "Really?"

"Sure. It'll be fun."

Emily stretched out her legs and laid flat on the bed. She pulled her shirt up past her waist, and hooked her thumbs in her panties. She lifted her butt and slid her panties down past her knees. Raising her knees, her panties fell to her ankles. She pulled her right foot out, dangled her left foot off the side of the bed, shook her panties to the floor, and stretched her legs back out on the bed.

She began massaging her pubic area above her pussy with her left hand. Her pussy was not extremely hairy. The hair was a darker brown and coarser than the hair on her head, and formed a small triangle around her outer lips, which were somewhat puffy. Feeling her vaginal lubrication beginning to flow, she parted her outer lips with her middle finger. Her inner lips were fairly small and pinkish in color. She ran her finger around the outside of her inner lips several times. She liked to start slowly, savoring every second of the fantastic feeling. Sliding her finger into her vaginal opening, she explored her vaginal walls. She always loved how firm but soft they were.

Glancing over, Emily saw that Sara was slowly sliding the middle finger of her right hand in and out of her pussy. Emily had noted on many occasions that Sara's pussy was even less hairy than Emily's, a small oval shaped band of light brown hair circling it.

Emily also noticed that Sara's eyes were firmly fixed on what Emily was doing to herself. Emily moved her finger up and found her small, hooded clit. It usually required several minutes of direct stimulation for Emily to cum, but she felt it beginning to swell already. She knew that in a few minutes, it would pop out from under its protective hood, ant that would be the sign to Emily that her orgasm was not far behind.

Emily watched as Sara slid a second finger into her vaginal opening, fingering herself faster and deeper now. The two girls watched each other for a minute or so, when Emily found the courage, or maybe it was desire, to proceed to the next step.

She turned on her side a little, and put her hand on Sara's left thigh. Sara watched, but made no effort to stop Emily, so Emily began gently rubbing Sara's leg. She liked the warm feeling of Sara's soft smooth skin. Sara moved her own hand away from her pussy and opened her legs a little more, obviously inviting Emily to continue. Emily moved down on the bed a little to a position where she could see as she slid her finger inside Sara. Sara's outer lips were somewhat smaller than Emily's, but her inner lips were a little bigger, shaped like little wings, and more brownish in color than Emily's.

Emily slid her middle finger in as far as she could and felt the wet warmth of Sara's lubrication. She began moving her finger around, exploring Sara's vaginal walls, and thought that Sara's were a little softer than her own, and Sara's opening a little bigger.

After a minute or so, Emily slid a second finger as deep inside Sara as she could, producing a barely audible, "Oooooooooooohohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Emily slowly began sliding both fingers in and out of Sara, and Sara whispered softly, "That feels good, Honey."

Emily slowly removed her fingers from Sara, turned her hand around so her palm faced up, slid the two fingers back inside Sara, hooked them a little and started stroking again.

"Oh yeah Emily," Sara closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.

Emily continued stroking Sara that way and began to kiss Sara's inner thigh. She kissed and licked her way up until her tongue found the soft area around Sara's pussy. As her tongue hit that spot, Sara shuddered a little and a low "Ugh" sound came from her mouth. Emily wasn't sure if the reaction was from pleasure or a sign that Emily shouldn't go any farther, so she asked.

"Can I?"

With her eyes still closed, and still biting her lower lip, Sara nodded yes and opened her legs a little more.

Emily moved between Sara's legs, enjoying the sweet scent of Sara's pussy as she lowered her head. She parted Sara's outer lips with her tongue, and circled her inner lips several times producing another, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyeeeeeeessssssssssss."

She slid her tongue as far into Sara as she could and began fucking Sara with her tongue, sliding it part of the way out, then back in as far as she could over and over. Sara started to slowly rotate her hips in rhythm with Emily's tongue.

Emily then moved her tongue up Sara's slit, easily finding her prominent clit. Remembering that Sara had described it as "deadly sensitive," Emily avoided licking it directly, circling it with her tongue instead.

"Wow Emily," was Sara's response. She lifted her knees to her chest giving Emily easier access. Emily moved her hand between Sara's raised legs and slid the two fingers into her again. She continued to circle Sara's clit with her tongue as she began sliding her fingers in and out.

Sara began raising and lowering her hips. Their movements were a little awkward at first, but they soon found a rhythm, and Emily's tongue, her fingers, and Sara's hips were moving in unison. Sara was breathing in short, quick breaths, and a guttural, "Ohhhhh...Ohhhhhhh...Ohhhhhhhh," kept time with their movements.

"Feels so good, honey," she gasped, and lowered her legs, her feet flat on the bed now, knees pointing to the ceiling.

Emily felt Sara's clit begin to swell. Sara arched her back a little, and the walls of her pussy began to tighten around Emily's fingers. Sara's breathing became more erratic as she panted, "I'm... gonna... honey."

Emily continued circling Sara's clit with her tongue, her fingers now stroking Sara in slow deep strokes. Sara's pussy tightened a little more, and Emily felt Sara's stomach and thigh muscles tense. Sara's back arched off the bed a little more, and the sound coming from between her clenched teeth was a steady, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN." Sara reached down, took hold of Emily's hands and squeezed. Sara opened her mouth and the sound that came out was now a series of short, "Unh...Unh...Unh." The tension in Sara's muscles seemed to spread throughout her body, and for several seconds, Emily felt a number of short contractions in Sara's pussy.

The contractions in Sara's pussy soon began to slow, and the tenseness in her muscles subsided. Emily removed her tongue from Sara's clit knowing that it would be uncomfortable now. She continued to slowly stroke Sara's pussy with her fingers, bringing her down from the pleasure high she had just experienced.

Emily moved up on the bed, lying next to Sara again. Both girls labored to catch their breath from the excitement of Sara's orgasm.

"Ohmygod, Emily," Sara was finally able to say. When Sara looked over, Emily had a huge grin on her face. "You sure look pleased with yourself," Sara teased.

"That was sooooo awesome, Sara! I've never made anyone else cum before."

The girls looked at each other and started to giggle.

Sara turned on her side and propped herself up on her elbow. She lifted her hand to Emily's cheek, lowered her head, and softly touched her lips to Emily's. The kiss surprised Emily a little, but what really amazed her was how much she liked it.

Sara moved her hand down to Emily's waist and lifted her shirt up over her breasts. Emily raised herself up allowing Sara to remove the shirt. Emily thought she detected a look of anguish on Sara's face, and Sara's hands seemed to be trembling.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Sara," Emily whispered.

"I really do want to, honey. That's what scares me a little."

Emily rose up from the bed and brushed her lips against Sara's, then outlined Sara's lips with her tongue.

The look of anguish on Sara's face melted into a look of resignation. Sara kissed Emily again, a long soft kiss. Emily opened her mouth inviting Sara in, and when their tongues met, the sensation sent a charge throughout Emily's body. They explored each other's mouths and tongues until Sara began kissing and licking Emily's cheek. Sara flicked her tongue around Emily's ear then whispered, "I want to make you cum."

"Uuuuummmmmmmm Yeaaahhhhhhhhh," is all Emily could manage.

Sara kissed, licked and sucked on Emily's neck, and continued down Emily's chest. She kissed, licked and sucked Emily's left tit while she squeezed Emily's right tit with her hand. Emily's nipples were small and pointy normally, but now, after all this stimulation, they were tensed, hard and extremely sensitive. Sara began to pull on Emily's left nipple with her teeth. It hurt a little, but it sent a pleasant chill through her body.

Sara lingered a long time with Emily's tits, alternating between sucking the left while squeezing, pinching and pulling the right with her hand, then sucking the right while squeezing, pinching and pulling the left. That was fine with Emily since she was totally engulfed in the wonderful sensations Sara was causing.

Finally Sara began to kiss her way down Emily's chest and stomach. Emily was extremely ticklish, so when Sara kissed her stomach, Emily's whole body jerked, and the girls both giggled. Then Sara continued down to Emily's thigh, and Emily discovered that she loved having her legs kissed. Sara made her way down Emily's left thigh, then her calf, then down to her ankle, then over to Emily's right calf, finally working her way up Emily's right thigh. Sara's lips, tongue and breath on her legs sent a warm feeling washing over Emily's body.

"That feels goooooooooodddddd," Emily moaned.

Sara moved between Emily's legs and outlined Emily's outer pussy lips with her tongue, then parted Emily's outer lips and outlined her inner lips with her tongue several times causing another soft moan from Emily. When Sara's tongue began exploring Emily's vaginal opening, Emily shuddered with pleasure. Sara's explorations soon led her to Emily's small clit, and when Sara began massaging it with her tongue, Emily felt it pop out from under its protective hood causing her to squirm with delight.

Sara slid her hands under Emily's legs, placing one hand on each hip. She continued massaging Emily's clit, more rapidly now. The tingling sensations spread throughout Emily's body, and she knew she was going to cum soon. Her clit began to throb, and the walls of her pussy started to tighten. Her breathing became labored as she gasped, "Ohhhhhhhhh Saraaaaaaaaaa sooooooooooo goooooooooddddd." Emily felt like every nerve in her body was exposed and being stimulated by Sara's tongue. She felt her stomach muscles tighten and her legs began to thrash around on the bed. For a minute, Sara could only hang on for the ride. Then Emily's legs stiffened. Her clit felt like it was going to explode, and every muscle in her body tensed. She grasped the bed sheet in both hands, her back arched off the bed, and she opened her mouth as if to scream but no sound came out. She remained in that position for several seconds feeling as if she had no control over her body. Her pussy contracted several times, rapidly at first. Finally the contractions slowed, and the tremendous rush of stimulation began to subside. Her muscles relaxed slowly and she relaxed her grip on the bed sheet. For a minute or two she had no feeling in her legs, then they felt like they were made of Jell-o. Sara was now softly kissing her thigh, and Emily was desperately trying to catch her breath.

Sara kissed her way back up Emily's body and lay next to Emily, and the girls lay quietly for a minute.

"Are you OK, Emily?" Sara finally laughed.

Emily was finally able to gasp, "Holy shit, Sara. It never feels that good when I do it myself."

They looked at each other and grinned, then retrieved their panties from the floor and put them back on. Emily pulled her "sleep shirt" over her head again, and the girls lay back on the bed gazing at the ceiling.

"I sure liked that, Emily."

"Me too, Sara."

"Does this mean we're...queer?"

"No, Sara, I don't think so. You still want Ricky Mendoza to fuck you, don't you?"


"Then we're not queer, Sara, just curious."

After a long silent pause, Sara whispered, "Emily?"

"Yes Sara."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Sara."

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